Exactly. I think that Holmes, as a captain, should keep this stuff within the locker room. That said, he has a right to be pissed at the O-line. He can't do his job unless the O-line gives him time to run his routes, and they've played like shit all year. Start blocking better and you won't get called out.
how about the critical drops that the douche has had? nobody wants to talk about that? he is sure as hell not beyond criticism himself. him and the lanky douche on the other side could block a little too in the running game.
Whats being lost in this whole ordeal that has our team fighting against each other is that sneaky little prick Brian Schottenheimer! He's the cause of all this mess!
Was anyone besides me impressed by how under the radar we are ... what the fuck happened bitch as team ates....
They probably asked Holmes "What's gone wrong?" to which he proceeds to list off all the problems (many options), gets to the part about the OL, and they put that bit in an article. Boom, controversy to the outsiders.
Hey Moore STFU and make a block every once in a while. See that guy writhing in pain? That's the QB you let get killed because you can't block for shit! TY Holmes for pointing out the obvious.
Dude has a big mouth for someone who is dropping as many passes as he is. I'm sure the Oline appreciates every one of those instances of pass protection that he has wasted. 'Captain'. :rofl:
Pointing fingers is never a good thing. Rex needs to step up and nip this crap in the bud. As a captain, Holmes needs to lead, not whine.
+1 Holmes had no business being a captain imo. Mangold without a doubt sshould be. This team is either going to meltdown and sputter out or light. Fire under itself thaats been missing the last 3 weeks. We find out vs the phins. Holmes. Isn't doing anyything other than dropping open passes and running. His mouth
Yeah...Pretty much. We ALL agree with holmes, and everyone knows that what he's saying is the truth. If the Oline does well, everything falls into place from there I agree with the fact that a captain shouldnt be creating rifts like this in the locker room, but the whole team knows that the Oline hasnt been playing as it should. Moore is probably pissed that his unit was called out on its shitty play, but the fact of the matter is, is holmes is correct. Hopefully this lights a fire under the Oline to prove him wrong and they dominate the LOS come Monday night.