2021 - Preseason Week 2: Jets @ Packers

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Brook!, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Yes that pretty cool too see. Definitely don't see that in real time.
    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  2. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I think this response is "funny." Especially if you think a reporter could do the job for forty years and not know more about the game, and especially what's going on behind the scenes that we never see than the vast majority of readers. Isn't evaluating players performance a big part of providing information, or should they only be permitted to echo all the good time news the organization provides?

    I'd like to know more about your claim of writers influencing coaching decisions and needing to get clicks to keep their jobs which apparently means you think they create content rather than report what actually exists and how it is you get your inside information.
  3. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I think it's becoming obvious that Zach was a kid who, from an early age, understood that there was much more to playing QB than passing or handing off the ball. He's made himself a student of all that "unseen" stuff for a long time now. I'm not sure Sam ever knew that stuff was part of the game.
    Jets81, Noam, NCJetsfan and 3 others like this.
  4. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    This was one of the things I liked most about Wilson as a prospect - he was already adept at doing things that high level NFL QB's do. Moving defenders with his eyes and body language, throwing guys open with anticipation, etc.
    SOJAZ, Noam, NCJetsfan and 2 others like this.
  5. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    I don't want to make everything about Darnold, but remember, Sam didn't start playing QB to a later age..... I think junior year HS.
  6. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    I know, and again, I rooted for him to succeed because I do think he has that special quality of being able to make plays when things break down. That said, as both Bowles and then Gase (especially) tried to erase that from his game he struggled and then that led to a sharp drop in self-confidence. He went from having a a mindset that he could beat anybody to one where he doubted he could beat anyone...it was hard to watch.

    But regardless, not even playing QB until that later age really hurt him in terms of learning and understanding the nuances that make the difference, especially at the pro level. In contrast, it's clear that Zach studied all that deeply and continues to.
  7. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    A reporter needs to know the game, he needs to have watched it, understood it and have studied it. Having had his hands in the dirt may add a certain perspective but is certainly not a prerequisite for providing information about what is going on. There have been many successful NFL coaches who never played in the NFL or even in high level colleges, why should we hold reporters to a higher standard?

    Two people can have different opinions on watching the same event and report them differently, why should sports be any different? I don't follow Tweets because I believe there's not many stories that can be told within the confines of that platform; I want to read the entire who, what, why when and where. Maybe you guys who complain all the time about the reporters should look beyond the Tweets and read some complete articles if you want the complete picture.

    If you don't see people writing about Lawrence having bad days I wonder where you're looking, surely there's no reporter at a Jaguars practice and Jets practice the same day. When Cowherd says he sees things in Wilson's game that remind him of Manziel he's giving his opinion which is what he's paid to do and people look for. I don't believe he ever said Wilson is a Manziel clone - why does that bother you so much? If the baby is ugly why do you resent the guy who says so? Do you really want these guys to make everything sound rosy because you want it to be that way?
    #367 Ralebird, Aug 22, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
  8. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Yes, me too. IMO those things just jumped off the screen to me, and none of the other QBs did them to the extent that Zach did. Maybe Jones came close, but he doesn't have Zach's arm talent or athleticism.
    SOJAZ, ColoradoContrails and REVISion like this.
  9. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I watched a little of Jones. He is impressive. He moves well in the pocket and gets rid of the ball quick. I can see why Simms had Jones ranked as the 2nd best QB in this draft behind Wilson.
    LAJet, SOJAZ and ColoradoContrails like this.
  10. Falco21

    Falco21 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Yeah because I'm sure guys like Manish Mehta and Richi Cimini know a shit ton about the game and have studied it for years :rolleyes:
  11. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Mehta is unemployed, as far as I know. Cimini has not only been covering football for decades he has been covering the New York Jets for over thirty years, more than 500 games. He is the president of the Jets chapter of the Professional Football Writers of America and has received national recognition. I also believe he "knows a shit ton about the game," surely much more than most of the whiners here complaining about him.
  12. NCJetsfan

    NCJetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2013
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    Yep. That's why Sam should have never started in the NFL his rookie season. He should have sat for a minimum of a year, if not two years and taken a crash course in how to play the position of QB. I can't believe that Jordan Palmer hasn't taught him those things or at least tried to teach him. Sam may not be capable of doing those things.
    SOJAZ and ColoradoContrails like this.
  13. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Yes, I was worried - rightfully as it turns out - that Jones would go to the Pats. Absolutely no regrets on taking Zach because he's been my #1 since the the start, but Jones could really wind up hurting us learning and playing for BB.
    Noam likes this.
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    What do you think sports writers are? Most of them start out as sports fans who were so obsessed with it that they took it to the next level and decided to chronicle it, because they also could write at a reasonable level.

    They took their fandom to the next level and now they are around the game almost every day and thinking about a football team most of their waking hours, because it is their livelihood.

    If those guys who get paid to be immersed in the NFL culture almost continuously don't know anything about the game, what does that say about you?
  15. CotcheryFan

    CotcheryFan 2018 ROTY Poster Award Winner

    Jan 15, 2018
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    Mehta rightfully got kicked off the beat for his behavior. Cimini can be snarky and negative in his articles, but I've never had a problem with his reporting.
  16. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Except right now calling them a joke is off base. Nothing about JD, Saleh, ZW and the players they added this year are a joke.
    Losmeister and ColoradoContrails like this.
  17. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Where did I say that a writer or any media member has to have played football? I didnt even come close to implying that. I just said some fans are as able to discect what they're looking at as some of the beat guys. You seem to think because they cash a check that they can. Did Manish ever do X's and O's breakdowns?

    I know you love to argue but what about Manziel does he see in Wilson, that maybe you see? Size? Wrong, Manziel was under 6" and ZW is 6-2+, like Rodgers, Favre, Namath on and on it goes. Arm strength and arm talent? Not even close. That Wilson is a running QB? No. That Wilson came in a spoiled rich kid? Only to those that actually think having an uncle with money makes him rich or that spoiled is what you call a rich kid who delivered food for Doordash and who drove 10 hrs each way to get coached in Ca. That Wilson is snorting lines in the mens room? No again. That Manziel worked at being a QB as hard as ZW does? Not a chance. Now give me one example where you see even a hint as to why this would be a smart comparison because theres none to be found. He said it for clicks.

    ColoradoContrails likes this.
  18. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I don't know what he said, you're the one who claims to have seen it. What about Manziel did he see in Wilson? Was it the way he wears his socks, the way he moves in the pocket, the way he answers questions or the way he sees the field? Why is it such an issue for you if he sees a similarity or two? Did he predict the same won/lost record or the same career path? What did Cowherd say that has you so worked up? Why is it an issue?

    "Whats Conner Hughes or whoever have over someone who played the game and has watched just about every weekend of football for more years than Hughes' has been alive? Why did our new beat writer for the NYDN, who played the game, is a Miami resident and a Dolphin fan say Becton and Moses had good days, mentioned them in highlights of the practice while Hughes etc kept talking about the poor practice Becton had? Maybe like when I went to practice and noticed the LG play sucked without AVT?"

    It sure looks, from reading this that you believe having "played the game" is significant in reporting it.
    #378 Ralebird, Aug 22, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
  19. Noam

    Noam Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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  20. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Im the one who played the game and has watched football for over 40 years, so yes I can comment on what I see. Try to follow along.'
    And I gave you the video of media people calling Collin out on his dumb as rocks comparison between Wilson and Manziel. What else would like to keep the argument going? Heres a 2nd chance to get your facts in order

    I see your arguing style hasnt change in the past 6 months or so.

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