Defend him now

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Mark will go see some Broadway musicals and text his girlfriends. This won't even phase him.

    Brian has to be let go so we can see if a new OC can salvage Mark's career, but we will keep him.

    Santonio will light up another fatty and laugh while reading his bank statements.

    Rex will be sucking on some toes preparing a Super Bowl run talk for the preseason.

    Hunter and Mulligan should be let go, but they won't.

    Being Jets Fans we know how the drill goes.

    It's like being in the movie "Groundhog Day".

    Now I have to pay up on some silly bets I made about how we were going to win it all this year.

    Lesson Learned....
  2. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    And you fail again troll.

    Your post:
    "Rex guides the team to 2 straight AFC title games. No other Jets coach has done this in the history of the franchise. And this is how quickly you clowns want to throw him under the bus?"

    So he is immune from criticism?

    Your post re: Holmes:
    "he quit on the team? i didn't realize you were on the Jets sideline."

    You were already embarrassed because numerous Jets including LT said he quit on them. Need me to post these for you troll?

    Your post in the in the "Do we bench Holmes thread?":
    "That's because our amazing OC decided to bench him in the most important game of the season."

    Yeah, he took himself out of the game as per the Jets players. Must I continue to embarrass you, troll?

    Just stop.
  3. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Enjoy broadway musicals.
    Motivate anything.
  4. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Awful game but I want to see him play under a more competant offensive coordinator before I get my pitchfork out. Likewise, I want to see Sanchez play with WRs who give a shit(Not the quitter Holmes).
  5. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    There is no defense for him.

    I think its telling when the only people on the planet who actually think that Mark Sanchez is any good are homer jet fans. Everyone else knows he is a bust, and not worth trading up for.
  6. barkus

    barkus Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    You ever notice how he goes around wearing his high school colors and gear? I've never seen a grown man do that, not even in other athletes. He needs to grow up!!!!
  7. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    As said before, Sanchez isnt going anywhere. Long offseason, Schotty gone, will allow him to start again for the Jets.

    If he flops next season, hes finished. Right now that clearly isnt the case.
  8. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    I think Sanchez will stay. We will get a new offensive coordinator, and see if he can salvage the career of Sanchez. If that does not happen and we miss the playoffs next year, then Sanchez is gone. He is staying put this offseason. People want a big change, but the Jets want to see if he can become a better player with an offensive coordinator that will actually play to his strengths. Next year is do or die for Sanchez. Its definitely his last shot.
  9. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I'm almost certain all those statistical improvements you mentioned came from the fact that we ran the ball poorly this year compared to last year. He just ended up throwing the ball more than he had in the past. Also, all of you making excuses about him being a 3rd yr QB. Did you ever stop to think that by the 3rd year for a QB drafted 5th overall playing in the same system, he should pretty much have it down?? especially after making it to the AFC title game in the first 2 seasons. The O line is bad, but the QB is worst!!!
  10. DarrelleRevis.Human?

    DarrelleRevis.Human? Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2010
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    I don't think people realize that the window for this team to win a Super Bowl is closing, fast. With some of the numbers we put up this year it might be closing fater than a lot of us would care to admit.

    With contracts ending and aging at positions, we don't have the luxury to wait a few more years to see if the "Sanchez Project" might actually work. At best I think his ceiling is mediocrity with flashes of upper tier QB performance every so often.
  11. BleednGreen

    BleednGreen Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    #1 redzone offense

    31 Total Touchdowns

    And he's not even playing good yet

  12. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I think if they get a new OC (PLEASE!!!!), and Sanchez plays poor next year, they will chalk it up to the team and Mark adjusting to a new system or some shit. I think we get Sanchez good or bad for at least 2 more years.

    Hopefully he steps it up and becomes the QB we want him to be.
  13. DarrelleRevis.Human?

    DarrelleRevis.Human? Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2010
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    We have all been saying this since his rookie year:
    "year two will be different, him and Schotty will click now."
    "Year three is the year that QB's really mature, this year will be different."

    How long will this go on? I'm with what that one guy said earlier with how everyone else can see that the guy sucks except for some of us homer Jets fans.
    #93 DarrelleRevis.Human?, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  14. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I remember the first pass Sanchez threw in a Jet uniform - pre season, Jets had the ball around their own 5, he dropped back, LOOKED THE SAFETY OFF LEFT, and threw a 40 yard strike down the right sideline to a streaking Clowney, I think it was. Anyway, I don't know if I have seen him look a d back off since. His regression has really been disturbing.
  15. Rex's Sweater Vest

    Rex's Sweater Vest Active Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    one of the problems with Sanchez that no one talks about is his credibility. Mark has been groomed to be the captain of the team, but he has no authority of a team captain, and no credibility. You don't consider someone who performs poorly at their job credible; I don't think the team as a whole respects Sanchez at all, he can't get in anyone's face because he has no credibility to do so, and this just adds to the team having no leadership.
  16. PJ4Ever

    PJ4Ever Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    It would be so dumb to give up on Sanchez now. After one 8-8 year?

    Is Sanchez ever going to be elite? No. But, can he be on that 2nd level if he continues improving each year (which he has clearly done)? I say yes. You can clearly develop an offense around him (much like Alex Smith in SF) based around the run game and play action (whoa - Sanchez's strengths!) QB is the most important position on the field, and the Jets have not had a franchise QB since, well, Joe Namath. You guys want to drop him for MATT FLYNN? GREG MCELROY? Really? Why do you think these guys will be so much better? Because Flynn had one good game? Because McElroy looked like an intelligent QB in the preseason? McElroy has less of an arm than Pennington, who all Jets fans unfairly criticized as well.

    Basically, the point of this rant is that the Jets truly have the worst and least knowledgable fanbase in the NFL and I've said this for a few years. I don't know why Jets fans are so dumb, but it would be pretty cool if they realized that QB is not the only position on the field. Football is the ULTIMATE team sport. If one guy fucks up, the whole play is fucked up. So, yes, downgrades like Wayne Hunter, Matt Mulligan and Plaxico Burress (a downgrade from Braylon) can fuck your team up and make them go from 11-5 to 8-8. God, it's not like we were 4-12 either. We were a handful of plays away from the playoffs. God almighty, you guys suck.
  17. dmarz45

    dmarz45 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I think its pretty clear that in order for Mark to be good, the Jets as a whole need to be great in every other aspect of the game. So if the Jets dont make any major moves to overhaul our running game and OL then its obvious Mark will have another season just like this. So I see it this way. Either the Jets need to make major moves, or just try to sign a new QB who can simply get the job done without having to replace our whole team.
    #97 dmarz45, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  18. dmarz45

    dmarz45 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Ok but when Sanchez throws 3 picks that are CLEARLY his fault at the WORST times in the game, then its hard not to place ALL of the blame on him. The kid just throw INTs at the WORST possible times and its ALWAYS his fault so dont gimme that.
  19. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Have you studied all other 31 fanbases?

    Out in Denver there is a fanbase going gaga over Tim Tebow.

    What about those clowns in Oakland who dress up like Skeletor? Clearly there are a lot of mental midgets there.

    Of course, play action is Sanchez's strength. No shit. A solid running game leads to solid play action.
  20. hendersg

    hendersg New Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    Thank you......Sanchez is a dog as a starting QB and will never amount to anything more than what we see today. He doesn't possess the physical characteristics or intelligence to warrant 3 or 4 more years of waiting. At best he's a capable backup for some other team. Please pull the trigger and get Manning in here now. Re-tool the o line and defense and we're right back where we were last year....
    #100 hendersg, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012

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