A look at our starting QB situation

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by johnnysd, May 29, 2006.

  1. Chadwick747

    Chadwick747 New Member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Ugghhh, the offseason wishful thinking train has made another stop...

    The ONLY way Clemens even sees the green grass of the field is if he's doing menial mop-up duty late in the season. Let's stop all the cup-half-full-ness right now.

    Either Pennington or Ramsey are going to get the nod for opening day. They're veterans, they know the NFL. They are without a shadow of a doubt better options than Clemens (who's coming off of ankle surgery and NEVER SEEN AN NFL DEFENSE) and Bollinger (who's proven that he can't start in this leauge). To write off Chad and Patrick because they either are too injured or incompetent (although those are accurate descriptions) is insane. Clemens has proven nothing so far and until he does so, he will not play any sooner than Thanksgiving (and that's nowhere near guaranteed either).

    So let's stop the nonsense. I like the Jets too, I get it. But we have to let realism prevail here.
  2. sunnygs97

    sunnygs97 New Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    1. Chad Pennington will tear his rotator cuff trying to toss a nerf football to his son, Cole.

    2. Patrick Ramsey is awful. Period. He has never been anything more than a semi-solid backup with "potential." I was furious that the Jets traded for him, and I'm furious that he even has a chance at starting for this team.

    3. How could you possibly write off Brooks Bollinger? It was evident that he did nothing but continue to get better as the season progressed, even though the Jets were sporting their 3rd string offensive line, with the climax being his 327 yard performance @ Miami. No way in hell does he not make this team.

    4. As for Clemens, I'm with johnnysd on this one. The Jets staff has said nothing but complements when asked to comment on this kid, and even volunteering the subject. Mangini is content with his potential, playing ability and most importantly, his leadership. Brian Schottenheimer volunteered information on how impressed he is with Kellen and he didn't comment on any of the other quarterbacks. If the Jets staff feel that KC is ready to start this season, I would have no problem with it at all.
  3. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I totally agree with where your coming from except the part of how long. What would make Chad Pennington by lets say, November, not be ready to play at 100%. I dont get the "year or two down the road" part. This regime is building a foundation that will be in place within two years...if they see that they will not be able to judge Chad by sometime this year..hes history.

    As much as I understand where your coming from...just dont agree that you wait until your 100 % positive he cant play...if that were to take a couple years.

    As far as other posters that say Bollinger is being underestimated, go out on a limb and say that hes the future QB for this franchise. If you cant go that far out....drop it. To sit here and try to defend a backup QB...if you think hes the future of this org....say it.

    Just say that you believe that the gameplan setup by EM/MT is that Brooks Bollinger will be the QB to lead this team to the superbowl.

    If you cant say that and are just defending a roster spot for him...save your breath. With the problems this team has...backup QB isnt keeping me awake at night at all.
  4. Martin&theJETS

    Martin&theJETS Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I dont agree with you IBleedGreen66. Pennington can and will come back this year and will be as good as he was and maybe better but if that is not the case Ramsey can get the job done if pennington cant but i have a lot of faith left in pennington and i belive he can be are QB this year and the years after that. There is no way bollinger is the starter unless pennington gets hurt wicht hopefully wont happen and Ramsey had a sucky team when he was a starter and he will get a chance with the Jets and that is all he needs.
  5. Ramseyfan

    Ramseyfan New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    If Joe Gibbs gave up his best QB, it wouldn't be the first time. Stan Humphries wasn't a Hall of Fame QB but he was good enough to start for the Chargers for six or seven years after Gibbs traded him to Bobby Beathard for a mid-round draft choice. He QB'd San Diego to the only Super Bowl appearance in their history.

    Give Patrick a little help and then judge him. He was 10-14 in his starts for the Skins. His competition, Weurfell, Matthews, and Brunell, were 8-17 with the same supporting casts.
  6. penny10jet

    penny10jet New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Just to reitterate it-CLEMMONS WILL NOT START until after we are out of the playoff race, and even then, doubtful. Maybe he can get some garbage time, but nothing more. Pennington IMO is the front runner for the opening day starting job. Then Ramsey then Bollinger, and then Clemmons. Even if Clemmons out plays all three in Training camp i doubt he will be the starter. I believe he is our future, but i highly doubt he will be there in any important games.
  7. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Well, now see, that analysis follows conventional wisdom of how you do things with a rookie QB when you have other capable throwers on the roster. But I get the feeling that our coach is the kind of guy that will run things the way he wants them to be run, and not really care what anybody else would do. I would say there is a very, very slim chance of Clemens seeing any playing time at all next season...but I'm not going to sit here and say I know what will happen because that's the way its supposed to happen.

    I don't know what the coach will decide to do when the season starts, any more than the rest of us. I do think we have a coach who will be unpredictable and innovative in his approach to the team and the game. What that means for our starting QB spot is anybody's guess. But it is fun to speculate, or we wouldn't be here :wink:
  8. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    this years starting QB will be the better of Chad and Ramsey with Bolly the odd man out all together... It's painfully obvious

  9. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    WE should revisit this thread mid-late training camp. I think by then people will be calling for Ramseys head and Pennington will be shown to not be able to play. As for the people who think it is "painfully obvious" that Bollinger will be cut, I am not really sure what logical thought process could lead you to that. Even if he is only a reasonable backup, we will likely not have Pennington next year nor Ramsey so we absolutely need to keep Bollinger just to have 2 QBs going into next year. Cut him and there is a very real possibility of having only 1 viable QB in the days before the draft and free agency. The Jets are going to keep Bollinger and have 4 QBs on the roster like they did in NE Brady's first year. If Bollinger keeps the starting job, this board will be very interesting with all the hatred he seems to have directed at him for no logical reason whatsover. Most posts in this thread are purely emotional not logical and reasoned out.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    See, thats the problem Johnny. The posts Im reading about him are evaluations...not hatred. How can you hate Brooks. He came in with no offensive line...no running game...with a conservative coach that feared him a lot more than we feared him. (fear, meaning had no trust in his ability to lead the team)

    With that said about him, the general consensus is that he is a nice qb that for some teams would be a decent emergency backup QB..but not the type of guy a new regime...a young regime...with everything on the line, wants to build a possible superbowl team around.

    Its not personal...its strictly business. You just believe that he can be "built around". I just dont see the "hatred" you do.
  11. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    I agree with this - I also don't see Brooks hatred, just the belief that he isn't very good. You can argue that he didn't really have a chance last year, and I wouldn't disagree, but on the basis of performance alone, I don't see someone saying that he's not good enough to be a #1 or #2 QB as being ridiculous.

    johnny, your position is no less emotional than anyone else's. You say "WE should revisit this thread mid-late training camp. I think by then people will be calling for Ramseys head and Pennington will be shown to not be able to play" as if this is fact, when it's just your opinion, and is no more right or wrong than anyone else's opinion. IF Pennington can't play, Bollinger's chances of making the team go up; IF Ramsey sucks, Bollinger's chances of making the team go up. IF neither of those things happens, I don't see the Jets using up a slot for Bollinger as a 4th QB (JMO, but no less valid than yours). And to argue that the Jets will only have one viable QB before next year's draft is in my opinion putting the cart way before the horse.
  12. Ramseyfan

    Ramseyfan New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    As to Pennington: If Miami passed on Brees because of his injury, the point is irrelevant here unless you can offer a valid reason why we should consider Miami the standard for smart personnel decisions. Besides, Miami passed on Brees, after three days of negotiations, because his price was too high. Chad is already under contract.

    You said that Brees's injury was much less severe than Chad's. Are you not aware that surgeons have far more experience, and far more success, repairing torn rotator cuffs than torn labrums?

    Others have said, and it makes sense to me, that the Jets are unlikely to carry four QBs; and, if they don't, Bollinger's spot on the roster depends on what happens with Chad.

    As for Ramsey: Redskins fans view Joe Gibbs as a god. Despite that, when polled, they agreed, by a two to one margin, that Ramsey had not had a fair shot to prove himself in a Redskins' uniform. From what I've read in this forum, most Jets' fans agree with that assessment. Did you actually think you would change minds by making the same points against that conclusion that have been offered countless times before? You offered no new evidence.

    A second-round draft choice, starting his first year at QB, is a longshot bet. It could happen, but you haven't made a logical case for it.
    #52 Ramseyfan, May 31, 2006
    Last edited: May 31, 2006

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