No kidding. Herm Edwards is on his second consecutive HC job due largely to a retinue of outlandish facial expressions and Tourette-esque inspirational outbursts. Mangini should be able to spin a Soprano's appearance into at least a D-Backs coaching job in Cincinnati.
but those coaches you mention above didn't turn rat on their mentor. all i have read about the spy gate thing is not so much putting a stop to it, as it was about how you don't do that to the guy that mentored you. mangini's credibility is caput!!! maybe he'd have a shot at the college level???
I don't put much stock into the "rat" part of it. Bill Belichick, while highly respected by the coaching fraternity, isn't really part of it. He's the only coach who isn't a member of the NFL Head Coaches Association and, frankly, I'm guessing that this fellow coaches see him as kind of a dick. He's a "genius," while the rest of them are all mouth-breathing eedjots, who are lucky to find the field every Sunday. That sort of thing must wear on them. How Mangini stands on his own will be what does or doesn't put him in a new position, if he happens to get chucked anytime soon - which I can't foresee.
Hell, even Paul Hackett can find himself a home coaching quarterbacks in Tampa Bay. Although, just how many different ways there are to explain "draw," I'll never know.
Mangini may have trouble if a lot of coaches really think he's a rat. But it's more likely that people will realize that they have a good, young coach with experience coaching teams.