ever since that Revis Marshall "mugging" drama, you notice the Refs have being calling these joke "push off" calls more.
Whats really pissing me off is the advantage the home team gets on penalty calls. Its every game and I think the refs are told to give more calls to the home team because there is no way that the home team gets this many more bs calls every game. Also Fatty went off on some guy because a caller called the official a ref instead of an official?
Is Gruden seriously suggesting that wasn't holding on the screen pass? A play like that is why I think he's wrong about replay. The fact is that officials get calls wrong ALL the time, and in a season as short as the NFL season, it's magnified. You can't correct all of the ridiculous penalty calls, but at least you can get bad objective decisions right. In a league where they stop for 3 minutes of commercials all the time, I find the complaints about play stoppage very overblown.