Yea baby. I'm just rooting for another Jets comeback. Let's get some momentum. Chad's stats are terrific, f'n terrific. We're losing this game at the line of scrimmage - secondary should be blamed, but it Brady has all day to throw.
63 was the worse pick. If for no other reason the picks we gave up for the priveledge of drafting him.
I've not liked Barrett from the day Sperm and Badway brought him in to cover their asses in the Winfield debacle.
I see: so you are telepathic? You know for SURE the reason behind the fans cheering the guy coming onto the field?
Chad just gave the haters a big fuck you. I'm appalled at the reaction he got when he was coming off the field, in the words of the Hulkster, "you fans can stick it brother". Now common defense show something because you look terrible.