It is more than just wealth, though. There are plenty of black men and women who HAVE built wealth and STILL get hassled far more than white men and women. THAT is what white privilege is. When I get pulled over by a police officer, I'm not going to be asked to step out of the car in most circumstances. I'm not going to be searched. The VP of business development at my company (a black man who is wealthier than I am) told us he has been pulled over and patted down twice in the past year. Once for a "broken taillight" (it wasn't broken, he says). Once for a rolling stop. He suffers the annoyance because he prefers annoyance to trouble. But it certainly bothers him. THAT is white privilege. Yes, socioeconomic status has a lot to do with it. The demographics of socioeconomic status also play a big role in how the stereotypes are formed. But to say skin color has NOTHING to do with it is flat-out ignorant.
Like I said ,near 400 killed by guns in Chicago since Mike Brown died. These people are full of shit. Its not the lives that matter,its the killer. And the opportunity to sing a song on tv
Most of the problem is not skin color,its the fact that a lot of black youth "play the part" I mean,when your favorite swag consists of prison clothes and drooping of the drawers which originated in prison..... besides,the numbers of cases like that are skewed because only the black ones get reported. Its just like TV now and the black lives matter protests. Why is it that the unarmed white kid in Utah killed by a black cop around the same time as ferguson hasnt made the news. I would also like to know the numbers on how many times the cops actually find nothing.
Another thing I haven't heard much about lately. Guns in general We are a damn gun happy society. The last 6 years with the "Obama is cming,stock up" drilled into everyones heads...its worse than ever. Cops have guns,cops don't know who has guns,cops know youth are obsessed with guns,people feel the need to carry guns,kids think its cool to have a gun......this is a problem
The Second Amendment maximalist nitwits will tell you the entire purpose of having guns is so the citizenry has a fighting chance against arbitrary abuse from the government. So much for counseling people not to resist arrest.
from what I've gathered the police are racist white supremacists excerting their white privilege by killing poor innocent blacks. oh and by the way since of bunch of hood rats in Chicago who obviously follow the law at all times and obviously legally owned weapons are shooting each other up - only cops should have guns. this is good stuff. I suppose my comment was also racist. obviously. because white privilege.
Hi, and welcome to Fallacious Internet Debating 101. I'm you're professor, NotSatoshiNakamoto. Today's lesson: The Straw Man. When you cannot refute what was actually said, just pretend people are saying something completely different! Let me give you an example...
old enough to know mlk jr is rolling in his grave over the race baiting bullshit in this country today.