Keep picking up penalties. Keep making the sticks further for a guy whose game is all about the short passes.
Cole had a Huge play lined up but White could'nt/didn't wait for him to clear the middle because of pressure? That was a big play if just .5 more second of time!!
And yet more proof that Mccaggnan effed this team up so bad we don’t have any backups or alternatives to even consider.
Did you take that pic straight from your special file? Men's arses getting sprayed. Good to see the board getting so diverse.
Of course.. The Bills are the second coming of the '85 Bears.. Man, I can't wait for the excuses to start flowing in. Bick, this one is gonna be a massacre. MW is coming back down to earth without a chute.
Instead of 3rd and long draw, Jets have now regressed to 3rd and long screen for a whopping gain of two yards. At least no INT, but the bad special teams coverage made up for that.
I didn't watch that one, can't do MNF unfortunately. in all honesty it could be any game bar the Bengals one, as we are continually fucked over by them lol