I often hate this organization but you look at teams like the Niners that went 1-15 not so long ago and you just always think that there is a chance they could turn it around (they wont, but there is a chance) - the only way I would leave would be if the scrapped the salary cap and it ended up like Soccer with the deepest pockets deciding everything and only 4 or 5 teams ever being in contention (or less). I mean if you look at Scottish football, since 1985 (when I started to follow the Jets) the winners of the league have been Celtic 11 times and Rangers 17 times - including a 10 year period in which Rangers won every year - or since the Premiership started in 1992 its been won by 5 teams (and Blackburn was a fluke and a one off, so really its 4 teams) - how can you stay engaged if a fan of any of the other teams when you know your only hope is your team gets bought by some sports crazed billionaire.
so we need to win 4 or 5? SL won a SB the year after going 4-12, NE won one the year after going 5-11. Things change very quickly in this league. we went from 1 win to 9 wins from '96 to '97, Miami went from 1 win to 11 wins from '07 to '08, Car went from 1 win in 2001 to the SB in 2003. there are a million examples. stop rooting for the team, we don't need fans like that. Fans like that are why we deserve this current season. winning is great but sports are about much more than winning especially when we have no control over wins and losses.
That's true. I guess it all depends on what Woody does in the offseason. If he cleans up house, perhaps Jets can turn it around.
If they did that the Jets might actually be good. Being a big market team they could buy the better players and win. As it is now with the even playing field you have to be good at your jobs which is never happening with this organization and it's ineptitude.
I would never choose to root for another team but I could see myself getting so pissed off with the Jets and the NFL that I stop paying attention to football all together.
After every stupid loss it crosses my mind, I get out my lighter and threaten to burn all my Jets swag, after some medication I put down the lighter,and return my stuff to the closet. I'm having an affair with the Baltimore Ravens the only other team i root for. But in the end I'm green to the day I die.
I've spent the last few years removing people/things from my life that are net negative. My relationship with the Jets is joining the rest of the dead weight. Have fun storming the castle.
Agree and whether people want to believe it or not with top 10 draft pick and tons of cap space the Jets are probably set up well for whoever comes in to mak ea big splash.
we are accumulating talent but we need to do a better job in the draft. I don't care where the pick is we just need top make better decisions. If we can get a competent QB, clean up the secondary and the OL we can be a playoff caliber team next year.
It's so true...... I follow Liverpool and to me the true indictment of this was in 2005 when we won the European Championship.... the best dam team in Europe but finished 5th in the league and needed a special provision to even get into the Champions League the following year.
I hate them, I can't go. Same with my cell service. I have Sprint, can't stand them. I always tell myself they'll be better soon. I may have too much faith in bad things.
I won't stop rooting for them, but fuck if I'm going to spend a nice Sunday afternoon in front of the TV watching them unless they install a quasi-professional looking offense again.
Lord knows I tried after we traded for Favre in 08 and cut Pennington. Couldn't do it. And I was miserable. Sometimes my fanhood of this team is a ball and chain.