big mistake by picking up...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jtrain, May 10, 2006.

  1. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Be in the race for quinn? Come on man, we have a pancake schedule, solid o-line, great special teams, good D, good running game, and anywhere from average to great passing game (depends on how well penny or ramsey do). We will definitely make the playoffs this year.
  2. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm selling the Brooklyn, George Washington and Verranzano Bridges for the wapping sum of 2 dolla's and some envelopes...

    Are you kidding... Playoffs? With a new staff, rookies staring at Center and LT, no true Right Tackle, no idea who is playing QB, a 33 year old RB who's lost more than a step, learning a new system on offense, and I haven't even gotten to defense yet.

    You've got to be kidding... 7 and 9 at best, I predict 6-10 picking at #8 or 9 in the 2007 Draft.

    #42 Mehl-56, May 10, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2005
  3. k.Rhodes25

    k.Rhodes25 New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    obviously u dont watch ND very much. Smardzja consistently burnt and schooled any CB that covered him last season. He has amazing hands, he runs great routes, he has great ups and he is fast enough to be a playmaking reciever(not a goal-line reciever) in the NFL. However i agree with suppaman that their is a chance he might go the basebal route, but i sure hope he doesnt, cuz he was the best reciever in college football last year and wouldve been first wide out takin if he went into this years draft.

    2005 78 1274 16.3 80 15

    If u dont believe me about his speed see for urself. dame
  4. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Mangold and Brick will be effective immediately, Jones, Teague, and Clements will compete for the RT spot. Our o-line is solid. Curtis is done, I agree, but with a L. Washington/Houston combo, we will excel in the running game behind our line. Ramsey has a chance to excel and if he doesn't, we got 2 more options to fall back on. Having a new coaching staff is one reason why we are much more likely to excel this season, regardless if it's their first year.
  5. Big Poppa Naich

    Big Poppa Naich Active Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    How the heck can you bank on getting a player in next years draft when you are a full year of football away from next seasons' draft? Come on. A whole host of things could happen.
    1. Quinn might be horrible next season and not be draftable
    2. The Jets might win a bunch of games, and be out of the Quinn sweepstakes
    3. Quinn might get hurt and never play again
    4. Another QB might emerge as the best QB in the country, and who knows if any of them would be worth a first round pick

    Come on. You can't base what you do this year on what might be possible in next years draft. That is not a realistic way to plan. You have to get what is the best available now, and plan for the future based on what you have available to you now.
  6. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    So your basing our going to the playoffs on the following:

    2 rookies starting on the O line being "Effective", mixed in with Jones, who was poor at best on the Right side last year, and 2 journeymen Clements and Teague, who are at the bottom of the telent pool in terms of O-Lineman.

    Pennington being healthy or Ramsey doing something he's yet to do from the day he was drafted - pick up an offense.

    A rookie RB best suited for a scat back, and Cedric Houston - not an NFL runner to carry the load.

    A new offensive scheme that needs to be taught in its entirety to the entire offense, and thier ability to run it flawlessly from day one.

    An entirely new coaching staff, who have never coached together jelling an making ALL the right decisions all year long...

    I have to say...and don't take this the wrong way... you're nuts, crazy even!!!

  7. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Again, I pose this question. No one wants to tell me what they base this on. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but I'd like to know what this is based on... some criteria.

  8. vilma!imhome

    vilma!imhome Banned

    May 8, 2006
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    Quinn is much more than a product of a system. he is a great player with leadership qualities and all the intangibles that you need in a franchise qb. that said, clemens is also very good, and i think his value makes him a better pick than quinn would have been had we been presented the opportunity next year. Calling clemens a "big mistake" is a huge overstatement.
  9. Nesquik

    Nesquik Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I would have prefereed Justice over Clemens, so we would have never have to address o-line that high for another 10 years.But hearing mopre about the guy i like the pick.Out of everybody in the draft Adrian Peterson would be the best player for us.Then hopefully we can work up a trade to get Gaines Adams later in the first.I would have have also like a safety like Meriweather but since we have so much safety's and i antisipate McGlover moving there i dont think we need anymore.

    And whoever said we will make the playoffs this year is clearly on some piff. We cant rely on 2 rookie-olineman,a rookie hc, 2 rbs who arent gonna be anymore than backups and a new offensive and defensive system.
  10. Fleming

    Fleming New Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    My bigger issue is taking him with our #2 pick. He was a late riser whose production and arm don't warrant all the hype we've heard about him.
  11. phatnols

    phatnols Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    This thread is a joke.
    1. Who knows where we will pick. I guess (7-16)
    2. Who knows who will be the top rated QB in 07 draft, always someone comes from nowhere and it wont be Leak who is barely 6 foot
    3. Who knows if QB would be OUR top rated player where we pick. We might have a player ranked higher that isnt a QB...hmmm what happened this yr
    4. remember there is a thing called FA(yeah we dont make a splash but we might get one or 2 players that fit our system where QB a position could be ruled out)

    2007 offseason is a billion yrs from now, anything could happen. And looking at it with current needs, players that will be FA's and cuts there might be 20 openings next yr, so we can go anywhere in FA and the draft.
    But I know one thing we wont target a player for a whole year cause we have to play games(and we want to win some) and the player that is rated #1 in preseason is rarely the #1 player overall.

    this is based on predictions: nfldraftcountdown
    2006 preseason Lienart actual M Williams
    2005 preseason A Rogers actual A Smith
    2004 preseason Manning actual Manning (but they had Roethlisberger for some time)
    2003 preseason Leftwich actaul Palmer
    2002 preseason Carr actual Carr
    and many other sites were wrong with there 1st mock drafts. there is still time for Quinn to fall or rise, but if I had to take a bet he wont be the #1 of the 200+ players drafted.
  12. Bomber

    Bomber New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Peterson would be a much better fit for the New York Jets than Quinn; and he will definitely be coming out next season, without a shadow of a doubt.

    I'm not too optimistic on our chances this season, so I think we will be well in the running for the A Train when he comes to the station in 2007.
  13. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    I think both are future stars
  14. SuppaMan

    SuppaMan New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Fine, I'll cut you some slack since you are either a fan of ND or Samardzija himself (though if that's true, one would think you would know how to spell his last name). So whatever, I'll just be nice and say that's the most incorrect draft related player report from somebody on the board here this year. The letters W-R-O-N-G make up that entire post. He has great size, runs fairly good routes, and has pretty good hands, but that's about it. He's got okay speed for his size, but he won't be running away from anyone. Think Mike Williams, only in a tad better shape. He's somewhat of a tweener and that hurts, because he's not big enough to be a TE, but he's not really quick enough to be a WR (meaning the tweener status prevents him from being an elite player at either of those two positions because of his build and makeup). So basically he'll more than likely if he goes the NFL route, be a mid-late first round pick, become at the best a really good redzone target and possession wideout, and probably that's about it. At the worst he'll end up like Mike Williams has so far in Detroit.
  15. HCoftheNYJ

    HCoftheNYJ New Member

    Mar 22, 2004
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    Such a stupid thread.

    1) there's no way of knowing what will happen to Quinn within the next year. he might get injured. he might start sucking.

    2) there's no way of knowing if the Jets will be able to draft him.
  16. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Clemens is our future not Quinn

    1. Actually we could not have. Minnesota would have taken him 3 picks later.

    2. I think we got the BEST QB prospect in the draft. Period. Plus he is PERFECT for the Schottenheimer offense. He just fell through the cracks because of his injury and was not properly scouted. Not just my opinion either, JAWS thought he was the best QB also, and will be the player everyone wonders how he slipped

    3. We will have no interest in Quinn even if we draft high. We have our QB prospect and he will be one more year along than Quinn. Plus, if you draft Quinn you give up on Clemens, you mortgage your entire future on one player who may or may not be any good and we would probably lose both our 2nds to get him. Quinn will NEVER be a Jet. Just accept that. Also if Clemens does fail, it does not ruin the team like a #1 pick QB failure would . He is a 2nd round pick and will only get moderate money until he proves himself.

    4. In fact, if I were an owner of an NFL team, I would never approve a #1 pick on QB. It endangers the future of your entire franchise.

    Anyway, the Quinn talk is silly. We got a player in the 2nd tound who has franchise potential, an extra 2nd rd pick next year, and he will not mortgage our future. Quinn will NEVER be drafted by the Jets, it makes ZERO sense on any level.
  17. ROCaMOB

    ROCaMOB New Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    How come so many people on this board can call Alex Smith a bust after one year on a TERRIBLE team with no Vet QB to learn behind? These are the same people who think that Patrick Ramsey has a chance to play great in NY. Ramsey has proven NOTHING in 5 years. But you have no problem putting the BUST label on Smith.
  18. k.Rhodes25

    k.Rhodes25 New Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    I am a fan of both ND and jeff samardzija and as a fan i watched every televised ND game during the season and know what this guy is capable of. He is a poised player with great hands(not pretty good). He has the grat athleticism needed to be a playmaker at the wr position and is not even close to being a te/wr tweener. He is a player who has football speed who is great at getting downfield and either burning CBs with his great route runnning abilities or he will simply position himself to make the play on the ball. So from a fan of ND who follows the team very closely, i just want to tell u ur the one who has no clue wat ur talking about and i suggest u watch some more of their games so u can see for urself. And once u do ull find that the biggest flaw in his game is that hes an excelent pitcher for ND also.

    he also runs the same 40-time that chad johnson ran coming out of college that being a 4.5 and dont even try to tell me chad johnson isnt a playmaker
    #58 k.Rhodes25, May 10, 2006
    Last edited: May 10, 2006
  19. SuppaMan

    SuppaMan New Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Chad Johnson isn't a 4.5 runner though. Samardzija is. He won't get much seperation in the NFL. The NCAA isn't the NFL, it's an entirely different animal. The competition is entirely different. Why do you think so many guys can have great college career's and then either end up doing nothing in the NFL, never make it to the NFL, or toil around in the NFL. I never said he was bad. Hell I said he'd still be a first round pick even if Johnson, Jarrett, and Ginn declare while he may also still have that baseball thing weighing in to some teams factors (if he doesnt resolve it by then). Another thing that will hurt him is what you see is what you get. His upside isn't really that high, he's basically about maxed out his abilities as he stands right now. And I can't even recall how many games ND played last season or the years before against teams that have even something close to an NFL defense. Being non-conference it's hard, but they rarely play a team that has a great defense (let alone a team that has both a good offense and defense...when they do they were getting blown out). The toughest defense they faced (about the only one) was Michigan last year. The only other one, easily the best one they faced, was OSU in their bowl game. Which manhandled the entire ND team physically for the majority of the game.
  20. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    I am happy that we got Clemens as that was obviously who our FO was targeting. We had our choice of 2 of the big 3 at number 4 and passed on QB. Then we jumped down and up again in order to secure Clemens. Our FO obviously see's something in this kid. With all of the scouting they did I have confidence they made the right decision.

    I have no clue why we are even talking about next years draft. Until this season plays out we have absolutely no clue what needs will be a priority.

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