Can a QB Coach Develop Tebow

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Jeti, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The non stop 24/7 media coverage would scare anyone away .
  2. TTTTebowAndTheJets

    Mar 22, 2012
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    thats my point.... your not answering the question... name one player
  3. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    For starters, Charlie Ward wasn't nearly as good of a QB over an extended period of years as a starter as Tebow was. His best QB rating year was still less than all 3 of Tebow's years as a starter at Florida.

    Secondly, you completely ignored the 2nd part of my question.

    Try again.
  4. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    A QB coach could help Tebow, but I still think he would be most effective if the offensive was shifted to him. That would mean a OC and HC helping out too. I don't think he can be a "traditional" QB in this league, which isn't wrong, but it makes things tougher on him to get a starting job.
  5. Realistic Jets Fan

    Jan 2, 2013
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    Tebow is a hopelessly bad QB

    Can't throw a football

    And now that he's bulked himself up for his future career as a WWE Superstar he can't run fast enough either.

    Next stop

    "Now entering the ring at 270 pounds from Heaven Above...The Evangelical Avenger...Tim Tebow"

    Good choice for him too....scripted...not too many plays in the playbook to confuse danger of any injuries..and he can do it shirtless to his heart's content
  6. odessa

    odessa Banned

    Jan 7, 2013
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    In very simple terms, the answer is no.
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    [​IMG] Gawdon Bennet! Its obvious yaaahr agenda is anti christian, get over it, its a football forum an' most people on 'ere don't give a crap abaaaht 'is personal beliefs. OK? [​IMG]
  8. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I'm not so sure about that. Enough comments have been made here in the last eight or nine months that indicate you're wrong.
  9. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Can you point me to some of those comments? and if you find two or three does that really show some pro christian bias? its been a year with 10,000 post posted on here.

    By far the majority of his fans just love to see him play.
  10. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    San Francisco, Seattle, Carolina and Washington are all running "non-traditional" offenses right now. 3 of the 4 were in the play-offs this year. Their coaches tailored those offenses to their QB's way more than Fox and McCoy ever did for Tebow (despite what everyone loves to say, what Tebow was running in Denver last year was not close to the type of system he was most familiar with running at Florida).
  11. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So 4/32 teams run it and those 4 teams seem set at QB. See what I mean it's tougher to get a starting job this way? 2 of those teams invested top picks on their QB to shift this way. The other 2 teams drafted their QB, so all 4 drafted these QBs and held onto them. So year, it's going to be tougher to get a job for Tebow because the team will have to shift.

    Also in the case of SF and SEA, they both have VERY strong defense and very talented RBs, making that most QBs could succeed there (Alex Smith did!) and the system they use isn't the primary reason for their success. You could point more to CAR and WAS since their defenses are lesser that the primary reason for their successes is the system and QB play within.

    Saying that, 1/8 of league runs some type of variation, 1/16 or 1/32 of the league heavily runs it, and that means 24/32 teams that aren't running this.

    So odds are not in Tebow's favor that a HC or GM moves heaven and earth to shift the team philosophy to match him. That doesn't delve into the passing ability of the QBs on the 4 teams vs Tebow.
  12. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    That's 300% more teams than ran the spread option last year. And it's just going to keep going up, as there are more and more college teams running a spread system, and there will only be more and more coaches coming from college to the NFL over the years, too. These "traditional" NFL coaches aren't going to last forever. Some would say many of them have already been passed by in terms of recent NFL success. The NFL is so incestuous with regards to it's coaching carousel, eventually owners are going to get tired of losing by recycling coaches like Norv Turner and Chan Gailey.

    Also, why is it when talking about Tebow that "a HC or GM moves heaven and earth to shift the team philosophy to match him", but when Shanahan, Carroll or Rivera tailor their offensive systems to their spread QB's it is never described as anything negative or earth-shaking or onerous like the way you just described it with Tebow? Can you answer me that, please?
  13. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Too bad that option crap won't work in the NFL. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  14. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Well, here's one of my favorites; I've remembered it all these months - nothing whatsoever about football but the topic even has a picture of your boy "prayin' wit' prisoners". And who started the topic? YOU DID!

    Totally Addicted

    Join Date: Nov 2011
    Posts: 2,234
    vCash: 500 NY Jets quarterback Tim Tebow is helping turn inmates' lives around


    NY Jets quarterback Tim Tebow, through talk and prayer, is helping turn inmates' lives around
    End Zone: Deliver them from evil

    LAWTEY, Fla. - Willie James Ashley is a 55-year-old former Air Force man from Miami who had a long career in the cocaine business and once caught a pass from Tim Tebow. He caught a couple of them, actually. The first one Ashley brought down in a crowd, with his thick body and his buzz cut, and his blue, prison-issue uniform, Tebow throwing a Hail Mary to the back row of the bleachers in a crowded gymnasium.

    The next one came on the gym floor, where Tebow missed him on a timing pattern, then threw one more, a flare pass, which Ashley caught easily. That was almost three years ago, but Willie Ashley hasn’t forgotten the pass, or the man who delivered it, in front of 300 inmates in a hot gym at Lawtey Correctional Institution.

    “I was at the lowest point of my life,” Willie Ashley says. “I took my whole family down, and I was suffering.”

    He talks about feeling worthless and ashamed and angry, how regret and pessimism were pounding him like a mallet. If it didn’t all start to change the moment he met Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy winner and national champion and then a Florida Gator icon, it was pretty close.

    “He inspired me with his message and he inspired me with his walk with God,” Ashley says. “He helped me see that the Lord would give me another chance, and understand that the Lord takes nothing and makes something out of it all the time. Whatever trash people may think you are, God says, ‘I can make you a treasure.’”

    Willie Ashley will be in the Lawtey Correctional Institution chapel Sunday, and like Christians everywhere on this Easter Sunday, will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As he goes about trying to rebuild and restore his own life, Ashley says he thanks God for bringing him to this place, a medium-security facility with 800 inmates on the outskirts of a small, impoverished community in northeast Florida. He thanks God for bringing him before Tebow, too, a sentiment shared by Reginald Spivey, Gerald Evans and Tyron Thomas — three other inmates who have heard Tebow’s impassioned Christian testimony in two visits here, and talk about a Tebowmania that is altogether different from the one that has engulfed the big city the last few weeks. It is not about green No. 15 jerseys flying off the racks, or overflow press conferences, or even about who should play quarterback for the New York Jets.

    It’s about a man who, by all accounts, not only lives his faith, but shares it with fire and fervor you need to hear to believe. Whatever one’s religious beliefs, or lack of same, it is impossible not to view Tim Tebow as an authentic man who wants to share what he considers the greatest gift of his life: the love and mercy of a gracious God.

    Read the rest at this link

    Read more:

    No, I haven't bookmarked hundreds of posts about clean livin', preachin' and prayin', abstainin' and scripture obeyin' but that certainly doesn't mean I haven't read them here. We both know scores have also been written here about other (real) NFLers who might be following a different path. If only this could have been kept to football talk.
  15. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    problem you have is... Tebow cant pass. Wilson, RG3, Kap and Dumb ass in carolina can.

    See the issue you tetards cant seem to remember is it only works if your QB is actually a DUAL THREAT qb --- you know --- one that can beat you with his arm and legs. Sorta keeps the defense guessing.
  16. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Just give it up folks. Not everyone can be a QB in the NFL.
  17. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    That is an awesome article, thank you for re-posting it . NO idea how you tie that into a christian angle on my part . Its a tebowmania section and you post stuff about tebow. That is what I was doing. ITS A NEW YORK DAILY NEWS ARTICLE about Tebow going to prison to help people and guess what? I found that link from this site on the side bar.

    If you are trying to peg me as religious , that's laughable (and BTW I have 2200 + post and 1 says the word christian? ). Try again. Now on the other hand your comment about "I remembered it all these months " is pretty creepy, maybe you should have that anti christian obsession checked out. Unlike you (obviously ) I can give a crap about who Tebow worships , a wizard in the sky or Allah or Buddha but its tebow news.

    I will however DEFINITELY say I stand by Tebow with his focus on helping sick children and have contributed to his charity several times (he is AWESOME with that). Finally ... you wont find anything about me saying something about God, because ....well....I don't have much to say.

    #57 CowboysFan, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    These guys prove that.... (I am hoping with a Dolphins logo prominently displayed that you wont get 50 jets fans from this site jumping to your defense on how John Beck got a raw deal....still the single most embrassing thing I witnessed this year was not the butt fumble it was Jets fans on this site jumping to your defense about the Denver Miami am still SMH and silently weeping for their parents...)

    Jay Fiedler
    Ray Lucas
    Brian Griese
    A.J. Feeley
    Sage Rosenfelds
    Gus Ferotte
    Joey Harrington
    Cleo Lemon
    John Beck
    Trent Green
    Tyler Thigpen
    Craig Erickson

    #58 CowboysFan, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Very few people are criticizing Tebow for these kinds of things, and anyone who does is a turd.

    Doesn't stop me from calling him a shitty QB, but all that off-field stuff I pretty much keep separate.... unless it somehow negatively affects his team. I don't see how this would qualify though.
  20. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Or maybe Woody gave Rex one more year on condition he give Tebow a shot.

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