I saw that play and don't thing it was on Sanchez. Mark threw to his best WR, the ball was high where only his guy could grab it. The thing is, he bobbled the catch and it bounced to defender. It was a tight coverage and I didn't see if Sanchez had better options though.
Sanchez actually played well... and they should have been running clock at that point playing for the GWFG.. These HC's keep outsmarting themselves.. oan, Austin looked CLUELESS at times out there.
When you let your best WR walk and the guy you draft in the first round hasn't been able to do shit, you end up throwing to Miles Austin.
You apparently did not see the play or have no idea of what double or triple coverage is. There's also the possibility you hate the guy so much it makes you imagine things.
Have nfl sunday ticket and was watching the game. Saw 3 dolphins and 1 eagle in the area where ball was thrown--to me that is triple coverage. Plus, you ignore the whole point of the thread (which was not started by me)--when you are down by a point, on the other teams 10 yard line (in field goal range) and 4 minutes left in the game, ball security is top priority. Sanchez tried to force it in there when the Eagles should have ran the ball or Mark should have thrown it away, pure and simple. No big deal, it only cost them the game. I'm amused by your comment that anyone who points out Sanchez's foolish decision with the game on the line must "hate" him which leads one to "imagine" things. I don't think the Eagles are "imagining" that they lost the game.
I gave 3 options. You established that you saw the game and you don't hate him so that leaves option 2 "you have no idea of what double or triple coverage is".
I already answered that in my previous post--nice try. Feel free to respond again if you want. I don't take this stuff personal--you can have the last word.
Yeah you said "saw 3 dolphins and 1 eagle in the area where ball was thrown--to me that is triple coverage", clearly expressing that you have your own definition of triple coverage. There were not 3 defenders covering Austin, just one Jones, who is a safety. It wasn't even zone coverage; it was man on man. WR one on one against a safety is a favorable match up for any offense. Jones never crossed the face of Austin; he INT'd the ball BEHIND Austin after it wiz'd passed Austin. One can question the decision to call a pass play given the down, distance and time of the game, the WR's route and/or the quality of the pass itself (you want to throw the ball low and more towards the body that close to the goal line). However, saying Sanchez threw into triple coverage displays a lack of football acumen.
Besides Jones the closest to Austin was Kelvin Sheppard and he was 5 yds away. Austin made no real effort to catch the ball, it was slightly overthrown, so it went right by him into Jones hands. It wasn't even good coverage by Jones. So you had a bad throw by Sanchez, bad attempt at catching it by Austin and bad coverage by Jones. Jones just happened to get lucky it was a bad throw.
Don't think it was double coverage, but it wasn't tipped or bobbled. It was without a doubt a shitty throw and on Sanchez. All you Sanchez ball washers can blame it on Austin, but it was a bad throw...too hard too be that out in front.
Terrible throw, terrible attempt at catching it and terrible coverage. Jones just got lucky he was out of position so the ball went right to him.
Yea? Well we better gets ta handlin then because aorn we ain't handlin shit except the windex cause we're on the outside lookin in...