And so the backlash begins...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BlairThomas#1, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    There is no way to know if Mangini knew this was going on but I'd be willing to bet no. It has nothing to do with me being a Jets fan but moreso the fact that Mangini like Crennell was a defensive coach. This cheating was used to benefit the offense and in no way did it help out the Pats defense. My bet is the Jets knew this because they caught New England last year and told them to stop, they caught them again this year and decided to get the NFL involved.
  2. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    You're assuming 2 things here:

    1) That Mangini did, in fact, know what was going on at the time when he was in NE. There's actually been a person who worked with both Belichick and Mangini in NE who has said that Mangini probably did not know what was going on.

    2) That even if he did know, he agreed with the behavior. He was an employee of Bill Belichick. Do you march into your boss' office when you think he's done something wrong and tell him the right way to conduct himself?

    Anyway, this is exactly the situation I was discussing yesterday in the Billick thread. Mangini has a big red bull's eye on his back now. He's going to be a target of everyone now, regardless of whether or not he deserves it.
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    There are so many things in that article that are so onesided King should be called out by his peers for having an agenda. The entire article from word one until the end is Mangini bashing and nothing more. Had Mangini called out the Bills instead of King's beloved Pats this article would have a home in the recycle bin. "It's a disgrace" from one unnamed coach that doesn't really exist. Wrong Pete what's a disgrace is your blatent attempt to shed the blame from one man who cheated to the man that busted him. He leaves out so many facts that it's more political spinning than any article worthy of being published. Forget that like the Packers and Lions the Jets also caught them last year and told them to stop. Forget that this isn't the first time chicken has been accused of cheating going all the way back to Cleveland. Forget that the man who cheats on his wife is probably willing to cheat at a game of football.

    Code of silence huh? Then why was there no article about Brad Childress calling out your beloved commander after the chicken called him and basically tried to bribe him over the phone about a player on waivers? Oh because half the country didn't know about it? Or was it because the Pats perception didn't take a hit the way it did after this. Is it because people are now putting * next to the SB victories. Is it because people in the media now question how good a QB Tom Brady really is? Or is because you hate Mangini and you hate the Jets that you need to spew your New England venom all over the man who exposed the Pats dynasty for what it was. Chicken will now always be remembered as the guy who sucked in Cleveland and had to cheat to win in New Engand and King like the little boy who watched his brother get the Xmas gift he wanted had to cry about it.
    #43 Barry the Baptist, Sep 19, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2007
  4. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Not irrational, simply employing a bit of hyperbole to prove a point. I'm tired of people conveniently and inappropriately calling Mangini a rat. He DID warn Belichick, as did several other teams. Belichick chose to ignore those warnings because he's a compulsive dirtbag. So, what choice did Mangini have?

    As much as you'd like to believe it's not the same as stealing a bonus, it is. Belichick's actions resulted in an edge over the Jets, which resulted in wins for his team. A losing record against the Patriots severely impacts Mangini's income when it comes time to talk about a contract extension or his future as the leader of this team, while several blowout victories over his AFC East rival and other franchises ensures a long and profitable future for BB.

    And it stands to reason that if Mangini were willingly a part of the CHARADE in NE, he'd have brought it with him to New York. By all accounts, however, his team is run quite cleanly.
  5. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    And then the media wonders why more and more people tune out. If you're going to write retarded bullshit then we'll exercise our right to ignore you, and get our info from other less biased placed. The Justin Miller injury story broke about 2 days before the media knew about it on the internet.

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