Please don't can me! I don't post much, but I DO come to this site DAILY. I only post when I feel I have something worthy to bring to the table.
And this admission is the worth brought to the table by yourself even now? :smile: Quite the random post on a long gone by thread. Crank it up a notch, fella.
As I am from the enemies camp, I don't post alot. I do come here for NFL in general, AFC East & Jets news, updates, insights, player reports and just to read the chatter.
Hey, I'm still good! As a Redskin fan I only wander through occasionally, but I do make a post every now and then. GangGreen is one of the better football sites on the net. Not as good as ExtremeSkins or CPND, of course, but still a pretty savvy site. Keep up the good work. JDM