At #4 the Jets are sitting in the catbird seat

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jabba the Jet, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. LWC611

    LWC611 Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Good Post I could not agree with you more
  2. Warrior

    Warrior Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The Jets will not trade the #29 pick to move up in the draft. They received the #29 pick to get Abraham. The Jets want to get maximum value for that pick. The way to get maximum value is either you draft a warm body at #29 or you use that pick to trade down for an additional pick, ie. two warm bodies. The Jets will not trade up - they will not give up valueable draft picks for one warm body that will be very expensive. The only time they will think abou moving up is in the later round - 3rd or later. The Jets will either stay put in round 1 (unlikely), but they are truely hoping for someone to make a deal with them to give them mid first rounders or later. Look for the Jets to pick a QB in the 4th round.
  3. JetsIn2004

    JetsIn2004 Banned

    Jan 26, 2004
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    I don't agree.

    If #2/#3 is Mario/Leinart, then the Jets need to move down. Cutler at #4 would be a REACH beyond all reaches. Deal down, and collect picks. Cutler may still be available, and if he isn't, no big deal you lost out on Ryan Leaf.

    If #2/#3 is Leinart/Cutler, also MOVE DOWN. If we wanted to pay a pass rusher huge $ we could have paid Abraham. Move down to someone that will, and collect picks

    If #2/#3 is Mario/Cutler (no f'ing way it is) then SNAG LEINART AND RUN before the cops handcuff you for stealing.

    I agree every pick for this team is valuable. I just do not think a pick on D that high is worth it. The players may warrant the position, (unlike Cutler), but this team needs to worry about offense even more than defense.
  4. Tenn_JetsFanatic

    Mar 16, 2006
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    I agree ... do not trade up unless it's to get Reggie Bush ... Stay at 4 and see what falls into our laps before we make a huge mistake
  5. StoneHaens

    StoneHaens Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Wtf? You can't compare a solid injury prone pass rusher to a complete rookie DE with huge upside and run blocking skills.
  6. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Great post and I could not agree more. The Jets should just stay put and let the right player fall to them. No matter what, they will be getting an elite prospect at a position of need.
  7. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Probably one of the best posts I have read. Your breakdown, analysis, and logic were great. I am in full agreement. We are in a wonderful spot at #4. We will make out just fine and multiple options will be available.
  8. GeshJet

    GeshJet Active Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    I like your original post very much, and my opinion is to stay where we are, or, if we don't like the available options greatly, trade down a bit. I think the two Denver picks roughly equal the # 4 in value, and Denver may want to move up for an immediate impact guy since the'yre close.

    On the other hand, I can't stand all this senseless fighting and name-calling. I almost left the site a year ago (I realize I don't post that much, but I read every day, and post only when I have something to say) when someone made fun of my 11 year old. The name-calling and fighting brings us all down. Differences of opinion are what this type of site is designed for. Jabba, thanks for being a mature peace-maker.
  9. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    I will be happy to stay where we are, or happy to draft down and get more picks. I am never keen on investing heavily in rookies, especially as they can take so long to develop that just as they come good you are facing loosing them as a FA, so am always glad to move away from the top 10 in a deep draft such as this.

    IMO the only mistake we could make here would be to trade up to the #2 pick.
  10. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Yup great post Jabba. Trade up makes no sense for us, just giving up picks for essentially a player at the same tier we already can get with #4. Trading down always sounds good, but why sacrifice getting a top tier player when we have the chance?

    How can you go wrong with picking Mario, Leinart, Cutler, or Brick? I love the idea of picking Mario by the way, I think that's our best move if he's there.
  11. Willie WhiteShoes

    Willie WhiteShoes New Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Great post Jabba. Seeing how this FO has operated thus far, it is doubtful they will blow it now, and in my opinion, trading up would be considered blowing it no matter who they get - maybe save Bush. I do not see that moving up will accomplish anything other than losing a high pick in the process. So when do you start in the Jets front office? ;)
  12. LI JET FAN

    LI JET FAN New Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Where we are is great as long as Tannenbaum keeps his mouth shut and plays some serious poker come draft day.Bring in Linart,Cutler and Young for Private workouts. Just sit at 4 and come draft day there will be teams hopefully desperate enough to move up and give the Jets ample compensation. Otherwise pick your B.A.P and move on. Wew ahve 3 picks in the top 35 we're bound to get some grat players.
  13. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    I wouldn't mind even drafting Vince Young at #4, it's only a game after all.
  14. Spike_D

    Spike_D Active Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Sounds like your theone being the pompous ass ... but whatever.

    Trading out of #4 is going to be considered by the FO ... as well as trading up. Both have their pros/cons ... but it is my personal opinion trading down will do more for the Jets in the long run. Will moving up and getting that flashy player make alot of people happy .... sure it will.

    But trading down and gaining more picks could in the long run make the most sense. We have a glaring lack of depth along the O-line, D-line and at LB (as we are moving to the 3/4). We could use another TE if we don't resign Baker ... an additional corner is needed ... and yes probably even a QB somewhere in the draft. With so many holes to fill it does make sense to try and gather as many picks as possible.

    This does two things for you ... obviously balances out the roster ... but it also puts you in a position where you have a new younger core of players to build around in the image of your choosing. Mangini wants to put his stamp on the Jets ... this would be a great way to do it.

    Will this happen ... heck if I know ... but its gonna be fun watching on draft day to see what does transpire.
  15. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    My feelings on this is are if our FO feels that Leinart is by and far the best QB prospect in this draft, then they have to do what they can to get him. If they rate him and Cutler pretty close then stay at 4 and take whichever one is available. I agree though, we are in a great position at 4 with many possibilties to either trade up, down or stay at 4. One big difference between this year and past years is I have complete confidence in this FO and I would trust whatever decision they make is the right one.
  16. icecreamtruck

    icecreamtruck Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    Good post. I agree that we should stay at 4. The only thing I disagree on is picking a qb with that pick. We have CP, Ramsey, and Bollinger. We DON'T KNOW if CP will come back to pre-injury form (some of us profess to know, but we really don't), Ramsey certainly has potential in the right system, and Bollinger should be improved from last year.

    When there are players like Hawk, Mario, D'Brick at that spot, why gamble on what is not a position of need? And it is a gamble... recent 1st round QB picks include: Rivers, Losman, Leftwich, Boller, Grossman, Harrington, and RAMSEY.

    It's interesting that we have 2 1st rounders on our team right now at QB, and people get all starry-eyed about getting another first round QB. You don't need a first round qb to be good in the nfl. Look at the Pats (Brady 6th round)... Look at the seahawks (Hasselbeck 6th round). What you need is to win the war in the trenches. Seahawks had the best O-line in the game. You need solid O-line and D-line. If you've got players on the board like Mario, D'Brick, Mangold, etc., etc., that's who I go after for long term team success.

    For this same reason, I don't agree with taking a RB in round one. We have talent at RB that will prosper behind a strong O-line, (just like a QB will). Reggie Bush will not be great behind a terrible O-line, but CMart and Houston could be great behind a dominant O-line.
  17. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I couldn't agree more!
  18. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Jabba...excellent post my man...

    Also, I think the Runyan deal is going to get done too so we are not in need of taking D'Brickshaw. I can really see either one of the three you mentioned. Also, I would prefer they take Super Mario if he is available. Something tells me that Chad is going to be it a hunch I have had for a couple days now. Also, Ramsey can't be that bad and Bolly is a decent number 3.

    The loss of Abraham is huge and if we can replace him through the draft then we have hit a homerun!


    The Mezz
  19. N.Y. Johnny

    N.Y. Johnny Member

    Sep 4, 2004
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    Excellent theories and some solid posts.

    The key to whatever we may be doing maybe with what the heck the Saints do at 2. I also get the feeling like some that a QB isn't the route the Jets were ever going to take here, I just have that feeling. I will be surprised if we do draft a QB with that 4 pick.

    I'm just feeling like Super Mario or D'Brickashaw Ferguson are the guys the Jets want and if they're not there then they're looking maybe to unload that 4 pick to someone that wants Vince Young or another QB up there.
  20. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Enough is enough man...

    Childish and pety... Go to your room...

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