That should have been called a roughing the passer penalty. Guess refs are still in pre-season mode as well.
Chicago's offense is beyond awful. Shame on Rodgers if he allows Green Bay to somehow blow this game. 13 points should be enough. At 7-3 Green Bay is in a dangerous potentially heartbreaking position.
I couldn't believe Chicago passed up that fg attempt before. With a offense that dreadful gotta get the points whenever you can get them.
It was obvious he only got one foot in and landed out of bounds in real time, what was the ref looking at?
So happy Matt Lafleur isn’t our coach. He is beyond dreadful. Every snap gets off with 2 seconds left.
Trubisky has certainly looked bad. Rodgers hasn't looked too great for most of the game either. I wonder if Collinsworth is right and offenses in general will look bad on Sunday from not having played together all preseason. If so that puts a bit of a monkey wrench in the whole "Get rid of preseason" tidal wave.
I just don't get the optimism surrounding this guy. What am I not seeing? He'll have enoguh flashes to torture Bears fans for a while, but Chicago will be drafting another QB in a few years.
OK Mitch, 1:33, one timeout, 86 yards. Prove me wrong. EDIT: AHAHAHAHA nope. Why did I sit thru this entire game.