Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If the Jets give up on Sanchez due to the court of public opinion and the tabloids favorite backup QB then the whole front office starting with Woody Johnson deserves to be shipped to Siberia and left to rot.
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    For Sanchez to get to the next level one of two things needs to happen:

    1. Nothing changes and a miracle occurs with an image of the Virgin Mary appearing on the side of his helmet.

    2. The Jets find a great RB and a great WR to play along side of him. They match the scheme to his talents, or at least modify the scheme enough that rolling out is not something that he gets bitched at by the QB coach for when he comes back to the sidelines after throwing a game-winning TD in the final 15 seconds of the game. They make the offensive line good enough that a great defensive front doesn't destroy the offensive scheme as happened several times last year.

    My best guess is that option 3: the Jets give up on Sanchez and he goes somewhere else and has most of that stuff occur, is most likely to happen.
  3. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I dunno. Seems to me Sanchez has had a better team around him than most young Qb's get. I am very much of the view that the Jets OL is, despite its problems, better than average, even last year. Sure, there were problems at RT, but I don't think it is fair to say that Sanchez had to deal with a less than average line in front of him.

    The receivers situation was concededly less than optimal, and the Jets were unable to put pressure enough on opponents' D's other than Holmes enough last year. Mason was no help, Burress's contribution was not what we hoped for, and I am one of those who thinks Keller is a disappointment. But to then say that Sanchez had a less than average group of receivers is not such an obvious case to make.

    Perhaps where I most symapthize with Sanchez is that the running backs are not that good. LT noticeably declined compared to the prior year, and Greene did not take up the slack. ypc of 3.8 is relatively awful.

    So, I am somewhat sympathetic to Sanchez's situation, but not as much as you, I guess.
  4. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't know that Sanchez is leaving. THat depends on too much that is unknown right now, and I certianly do not think he is destined for success,either. But where I think we agree is the Jets did not take this off season as an opportunity to give him enough help so that he has a better and fairer chance to get it done this coming season.

    I know you were down on Schotty, but I have sensed that you, unlike some of the Schotty Haters, don't think that changing out Schotty for Sparano will be anything like enough to get the O back on track. Other than a new OC, the Jets have done next to nothing to improve the O. (And I doubt the new OC will be an improvement, as well.) Hill will likely contribute, but maybe not quickly enough to be a real help to Sanchez when he needs it. Schillens? Gee, it would be great if he helped, but why should we expect that? Tebow? Please.

    Meanwhile, not only is the line the same, they STILL do not have a good backup on the interior. They STILL have a TE who is a poor fit in the running attack. They STILL have the same mediocre back in Greene.

    About all I think can be reasonably expected as a real improvement early in the season is that Kerley will pick up where he left off toward the end of last season. Imo, that is not enough.
  5. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I'm not sympathetic to Sanchez's position. I'm sympathetic to where the Jets are right now and why. I've seen a real window of opportunity open and then close right in front of me, one of the few in 40+ years of watching the Jets.

    The Parcells window closed because he lost interest in the team after Leon Hess died.

    This window has closed basically because of the level of cluelessness in a Jet's FO/Exec Suite that values tactical triumphs over strategic thinking.

    We got all these players cheap in trades with huge question marks attached to them in the form of character issues and then we're surprised when things blew up in the locker room?

    We hired a blowhard head coach and have a GM who routinely dissembles to the press and agents instead of keeping his mouth shut and then we're surprised when the press is consistently hostile and relations with player agents are hard to manage?

    We pursue a constant strategy of trading away picks for damaged veteran players to fill holes and trading up in the draft and then we're surprised when holes continually present themselves and our depth is not good enough to fill them?

    We basically press a veteran hall-of-fame bound QB who does not want to play here in the first place and then we're surprised that he has no investment in the team or it's chances when he finally reluctantly arrives? Really?

    We draft a player with just a bit more than a season of starting experience at QB in college and then throw him right into the mix at QB because we screwed up with the vet QB the year before and we really want him to be our Tom Brady? Really?

    The young QB predictably takes longer to develop than we'd like so we go out and get a guy who has no chance at all to turn into the next Tom Brady to put pressure on him? Really?

    At least the Bill Veeck Whitesox and Indians were entertaining while they ran around like chickens with their head cut off.
  6. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    While I believe there are a lot of things that can be done to bring the franchise to a respectability. I share your vision and sentiment as to whether that will happen or not - in short, I have no trust whatsoever in this front office.

    Rex Ryan will be Rex Ryan - his defense will almost always perform in the upper echelon, that's for sure. Will he learn the diplomatic and tactful ways one needs to be as a head coach? Well. An apple falls not far from the tree. Buddy was never that. I don't think Rex will learn that either.

    So then it is the job of the other parts in the organization (PR/Front office/etc) to counteract what can be a problem - instead Woody goes into full-scale assault for media coverage. Just what the Jets needs, I guess.

    And Jets still lack the vision, philosophy and identity as a franchise. Whatever Jets say they are is a direct spinoff from what Rex Ryan brought. Before, that didn't even exist.

    And this lack of vision and philosophy really hurts the team when it comes to the personnel decisions - how many times did we see the Jets ship a capable player simply because "he didn't fit"? Then, to make the matter worse, current regime trades away draft picks like a candy in a park, in an attempt to trade up. Sure-fire recipe for success, right there.


    Surely, this goes over the scope of Schottenheimer's ineptitude. (True, Ryan should have been given the chance to pick HIS offensive coordinator - that's yet ANOTHER strike on this front office.) All in all, regardless of the AFCCG appearance, this front office - and the entire franchise, for that matter - is a big fucking mess. No wonder the team underperforms on a regular basis.
  7. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Sanchez has all the physical tools and abilities to be an elite QB in the National Football League.

    Sanchez is a young man living in New York City, QB of the New York Jets. He is having the fucking time of his life banging the hottest super models in the world. If Sanchez was willing to study the playbook like Manning and dedicate all of his focus to being a QB of the New York Jets I have no doubt he could be one of the best at his position.

    St. Tebow will help Sanchez focus. Sanchez will help St. Tebow finally get laid.
  8. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I don't think Kolb is better than Sanchez. Hasselbeck, and Palmer I think have seen better days, and honestly I prob would prefer Sanchez also to those QBs.

    This brings us to Flacco, now Flacco we all know he's not bad of a QB, however you need to take into account his post-season performances (Played poorly against weaker teams - I think in his 4 year career had only 2 good playoff games) and you need to take into account how often he checks down to Ray Rice. A large percentage of his plays are to Ray Rice I believe Flacco is severely overrated.

    I'm Pro-Sanchez and this has nothing to do with "giving him a chance" "let him develop". His chance is now and it has been every since his 2nd year in the league. Ponder, Gabbert, and Freeman at this stage aren't better than Sanchez - and that's being real. People judged Sanchez his first two years as if he was a 10 year vet in the game.

    At this point I think he's on the cusp of being in that top 15 of starting QBs in the league.

    And to address the QB position and the playoffs, 1) everyone judges QBs by wins and 2) Sanchez in each playoff game has made plays to help keep his team in the game and he was instrumental in us beating the Pats 2 years ago.

    Sanchez compared to these QBs we mentioned are physically better specimens than Sanchez - he's prob the least physically talented QB out of that group. Yet, he's right there with his peers.

    Him getting a new OC that has common sense will do wonders for him.
  9. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Come on now, the offense was so predictable and the presnap motions were maddening. I am glad Schotty is gone, and I am really surprised anyone hired him.

    Schotty blows and this season will prove that he was what was holding Sanchez back.
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Ok... time for some prediction.

    If Rams offense fails this season, that's because:

    1. Bradford sucks
    2. Rams have no OL
    3. Rams have no receivers
    4. Steven Jackson sucks.
  11. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Sanchez Fans such as yourself grossly overrate his role in those playoff games, while ignoring too much. For example the Jets last year were at 5-3 at the halfway mark. They were poised to go to the playoffs. With three to go they had an excellent shot if they won two, and even winning one might have been enough.

    So what did Sanchez do in that critical stretch, in his third year, with the season on the line? He crapped the bed something awful.

    How come we are supposed to go back to some very ambiguous performances two and three years ago when we have that more recent example of ineptitude? Are season ending losses during a drive to make the playoffs really that insignficant?

    I also disagree with your specific example of the win over the Pats. The Jet D beating up Brady was the primary factor in that win.

    And judging an individual player's value by a win in a team sport tends to distort that player's contribution.

    Finally all of Kolb, Hasselbeck, Palmer and Flacco had higher ratings and better stats than Sanchez, so you are just being a homer saying Sanchez is better than them.
  12. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    sanchez>>>kolb by a million miles
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Failure for the Rams i would define as a worse performance than last year, while success would be a better one.
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Now that sounds like a Jets fan.

    Success for the Rams should be taking real steps forward. If they go 4-12 or 5-11 next year that's a failure, despite the fact that it is an improvement over the 2-14 last year.
  15. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    It's refreshing to see such a resounding endorsement toward mediocrity and below.

    I just have to wonder how you can't put Schottenheimer in the "failure" category with 6 years of virtual non-improvement (if not worsening). Schottenheimer's offense never ranked above 10th during that 6 year span. Now where is that improvement you talk about? Oh, right, there must be other excuses but that's not Schottenheimer's fault, right?
    #4775 Zach, May 10, 2012
    Last edited: May 10, 2012
  16. VanderbiltJets

    VanderbiltJets Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    I really hate this thread/title. It's a flashback to the days when Jets fans finally began to realize as a whole how much Schotty blows.
  17. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    For the Rams, I wouldn't consider 4 or 5 wins failure. They're putting in new schemes on offense/defense & doing a massive over turn of their roster. There's just no way Rams can fill all those holes so they'll have plenty of below-average or "hold-the-fort" players throughout their roster with cheap salaries.

    Now if the Rams won 4-5 games this season & next season, alarm bells should start sounding over there.
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Anything less than 8-8 is a failure of one sort or another. 8-8 is a push.

    The idea that you have to gauge a team's results based on where they were last year is essentially an excuse to institutionalize failure.

    Would 4 or 5 wins by Bill Parcells in 1997 have been a success? of course not, it would have been a failure and that's true even though the Jets had won just 4 games the two previous years combined.

    Having a successful 1997 with 9 wins is what set the Jets up to go to the AFC Championship Game in 1998. That's what the Rams should be looking to do. They're way ahead of the 1996 Jets, they actually have a potential franchise QB on the roster and he has a bit of experience now.

    For the Rams next season 9-7 or better is a success. 8-8 is a push. Anything below that is a failure of one sort or another. Moral victories are for the Salvation Army. They don't mean anything in the NFL.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Does the OC put on cleats and pads and get out there and explode into defenders, run for a TD down the sidelines, throw TD passes? No. He coaches players. He cannot make them better than they are capable of being. He can help them get up to that point, but not beyond it.

    Meanwhile every team in the NFL is playing an opponent every week made up of professional football players who are also trying to win.

    You merely show your ignorance by acting like the OC is the main reason why teams succeed or fail. It's a team sport as you should have realized a long time ago. The coaches coach, and the players play.

    Learn the game.
  20. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Complete nonsense. Improvement from year to year is institutionalized failure?

    Where do you come up with this crap?

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