Beningo destroyed Manish on air today

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Longsuffering88, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    too bad his neck usually ends up in some horse's ass
    rohirrim665 and HomeoftheJets like this.
  2. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Makes Cimini look like a world class beat writer.
  3. MJK

    MJK Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2015
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    You must be a gig fan of reading fiction.
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    IT was great to listen to this !!!!!
  5. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    I don't read Manish or listen to Joe and Evan -- never have -- so I'm only basing this opinion on that phone call, but my (VERY unpopular) view is that Manish is the only person on that call worth having a conversation with. Like I could say something and he would actually listen and then respond with some perspective rather than screaming over me.

    In general, sports fans who base all of their loud opinions on the tiny sample size of results rather than the expected value of plays and decisions are beyond irritating. They're like poker players who make a decent play, get terribly unlucky, and then whine that they should have played the hand differently.

    For example, I certainly agree with Marrone's decision to go for it early on fourth and goal. And yes, boring, uninspired Bowles would have kicked. But the RESULT of that play doesn't make Marrone some super-genius. It means he made a slightly better
    percentage play that just happened to (BARELY) work in this particular situation. The result of that play merits examination and seems to tilt the meter toward Marrone being a good coach. That's it. It doesn't entitle you to crown his ass, and it certainly doesn't entitle you to scream at me, you windbag. Chill the fuck out. Jesus.


    Ok, so now that I'm the most popular guy at TGG, when do I get my set of steak knives?
  6. pdxdrew

    pdxdrew Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I love how it was quiet during recent Jet's press conference and Mehta had to cough.... nobody even bothered to say "bless you." I guess you can't wish for what is a divine impossibility.
  7. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Now we acting like Doug Marrone was the one who got away. I really hate this mentality.
    zace, playtowinthegame and FJF like this.
  8. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Couldn't agree with Joe more, although I was not a fan of Marrone.
  9. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    Joe was really off base, Manish handled that well.
    zace likes this.
  10. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Mannish is not the greatest by far..perhaps he deserved that roasting he got

    Mehta shenanigans aside I agree with Main and a few other posters the real culprits are the Johnsons who are clueless at how to hire a Coach...that's the real problem plus this org scares coaches away even without bad reporting by MM

    Always will love Joe Beningos show ...maybe they are not as popular but Mad Dog Russo is great and Francesca at times holds my interest
  11. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I would like this twice if I could,,,,,Manish is a P.O.S.
    rohirrim665 likes this.
  12. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well good for Benigo but in both the near future & far future it means exactly zero & I am sure if WJ heard it he is probebly is LHAO :mad:
  13. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Beningo & Roberts weren't crowning Marrone, they were calling Mehta out because that idiot deserves it for writing a scathing article for no reason about candidate Marrone. Mehta was the one that should've "chilled the fuck out" when the Jets were interviewing Marrone.

    the loud opinions of Beningo, that's his job, he's a radio host. Maybe you don't like radio, that's fine. Mehta is a bitch though. He should own up to his mistake. Honestly if he did this would be over. But now, for as long as Doug Marrone is an NFL coach, Mehta is gonna rightfully hear about what a jackass he is. And what Beningo said is SO TRUE, Mehta only cares about Mehta, not the Jets, not the community, not Todd Toilet Bowles, etc. Someone needed to say it - sorry you didn't like the tone
  14. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    There are many things to Joe's rant.

    1. What people are saying, and I agree with, Woody couldn't hire the right coach if it bit him in the butt. Jet fans have many frustrations and Woody is our biggest. Much like the Browns situation he is an inept owner who gets in his own way. He needs to let the football people do football things. In the one year Chris Johnson has acted as owner the team is better.

    2. Manish destroyed Marrone when the Jets were going to hire him. Players rejoicing he quit. How he weasled his way out of Buffalo etc. What Jet fans saw was a coach. Not all coaches or bosses are liked. That being said even if the team did not like him they played hard for him. Parcells wasn't always loved but teams played for him. Why Mehta had a person vandetta against him I don't know but he did. Maybe he was scared Marrone would shut leaks out of One Jets Drive. Maybe that would've been a good thing.

    3. Joe is a Jet fan. In some way shape or form he said to Mehta what we all want to say. Jet fans are sick and tired of being punching bags. People like Mehta add to that. Just report. Don't give opinion or an unnamed source said this. We're not the FBI or investigative reporting. They're a sports team. 53 men are in a room things are going to happen. Report on facts. Not unnamed sources.

    4. Joe's been a Jet fan forever. For a majority of his life the Jets have stunk and we don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. That's frustrating and everyone Jet fan feels this way.
  15. playtowinthegame

    playtowinthegame Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I know exactly what you're saying. It does however make for good sports radio. Still, where was all this clamoring on October 1, 2017 after the Todd Bowles coached Jets beat the Jaguars? Don't get me wrong, the Jaguars are having a nice two game run in the playoffs, but let's be real. The stars were aligned for the Jags on this run, but the clock is about to strike midnight for the Jaguars in New England next week. Just like that clock struck midnight on Rex Ryan's Cinderella Jets in 2009 at Indianapolis and 2010 at Pittsburgh in back-to-back Conference Championship games.

    Doug Marrone Apologist comparing his leaving the Bills to when Bill Belichick left the Jets is absolutely HILARIOUS to me. Come on man! Really? Doug Marrone was the head coach of the Buffalo Bills for two years before opting out of his contract. When the going got tough he took his guaranteed 4 million dollars, and tried to get the Jets job after Rex got fired. How long was Bill Belichick the "head coach" of the Jets after Parcells retired? One day. I'm not counting the one week in which Belichick was the "head coach" of the Jets in 1997 before Parcells had finally got his freedom from the Patriots.

    To sum things up, I would say Bill Belichick is more comparable to a groom leaving his bride at the alter after a long (arranged marriage) engagement. Doug Marrone opting out of his contract with the Bills for another NFL team is more comparable to a guy who thinks he's got some other hot younger woman lined up, ask for a divorce from the mother of his children, then is left without anyone when the other woman doesn't want him. Marrone didn't have a head coaching job when the music stopped. Now that Marrone has had a little success, we have to hear how "stupid" the Jets were for not hiring him. I really don't give a rats ass what Marrone does in Jacksonville. He's no Bill Belichick. He's not even Rex Ryan yet with one Conference Championship game on his resume.

    I am glad the Jets didn't hire Marrone. All this crying about not hiring Marrone is laughable. Doug Marrone is not the "one" who got away. I can see the Jags getting beat by to the Patriots this Sunday like the Colts did 3 years ago in the AFC Championship game.
    soh_vet likes this.
  16. twown

    twown Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    I appreciate the responses to my post. Much respect to those who know more than I do; I'm sure the Manish hate isn't totally undeserved.

    That said, there's an article today on ESPN with anonymous sources claiming growing discontent in the Cavaliers organization. Rumors and unnamed sources. This seems pretty standard.

    Manish's job is not just reporting facts. You don't have to like it, but he's paid to dig dirt and give his opinion. If someone in Buffalo told Manish that Marrone was generally disliked and reminiscent of Sparano, that's relevant to me. I'm not going to the bank with anonymous sources, but it's not totally worthless either. I want to gradually form my own opinion from ALL the information I can get.
    Brook! likes this.
  17. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    You should write more. In fact, you should have your own column on this board. Great post.
  18. Brook!

    Brook! Soft Admin...2018 Friendliest Member Award Winner

    May 11, 2011
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    I liked your response to BN. Question. If Manish was writing in a Philly paper as Eagles beat writer or in Wisoncsin as a Packers beat writer would he still be employed? No he wouldn't. He isn't catering to Jet fans at all. He is taking shots at Jets and receiving praise from the Giants dominated sports culture. He is a piece of crap. I hope he loses his job soon.
    rohirrim665 likes this.
  19. AJT73

    AJT73 Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2016
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    Better yet let him write on the Giants beat. Be interesting to see what happens then.
  20. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I still don't want Marrone.

    I've watched 5 Jags games this season, and I wasn't impressed. They're talented, but they play sloppy football.
    Is he better than Bowles? Probably. Mark Sanchez is probably better than Bryce Petty, but I don't want him here, either.
    zace and Sam Hammer like this.

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