He's still here, but he doesn't post as often as he once did. Since he won the award around this time last year I believe he's averaged fewer than one post per day. I could be off a bit, though.
Although I don't think I deserved it this year, I'll take the three-peat. And I'm just really happy to finally be rid of that "post whore 06" award under my username.
when an admin gets the time, could you add the photoshop award to mine? Could you leave the ROY there also? thanks.
I am disappointed that junc didn't keep his word. I logged on every day and I didn't see the promised discussions.
i think his bs reputation is forever tarnished with "I must respond." He could talk about how he clogged the toilet with a record breaking 5 foot shit, while masterbating with his hands tied behind his back and he still wouldnt touch anyone in the BS Bowl....
of course it is. The only thing I could think of when looking at his first round matchup this year was I Must Respond, and the two threads that spawned it.
I want to congratulate I Must Respond on winning its award. So many great moments in that thread. http://www.forums.theganggreen.com/showpost.php?p=445600&postcount=274
YanksFan hasn't been posting much lately. I guess it was just a spurt because he was home a lot for a span.
Sorry about that, I was very busy lately but I will try to post a bit more in these next few weeks (no where near my December rate though).