I doubt Kerley would be what Carolina is looking for. Why replace a wideout almost the size of Gronkowski with a diminutive slot receiver?
827 yards with Sanchez and a shitty 0-line. Kerley could be a 1k yard receiver with an above average QB
They have Funchess to take over for Benjamin. They'd be fine with a smaller guy on the other side. Not that I'd do it, I like Kerley. But I think it'd make sense for the Panthers.
We can when he has a big cap hit if cut, has virtually no trade value, is under contract for several years and helps us keeping him on the roster more than it does him off our roster and in New England. We can't live in fear of New England but he's taylor made for Brady's option route underneath offense. He would thrive. Would you cut him for no reason at all or keep him on the roster and out of New England?
cutting or trading Kerley does the following: increases our cap hit, weakens our quality depth, and nets us nothing of value in return. well thought out thread..
As I stated before not to mention there is no money to do it anyway but this is just another let's play GM for a day thing anyway.
ok, Ill try this one more time because some of you are having a hard time with this. whether we cut him or not ( I highly doubt we d0), has absolutely zero to do with New Engand. If we evaluate a player and his money and all other factors, and decide to cut him, we should cut him. never once...not once in our minds should we consider whether or not the fucking Pats would pick him up. If he is not a good fit for our roster and we decide to cut a guy, we cut a guy. period, end of story. Again, to think every time we cut someone, the Pats are gonna pick him up and make him a star is 100% retarded...makes no sense...and is completely baseless.....get it?
Kerley wouldn't even make the Patriots roster, let alone see playing time. Both Edleman and Amondela are much better players than Kerley.
just to clarify some misinformation in this thread. Cutting Kerley does result in dead money and a negative cap hit. Trading Kerley opens up 200k of cap.
I don't think that's true, he has 2.4M in amortized bonus money that becomes due to the Jets this year and does not go with him if he is traded. as shown here http://overthecap.com/player/jeremy-kerley/998/
I don't understand why you have a giant stick up your ass over this. It was one of those comments where you say "watch your favorite team cut him and he becomes a stud on your rivals." Not to mention you need to stop acting like teams aren't watching what their division rivals are doing. I never said it was the complete basis for personnel decisions. It's not like it's never considered though. Stop being such a cranky fuck and go back to the BS forum where you belong. Talk about blowing something completely out of context and acting like I wrote a 35 page thesis on the Jets needing to keep Kerley so he doesn't go to New England.
I don't have a stick up my ass at all. you weren't the only one who didn't get the point the first time around...don't worry, youre not the only fucking retard on the board..there are tons of them!
I'd put my football knowledge of how the actual game is played to yours any day of the week and simply shit all over your pompous opinions. Keep thinking your gods gift to earth when in actuality you're a grumpy old moron.
first of all, im 43 you fuckin retard. that's not old. secondly, I don't give two fucks about your opinion on football. The FACT is, if the Jets want to cut Kerley ( which I highly, highly doubt), there should not be any consideration as to wha the Pats might do. It makes ZERO sense....youre thinking like a stupid fan not like a GM. " Fellas, as the GM of this team, I have examined JK's salary versus cap implications, versus what he is giving us at his position, versus what else we have at WR, and I believe we should cut him"...." yea but boss, what if New England picks him up, he'll have 1000 yards easily with them". "oh yea, I forgot everyone who NE picks up becomes a stud, nevermind, Im gonna keep him even though I think we can do better and cheaper at that position". That's your moronic opinion on how it should go down.
Yeah you're right it was a definitive statement, not a casual remark as I stated in my last point. You're 43 yet you're as cranky as a 63 year old who hasn't had his apple sauce yet. Tone down the fucking attitude a little bit over something that's not important. No reason to be so god damn uptight over something like that. There's no doubt in my mind that you have a full head of gray given the fact that you're that jacked up over the fact that I think Kerley is a perfect fit for New England's offense. Oh and you're an asshole. Have a great day.