Yes but Brick probably wouldn't have taken the paycut in February either. It seems he's happy with a pretty stellar ten year career, a lot of money, and his health. Then Mac would have been faced with overspending for another LT. The options out there in February weren't that great - now they aren't that great either. The real shame is they couldn't sign Kelvin Beachum when they had him in town- he was one guy I liked. I think the Jets are better off taking a LT in round one - even if they have to move up 4 or 5 spots........just my opinion of course.
I agree, since Brick didn't take the pay cut now, he definitely wouldn't have in February. It's just that we had more options to replace him then than we do now.
You're so unique! Everyone else believes players should be ripped off and their money stolen every chance possible.
Brick would put his body on the line for double-M, but would rather not risk anything and retire instead of getting "low" $. This doesn't make him a quitter.
id say this is more likely than the hey ive been thinking about it all off season and decided right now toward the end of free agency to decide out of nowhere to call it quits.
Not sure why he wouldn't stick around for one more year, with the promising "win now" team we have in place, after all those years of toiling dutifully for mediocre, or worse, teams? Perhaps he would have taken a pay cut to stay if Fitz was under contract?
I'm not so sure Maccagnan was blind sided by Brick's decision to retire. Brick has been talking about retiring for a while now. I think Maccagnan's plan all along was to basically trade Mo for a young, talented LT. Either trade with a team for someone like Thomas still in their initial deal, or trade for a 1st round draft pick and go from there. LT's are usually the 2nd highest paid player on the team, so getting 3-4 yrs from this position on a rookie deal is the best thing to shoot for. I know there were FA LTs that came and went, but I don't think Macc wants to trade one financial headache for another. He wants to build through the draft, with gives him high priced talent for basically free for 3-4 years. Signing Fitz and our draft pics are a given. What Macc is spending his time on is getting as much as possible for Mo and turning that into a top flight LT. Turning an over-abundance of D-Line talent into the 2nd most important player on the team, who will play for practically nothing for the next 4 yrs. Get 'er done Macc!
$10 million to 5 million maybe. But they would restructure and he would get his money down the road. Don't make more of this than it is. His agent is just disappointed.
Just once whY don't you admit you're wrong. And this is your comeback? What!!!!!???? You're right....fireman, Police officers, veterans, welders, utility workers, heck Ben tad hers have dangerous jobs bow a days. Sports is entertainment.... Is there potential for brain damage due to on going trauma, probably. But players know this before they choose this line of work. Just like a policeman knows he can get shot and killed any given day...
The Jets were not planning on restructuring Brick, but if they were, Brick would get more money up front.
If anything the retirement slightly tips the Jets hand a little more for their draft plans. We all know tackle was most likely high on their list - now there's no question it is. What would have been perfect for the Jets would be if Brick had retired after the Jets drafted his replacement later this month.......oh well......truth is Brick made a good call why press your luck with no injuries after ten years.
Some are on the roster because they still have potential. Others are still there because Mac couldn't replace everyone last year, and with so losing many FAs this year, he still can't replace some of them. Some will probably be replaced via the draft. Others will be replaced next year.