That place is a graveyard for everything football related. This Manziel mess is just an exclamation mark on the whole thing.
Funny, I'm often thinking something like this when I read your posts, but it has nothing to do with Manziel.
It all could have been so much different for Manziel if the Jets had drafted him like a few vocal idiots carried on about. surely he'd been league MVP for the Jets and not the mess he became in Cleveland.
The kid has a problem. It pisses me off that everyone who was on board with the Money Manziel or JFF charade is no where to be found. It's pathetic. The kid needs some serious help. LeBron, Drake..
I don't know why anyone is upset. He's just a young guy enjoying his life. Maybe you fellas are just jealous.
I remember getting torn up on here last year for calling 'Johnny Football' out due to his off field issues and saying he needed to get his act together. If he gets another shot, and I think he will, it will be his last. But from what I've seen the last of Johnny Football was seen in College, the NFL got 'Johnny Highball'.
I would hate to be an athlete with name recognition. He's not an alcoholic. He's a young kid trying to enjoy his free time. He is scrutinized way too much. Now, the Browns are out a talented young QB and may have severely damaged any type of shot he had at a solid career. I think he said it best, "I don't have a drinking problem. The team has a problem with me drinking."
On a side note, the domestic violence thing is all on him and I do not know enough about the situation to comment.
When your drinking problem is effecting your job performance then you have a drinking problem. Where there's that much smoke there's fire and teams don't dump 1st round QB's after 1 or 2 seasons unless there are big problems.