Could happen.....They would have to be really board at work to be on here every day maybe get paid Min wage lol but I could see it happening
A man his money are easily parted. Theres a sucker born every minute. Theres an ass for every seat. The UD seats are like buying a house cheap in the slums theres a reason for it. Im an "A" hole alright who didnt waste his money on shitty seats to watch ant farm football from the deluxe seats in the sky! 50% off food coupons LMFAOROFFL. Whats next Section 8 seating assistance?
stop now u are getting ridiculous... the uppers aren't that bad.i was in 331 row 8 last year and thought it was I'm on the 30 yard line with a bunch of my fellow tag.comers..this will be a glorious season
I do not know if this " Bob " guy is or is not one of THEM but I have zero doubt that the Jets read this site :beer: I think with the way this whole fiasco of a stadium was built and how they have rube goldberged the handling of ticket sales that the Jets would use every source of info at their disposal to get info and help UNLOAD. ,,,,,I mean sell tickets :lol:
Only the one's that won't let go and continually tell us how silly we are for going and how lousy our seats are. Why can't you see that Champ? I don't care if people stop going, just move on. Root for the Jets, talk Football, rip woody. Just don't tell us leftovers how lousy our seats are and what a crappy season we are going to have over and over. If you can't see that, to bad
Well those seats up there do stink....But we will have a average to good season. DO NOT see us going less than 8-8, so better than last year!
Oh boy, getting intense here!! Now that I am trying to think I do not think that there are many PSL holders who are on this forum or at least comment to this PSL page. Does everyone who is on here everyday work full time?? or just have no life at work and can be on here 24/7??
Actually with the advent of big screen HD TV especially DTVs HD I wonder if I was still living in NJ I would now be attending the games vs just watching them in my house :sad:
The people who designed that stadium should be shot by virtue of a firing squad. That picture makes me sick and puts it all into perspective when people say it isnt that high. BULLSHIT
It is what it is (14th time). Its not the old place but it's still our home (38th time). We love going and we have some of the best seats in the place ( 33rd time). Glad you left, let it go (99th time). See you guys when camp starts, this site is getting old. Later
People talking about the height argument forget that Giants Stadium was 1 story deep under ground. When it comes to height above the field, Metlife is really only a little bit higher at the top. But the bowl is bigger, you're a little further back.
Really? Please explain the three (you read correctly, 3) levels of suites. Somehow they were able to fit 3 levels of suites in the new stadium by only increasing the height from the field "only a little bit"? Yes, the bowl is bigger and pushed back further, but you also have the suites.
Its alot higher view the pic. For the 11th time ***official*** count.
Jerseyboy...yes, the Jets did have people reading these message boards when they first starting selling seats and probably to a lesser degree now. I had/have a fairly good relationship with my rep and that much was confirmed. In the beginning I'm sure it was to figure out why the initial sales went so badly. Now I'm sure there are a few who still read them...just not as religiously as before. Everyone keeps talking about the long time season ticket holders bailing so I'm not sure why there is any surprise that newbies are getting similar or better seats. If a current STH who has 35 years seniority is in row 15 on the 40 but a 40 year STH bails on a wednesday. Why wouldn't they sell those row 6 seats to someone who calls up on thursday? Are they supposed to hold them and call all STH in order of seniority until someone takes them and then start the process all over again if the next person moves? If I own an apartment building and a tenant moves out should I call all the other tenants and see if they are interested? Again, yes the Jets could have handled it better from the get go, but realistically and logistically how could they have made everyone happy? And no...I am not from the ticket office. I got screwed as many of you did. I just can't think of any way it could have been handled better. Other than the holding of seats at the beginning of the process, I don't know what they could have done better.
This is like saying, "Other than having terminal cancer with 3 weeks to live, I'm going just great!" The Jets don't deserve any accolades and they most certainly could have handled things much, much better. There is not one person in this thread, not one... who declined to buy a PSL and who then afterward posted, "I was then treated very fairly by the Jets and my current seats far exceed my expections." The thread is well documented with what befell the average long-time STHer. Once that STHer declined to purchase their cockamamie PSLs, he was shit on unmercifully in a variety of ways too numerous to mention again and again (go back and read the examples). So please spare me the "I don't know what the Jets could have done better" thing. It's like saying, "Other than exterminating millions of Jews, I don't really think Adolph Hitler was such a bad guy."