ALL THINGS REVIS - Official Thread - Deal Signed - Thread Locked

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by klecko73, Jul 26, 2007.

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    LI JET FAN New Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    The longer he holds out the worse Mr. T's position becomes. Revis if not signed this week will be a Special team player in 07'. His contribution to the Jet's secondary will be minimal at best for this year. He'll still get a big $$$ signing bonus and we'll be short one CB who might be anble to stop Moss and company if he was signed earlier.The Jets were hurt by other teams issuing 5 yr deals or in some cases "voidable" years on the 6 yr contract. When all is said and done Revis will still get his money and the Jets will have the most expensive S.T. player on their roster for 2007
  2. Not exactly true. CB's are known for holding out for bigger contracts b/c there is always a huge increase in average base salary every 3 years or so. Agent's know this and want to get long term top money. The result is what we're seeing right here.

    W/ that said, of all the positions for a rookie to really "plug and play" in, CB is one of the easiest. A cb typically doesnt start reaching full potential till year 3, however, they are usually able to gain significant PT very early, even w/ limited practice reps. The reason: It's pretty simple: Cover the WR in front of you
  3. Richiebsweet

    Richiebsweet Active Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Can the JETS just sign Revis to a 5 year deal like the other 90% of the first round draft picks. Mr. T is good with numbers and if he and the JETS want to get Revis in camp with the proposed 6 year deal make sure the numbers work and all parties are satisfied. Hopefully, Revis will get his contract done by Monday afternoon and be in camp working out Tuesday morning and Kendall will traded or cut.
  4. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    UR right! Must be this Florida Heat I been livin' in for too long.
  5. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I have been jumping on this website for the past two weeks, expecting to see a thread reading "Revis Signed" and it obviously has not happened. The longer this goes on the more it hurts the Jets than it does Revis. Every day he misses, he will probably be less of a contributor in 07. Therefore if the Jets get the six year deal, which is a big question mark, he will still only be a major contributor for five. And they are going to pay him big money to spend what is looking to be more and more of a major portion of his time in 07 standing on the sidelines because he won't know the defense.
  6. Mickey Shuler 82

    Mickey Shuler 82 New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Everyone wants the immediate satisfaction of having Revis in camp. I would like him in camp too. But I have a feeling the FO thinks this kid will be a big-time player, and they know that the savings to the cap in five years by inking him to a six-year deal far outweighs the immediate gratification of having him from Day 1.

    I'm not a football coach/talent evaluator, but the CB position has always struck me as one where athletic skill far outweighs the contribution to one's game than studying/preparation does. Hopefully, your player does both well. But if you don't have athletic skill at the position, studying isn't going to help you much. So I am less concerned about his missing days of practice than I would a rookie QB you were planning to be a major contributor.

    Plus, by all indications, he performed well at mini camps and OTAs. So he has had exposure to the system at this point.
  7. DonnieBaseball23

    DonnieBaseball23 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    I agree - everyone wants him in now because they feel that he can make an immediate impact, which he probably can to a small extent. But the reality is it's going to better for the Jets to make sure his contract is right before we bring him in. He's here for the long haul, not just the first game against New England this season.
  8. JetFighter

    JetFighter Active Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Agree with DonnieBaseball23 and Mickey Shuler 82. Everyone in panic mode must be the same people that sell all their investments when the market has two or three bad days. This urgency about Revis just keeps feeding on itself. The longer the holdout, the longer many posters' self inflicted panic kicks in. If you all think Revis is the key to our season, than we have bigger problems as a team than he could ever solve anyway. Sit tight guys, long term picture here, keep it in mind. Let's not devolve back into the Bradway cap hell era of the early 2000s....
  9. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    if we can get his ass in here in the next couple of days he could still compete for the starting job
  10. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That's a good strategy and good take Shuler!

    As much as I selfishly want Revis in for the sake of football - as you so wisely put it - the Jets understand his long term value and want to lock him up.

    I do hope they get him signed soon a fan
  11. Duk Dodgers

    Duk Dodgers Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I'm surprised it hasn't happened, It's a shame too considering how important he is to our plans this year. If I were him I would do the same though, so I understand his viewpoint. Hopefully one of the sides learns to compromise or else this issue could linger through quite a few preseason games.
  12. Scottso

    Scottso Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I hope you are right DaBallhawk, but they are installing the defense right now and he is missing so much. He is a great athlete, but he has to know his assignments on every defensive call, and he is missing so many crucial repitions right now. I just don't see how he can ever get up to speed at this point for the 07 season. He is not gonna get the repetitions with the first team unit, and I would think is still gonna be learning the defense during the beginning portion of the season when he could have done that in camp.
  13. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Yeah thats a good strategy if Mr T thinks we are going to be contenders in 6 years.
    This teams being built IMO is going to be peaking in 2-3 years. So lets say (ha ha) we win the SB or at least go to the party , Revis comes back to the tabel to renegotiate his he still the best pebble on the beach or do we trade him for great value?
    Sorry Mr T give him 5 and let him squirm later on , its a gamble on both sides except at the moment the FO is holding all the cards , who says hes going to be great?
    5 years , do it now.
  14. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Personally, I don't care if he ever gets in. He is not going to win a single game for us by himself. All he could do is lose one. He's a CB for Pete's sake. It would be stupid of the front office to change their contract strategy for him or any other player. I don't know if I agree with the Jets or not but it's their policy to make and their's to live with.
  15. BlairThomas#1

    BlairThomas#1 New Member

    Jan 15, 2004
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    The gamble is not equally on both sides gustoon. Unfortunately, the system is set up in such a way that the Jets will hand over millions of dollars without the guy playing a snap in the NFL. The risk is all on the team here, Revis can't shop his services due to draft so he really isn't taking a gamble he just wants to be in a position to get more up-front money sooner.
  16. jnjoewilly

    jnjoewilly New Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    with all due respect Revis has much more to lose here than the organization. He has been up nights since the draft wondering how to spend all this money he thought he was getting? the rug has been pulled out from his dreams & while he's taking his agents advice, it prolly killing him inside. If he doesn't sign this year not only does his stock go way down, but he'll be living hand to mouth for another year til he gets his 1st real payday
  17. Big Cotch

    Big Cotch Banned

    Jan 2, 2007
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    There is a 0% chance we let him go back into the draft next year-- I don't know why that was ever brought up in the first place. I also think that he holds the cards in this negotiation, as does every first rounder. The evidence lies in the absurd contracts these guys get. A top 10 pick gets paid like a top 5 player at their position without ever seeing the field-- it's BS. I don't even know why the Jets are pushing so hard for the 6 year deal--if he's a probowler, yeah sign him up for as long as possible, but as much as you may think he's the next Champ Bailey, he's still just another rookie who could be boom, bust, or average. I'd sign the guy to a 4 year deal-- who gives a shit. If he's good, re-sign him after year 2 or 3 to 7 years. I can see a player wanting a certain length contract, but I can't see why the team would want to sign any Rookie to a long deal with the risk of a bust. If Dewayne was signed to a 3 year deal, and we re-signed him- he'd probably be making less money than he currently is under his rookie contract.

    I blame the FO in this negotiation-- Revis is one of 3 players who are unsigned right now, and the other 2 were the #1 overall pick, and a QB who has the talent of a #1 overall. What makes the Jets FO think they are in a position to do this? We need him on the field. They already gave up 2 big picks for him, now they're going to nitpick the contract?? All Off-Season I have to hear about how we don't sign the big names so we can sign our own guys, blah blah-- it's BS. They are not doing the right thing. You can't have a playoff team when you don't open your wallet, and get your best players on the field. That applies to the Kendal issue as well. This guy already missed like 15 practices, and I'm sure that is going to set him back at least 3 weeks on the season. There goes $1,000,000 right there.

    At the same time, I would like to see a guy tell his agent to fuck off, and to get him on the field for the first day of camp. The Jets gave up a lot to get him, and it would be nice to see him give a little as well and just sign the damn deal. First guy in 10 years not to sign for us. Way to start your career off-- pissing off management, coaches, and fans. He better be the real deal.
  18. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Something I don't understand is why people are making a huge deal about the contracts coming up in 5 years. Say it'd be Penny, Brick, and Revis. Does anyone think that they'll be struggling to resign Chad 5 years from now? He'll probably be done at that time. Chad's ridiculous contract coming off the books will actually be a benefit. Not to mention if DBrick and Revis are any good they'll have resigned them by then anyway. Then again, with "Jets Policy", who knows.

    As for who's more in trouble here, the Jets or Revis, it's definitely the Jets, and I can't understand how it could be seen otherwise. Revis isn't hurting for money, he can certainly survive for a year between his family and the advances that banks are dying to give him with the knowledge that a contract will be coming.

    And about saying those of us that want him in are "short sighted," excuse me for wanting to see a supremely talented player on the field as soon as possible. If Revis turns out to be as good as we all think he can be, then I hope he's a Jet for much more than his original contract will entail, so the length of the original deal doesn't bother me as much as it does others. Add to the fact that we may, again, be "short sighted", but if he's the same skill level after his 5th year as he is his 6th year, then he'll be making less having a contract come up a year earlier than he would the later year. If he's better having the extra year? Even more money after the 6th year.

    Yeah, it sounds crazy, but this is a now game, and the fact is we need him now just as much as we need him 5 years from now. If the Jets want to keep him, they will no matter when his contract is up.
  19. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    completely unnecessary avatar.
  20. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    What is taking so long to give the guy a damn contract? Sign him already! He is missing very important TC time!
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