How do you figure? How does it "make sense"? Terrorists have pulled off this shit prior to the immigrant crisis.
it's not refugees, France has a lot of ghetto housing projects filled with malcontented 2nd and 3rd generation Morrocan and Algerian immigrants. It just takes a visit from a radicalist asshole to convince someone that for some reason getting your head blown off and killing a bunch of civilian women and children will somehow result in infinite blow jobs from infinitely virginal women on planet Martyrland and you have the makings of a terrorist cell. But my question is, say you have 20 virgins lined up after your blood thirsty god greets you at the gates, and you start banging one each day. By the third week you're out of virgins - so what the fuck do you do for your next billion years?
Refugees or not? Does it really matter? These refugees will soon be living, if not already, in the same housing projects or occupying new ones. The hatred towards everything Western will just keep on growing and there will be way more of them willing to die in the name of Islam.
It does matter, obviously 90%(?) of all these are muslims, but it's not just religion. The people coming out of Syria right now are generally educated and part of the ruling class. They are fleeing the terrorists out to kill them so they'll be on our side, for this generation at least. If they can integrate they will get jobs and income so they won't be marginalized. A lot of the refugees coming out are also Christians, who get slaughtered on site by ISIS in Syria
It's not blaming refugees, it's saying that the refugee situation is a means for ISIS to gain access to foreign borders
This sucks, but we don't have the luxury of worrying about other people's problems. We are fighting our own war in the U.S., and we need all hands on deck to make sure we mercilessly and publicly shame any person who doesn't think men that prefer wearing garments targeted toward women shouldn't have the right to wave their dicks around a ladies locker room.
disgusting witness reports coming out:
You're delusional if you think that way. If this refugee flow continues, Europe is as good as done. These "refugees" are involved in widespread stealing around Europe, rioting in churches, etc. Sweden has become the rape capital of the West ever since they allowed Muslims to immigrate in vast numbers.