FBI does not recommend charges filed on email investigation, James Comey speaking live now. Main reason was no evidence of wrongful intent.
I trust the integrity of Comey and the FBI. If they don't think there was criminal intent, then I believe them. Seems silly that intent is the key here though. What other crimes does intent matter?
I don't. Fuck him and fuck the DOJ. I love how he started out with saying "no one knows what I'm gonna say" bull fucking shit. He's saying what Bill the Rapist told Loretta to say. Just taking marching orders like a good little commie. Fuck the govt.
Comey did tear up her judgement and lack of care with the handling of top secret material in his press conference.
If you think this was done cleanly you are a fucking idiot. Bill met with Lynch a week ago and now Hillary is clear. RIP America. Banana republics laugh at us now thanks to liberalism.
Basically their logic is that if you don't intend to do something criminal then it's not illegal. That's good to know, so next time I drive after drinking a case of beer and I get pulled over and arrested I can tell the judge I didn't intend to drive drunk and he should t convict me with DUI.
I believe in the character of James Comey. The Clinton, Lynch meeting was fucking stupid but I don't believe it changed what Comey recommended. Now if we start seeing a bunch of resignations in the FBI, I'll think differently.
I dont. hes part of the Lynch DOJ and Obama Admin. Hes a public enemy, along with every single fucking liberal out there.
Funny, I don't remember reading your opinion on him a week ago. Only when the outcome is different from what we wanted.
So the media now gets to portray this as a win when in reality we should be focusing on the fact that we're going to elect someone who treated sensitive information like it was confetti. That should be automatically disqualifying. Oh yeah and remember when none of the emails were classified at the time? Jk lol but nobody cares about Hillary lying because it's expected at this point. But at least she's not intentionally directly personally handing top secret info to Kim Jong un so it's all good
I don't see the problem. You are free to vote against her if you think someone who makes that mistake shouldn't be President. Comey was pretty strong in his criticism. The FBI, the Media, they dont tell people how to think, we do it for ourselves....
Oh yeah the media doesn't tell people what to think like when the Benghazi report came out and they said there was nothing new which was a) not true and b) not relevant. Edit: they get to lie about it because they know nobody will read 800 pages They get to frame this as an issue of guilt/innocence when it's really an issue of being competent. Most people are stupid but that doesn't mean they deserve to be put at risk by someone that puts their love of a blackberry more than others lives
Seriously? The media is all about telling people how to think on all sides of the political spectrum. It's like a textbook definition of what they do. The problem here is that Hillary never should have been running for President with this hanging over her. Now we're going to have one of two things happen: either a person completely unqualified by temperament, judgement and experience will be our next President or his opponent will have gotten elected to prevent that from happening.
haha okay guys I see what you are saying...... I guess my point is that for every media outlet that is brushing this aside as nothing there are just as many pushing the idea that Hillary's a murderer or that she's corrupt, or that she's completely unfit to be President. Its just a matter of your personal flavor its not like there's nothing out there/ Furthermore to my thought is at this point does it really matter if the media pushes or doesn't push the idea that it was an incredibly irresponsible action from her? Hillary Clinton is probably the most controversial politician in this country. She's been visible for the last 25 years. Everyone has an opinion on her. Do we really think the media is going to change anyone's mind at this point either way. Idk where I'm going with this I guess
Imagine what would have happened if there was a clear breach of her e-mail server while she was Secretary of State? The FBI would have been wheeling her e-mail server out on a cart for forensic investigation as she contemplated her resignation statement the following day. The odds there wasn't a breach at some point due to her official e-mail being handled in a private domain are so low that they're near non-existent. She visited China as Secretary of State in 2012. Are we to believe that she sent and received no e-mails during her visit there? If the answer is no, that she did receive or send e-mails while there the odds she wasn't hacked in the process are again almost non-existent. She wasn't sending or receiving those e-mails from a secured account in the State Department. She was sending or receiving them via her private server in her basement. With apparently just a staff of one, hand-picked by her and forced upon the State Department's IT division, to secure it. I'm a Democrat-leaning Independent and I'm freaking outraged that she was allowed to blow by this and run for President. Anybody else would have been forced out of the race long ago.