harshreality just joined this site and is obviously here for the sole purpose of making sure everyone knows Favre is done and can't play anymore. this guy is no less biased than any other packer or favre fan, but i like how you say "he knows better than us" just because you agree with him.
I'm sorry but you do know that the beliefs are the things going around all the time lately, this was a confirmation, Do you think people diagnosed with cancer are "Faking it" ?
Using the injury excuse is just nonsense. I myself require surgery on my shoulder because I have a slight tear, but it doesn't bother me often so I've put it off. If he was truly in pain he couldn't possibly throw as hard as we've seen on occassion the last five games. So please, don't use injury as a BS excuse to explain his performance. He just sucked because he's washed up.
Report: Jets? Favre has torn biceps tendon http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_y...nYcB?slug=ap-jets-favresarm&prov=ap&type=lgns So he was faking it?? Edit: Bah, merge this wit hthe Major surgey thread.
Oh, I'm so sorry, please accept my apologies, when I made that arguemtn I forgot you were a professional Quarterback and that your passes had to be right on the mark. Yeah, it's my bad for forgetting that your experience directly translates to Favre's.
If I were a professional quarterback and my shoulder bothered me so much for five weeks that I couldn't hit my passes I'd have seen a doctor after week 1. BTW, I play tennis and other sports at least five times a week and believe me I couldn't do that if I were in constant pain. Stop trying to excuse Favre's crappy performance and admit he's no longer a very good quarterback.
You're welcome Mr. IHaveNoClue. :smile: It carries about as much as your amateurish football knowledge.
No clue about what? Your views on Favre, backed up by Your Opinions and Your Comparisons between him and you I don't see anything about Facts in there. And you call yourself a realist.
Go back and read all my posts on Favre. To date they've been dead on from day one. Everything I said about him has been accurate.
You have no clue how good I am at tennis or how often I play. And I could be a doctor for all you know.
Then you should read and learn. In fact read all my posts over the last year and try to find one where I was wrong.