How to get Tim Tebow back into the league as a starter.

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Might have had something to do with the fact that more often than not they just ran the ball straight up the gut into the teeth of the defense. Like I've pointed out and you've ignored 100 times before. Certainly way more than Tebow did the zone read.

    Are you seriously making the statement, by the way, that the zone read ran by the Broncos last year under Tebow wasn't effective? Took an awful rushing team to the #1 rushing team in the league. You figure that's because McGahee just started feeling 10 years younger all of a sudden?

    And, actually, I'm still waiting for you to give me a good answer on why their scoring dropped off compared to Tebow's starts in 2010. So far, you're batting 0% on that count. Oh, and one more thing, they had a better 3rd down conversion % in Tebow's 2010 starts, also, you know, when he threw the ball 25% more per game than in his 2011 starts? How can that be if he is such an awful thrower and bad QB?

    You have really married yourself to the completion % and 3rd down efficiency stats, so I guess you have to play out the string, but you are looking more and more ridiculous in doing so, seeing as there are stats WAY more correlative to wins than either of those.

    2012 NFL 3rd down conversion rankings

    #4 - Saints
    #5 - Cowboys
    #6 - Panthers
    #8 - Lions
    #10 - Steelers

    In case you're counting, that's half the top 10 teams with the best 3rd down conversion % that didn't even make the play-offs this year.

    #17 - Texans
    #19 - Vikings
    #20 - Ravens
    #24 - Redskins
    #25 - Niners

    So class, let's review: The 2 teams in the Super Bowl this year were ranked #20 and #25 in 3rd down conversion % this year. In both games this weekend, the winning team had the worse 3rd down conversion %. Correlate that.

    Kaepernick/Niners 3rd down conversion % against the Falcons on Sunday - 33% = going to the Super Bowl.

    Tebow/Broncos 3rd down conversion % in Tebow's 3 starts in 2010 (when he was throwing the ball 25% more than in 2011) - 32% = worst QB in the history of the NFL.


  2. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    That also means if the media media calls where ever he goes it a QB competition when it not. He MUST come out and say he here as the backup.
  3. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I didn't ignore it. I know they rushed up the gut too much. There is no disagreement there. You just think it was because the coaches were stupid. I think it is because the QB couldn't throw worth a shit and they had little choice. THAT is where the disagreement is.

    Yes, I'm saying it wasn't effective. The reason they racked up enough yardage to finish #1 is because they stubbornly stuck with it. If you run the ball 65% of the time, having about 50 more running plays than everyone else, you're simply going to get more yards than some of those other pass happy teams that run it 30% of the time.

    Doesn't make it good, just made them a one trick pony.

    but it wasn't an effective offense. They kept getting forced to punt, and the rest of the offense still ranked around #25, and near the bottom and scoring. Admit it or not, that is a REAL problem unless a defense is stepping up. Especially when you want to make the QB of said offense the hero of the season.

    Already explained. go back and read. Teams didn't know what to make of him, and many of them packed it in for the end of the season with nothing to play for. I wouldn't blame the 2011 season on Fox being conservative. Check out the first 5 games when Orton was under center, they threw the ball a LOT more. Check it out.

    The real question is why they cut down on passing significantly after the switch and went to the run option. The answer can easily be found in the Miami and Detroit game if you watched those.

    Here ya go. You liked the blooper from Sanchez, right? Here's a blooper reel also known as the Detroit game.


    A quarterback who CAN'T throw worth a shit is WORTHLESS!!!! Get with the program, man!!
    #63 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
  4. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    5th career start against a 4 year player...sounds like a legit comparison :rolleyes:

    You are better than this...
  5. Realistic Jets Fan

    Jan 2, 2013
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    Probably better than Teblows as an NFL QB too..

    Although you can say that about just about 90% of the male population of the USA between the age of 21 and 31
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He wanted to know why they called less passes....

    I submit to you, EXHIBIT A.

    Most of the Miami game was just as bad, maybe worse. Officially there were 27 pass attempts in the Miami game, where he completed 13. That doesn't count his 9 rushing attempts. I think there were 2 of them where it looked like that might have been the call from the get-go. Even if I give Tebow the benefit of the doubt and say more than half were called runs and say it was 5 out of the 9, That puts it at 31 pass attempts. Sounds pretty normal to me.

    Then I also have John Fox backing up my theory that they called less because of his passing skills, or the lack thereof.

    ---Sometime after Denver’s blowout loss to the Lions, Broncos coach John Fox had an epiphany

    “We decided if Tim [Tebow] is going to be our guy, we can’t do that other crap,” told Jeff Darlington of “We had to tweak it.”

    And by that other crap, he means run anything approaching a conventional NFL offense. You know, one that includes completing a few passes.

    ...and from there, we saw his pass attempts severely limited and went to a VERY run heavy offense. It even worked for a time when teams weren't prepared for it, but his last 5 games had him playing some of his worst ball that he's played in his short career. Why? Because teams had some tape on him and figured out what Fox knew to begin with when he went to the run heavy offense. That being that Tebow really struggled in the passing game. they started stacking 8 or 9 in the box, took away his legs, and his production with passing AND running shrank. It was obvious to any Broncos executive that he wasn't going to cut it. Jets figured that out even sooner, though they didn't have three high picks invested in trading up to get Tebow in the first round. (Which was stupid, cuz he likely would have still been there in the third.)

    They had to do something. They couldn't really go back to Orton. He quit on the team and was knocked down to practice squad and ultimately released. Brady Quinn kinda scared the coaching staff too. So they wre pretty much stuck with giving Tebow his trial run to see their first rounder. ...and watched the defense carry him. And you wonder why they dealt him at first opportunity.
    #66 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    If you have not noticed I really do not debate Tebow anymore.

    I think the debate is done....which personally I find both sad and unfortunate. ...that being said, Tebow is no where near as bad as you constantly make him out to be.
  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He went from a first round pick... a pick that was traded up to for a couple of second rounders and a third rounder... came in with high hopes...

    Got dealt after 2 seasons for a 4th rounder... (and a 6th I believe)

    Got moved to mostly gimmick packages and special teams...

    Passed over for a third stringer when the starter averaged about 3 interceptions per game...

    About to get booted from second team (for nothing) and no clear cut destination in the NFL, some suggest he might not even be in the CFL...

    Did all that by the end of his THIRD season when he's still a young buck...

    Yeah, CLEARLY he's a star in the making. How do I have it pegged so wrong?
  9. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    He will go down as the greatest Arena Football League player of all time.
  10. icicle1906

    icicle1906 New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Ok, I don't get it. Why do you keep posting in this forum? What are you looking for? You don't think Tebow is a good QB. Right now the rest of the NFL doesn't think so either. Go pound your chest and say I told you so all you want but the people in this forum won't change their opinion about him. You know what? Who cares if they don't. Just be happy that it looks like you were right all along and leave it alone. Go party somewhere with Merril Hodge and Stephen A. Smith that the NFL seems to hate Tebow just as much as you do. In the meantime, why continue to post here if you've already proven your point because you are wasting your time.
  11. icicle1906

    icicle1906 New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    I can show you three times as many Gabbert videos but yet the Jags still say he has "potential" Tebow is hated on because of the media attention which is ultimately driven behind Tebow and his faith. That is why you are wasting your time over and over again just to prove a point. Why not how Gabbert sucks? Oh yea that is right, the spread optoin will never work in the NFL and Gabbert has a "good" throwing motion. Just turn your head the other way when Kaep plays qb because they run the pistol/read option. Oh yea and Kaep has just as big of a loop in his throw as Tebow does. If you don't believe me, go back and watch in slow motion. He throws it like a baseball just like Tebow does. The difference is his coach believes in him, calls plays that he will succeed in, he is "accurate" (partly because they don't ask him to be Tom Brady), exciting and has a quick release (despite his big looping motion). So keep thinking that the NFL qb position isn't changing before our eyes and the Peyton Manning's of the world are here to stay. The NFL is moving on and the spread option is going to start to...well..spread.
  12. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    It might also have something to do with the fact that Tebow had the 7th best yards per attempt in the league last year, including every running back on every team. You don't think that average was attained purely from Tebow running up the gut again and again, do you? Sounds pretty effective to me.

    Will you be informing the league, or should I, that all late season stats aquired while playing against non-play-off teams will no longer count, and the ones already on the book will be expunged from history?


    Yep, Orton threw more, he certainly wasn't a threat to run, but he threw less than he did under McDaniels.
  13. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Honestly, I'm sick and tired of him saying, "I'm working hard" or "I'm a better QB" he needs to prove it on the practice field or a try out. It's put up or shut up.
  14. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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  15. Diddy

    Diddy Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
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    That was some pretty epic music. Seeing Ryan Leaf and Jawalurus play was MUCH worse that what shown here.
  16. icicle1906

    icicle1906 New Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Yea, I still say the butt fumble has to be the worst play I've ever seen by any qb ever (that includes NFL, CFL, AFL, College, Highschool, Flag Football, two hand touch and Powder puff)!
  17. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    i agree...

    he's worse.
  18. Realistic Jets Fan

    Jan 2, 2013
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    the sooner the Jets get him the F out of here, the better
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I tell you what...

    You continue to do whatever you want, and I'll continue to do what I want. Deal?

    I think I will take up that party with Merril Hoge and company. ...and you can have your pity party with Skip Bayless whining about what might have been, if only.....
  20. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Who cares about Gabbert? Dude was just one other high draft pick that is looking to be a bust and he's being treated accordingly. Pretty much written off and ignored.

    Tebow fits the same category, but has the benefit of legions of fans trying to make the case Tebow himself is unable to. Nobody is shedding a tear for Gabbert. But you'd think a national tragedy is occurring now that most of the league seems to have a similar attitude toward Tebow.

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