Well if PSLs were listed on the NY Stock Exchange my recommendation would be to buy short as the price of the PSLs is only going to go downward as the team wallows around for the next 5/10 years with no more SBs to there credit other then SB3 :sad:
Okay, so the original PSL was $2500 per seat and you're looking for $8000 ($2000 each) for all 4? Just trying to understand the math. If the original 8 PSLs were $20,000 ($2500 x 8), and you put down $2000 and currently only owe $14,500, then you've already paid $3500 toward the PSLs, is this correct? $2,000 Down Payment $3,500 Already Paid in Installments $14,500 Remaining Balance $20,000 Is my math correct?
343 Row 17 is pretty far up in the corner of the Pepsi Sidelines. The good news: You're in Pepsi Corner Sidelines, the elite of the elite. Martyr Heaven. Everyone who was pissed on badly and fought back wound up here. This is Warrior Nation. We ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God Almightly, from whence we shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Opposing Road Warriors used to roam these halls, but no more. We took it back the hard way, by making the Ticket Office back down. The bad news: They've got you now. You'll come to find out your "rep" is a lying sack of shit. If you've already given him your money, all of a sudden, ther are no better seats to be had anywhere, unless you spend more, that is. You would have done well to just go on StubHub and cherry pick. Or wait until the pathetically desperate, drastic sales start in August. They'll be giving seats away right next to you... offering better ones even, but telling you nothing is available, all while giving away the store to accomodate the newbies who will be sitting in front of you. Sorry for the bad news, but we're Pepsi Corner Warrior Nation and we know all about this. Been getting fucked for over 3 years and never gave up the fight.
2000 down 4060 5 year payment plan I put down 6060 total and owe 14500. I will pay 2000 in interest in 5 years if I keep play but I will most likely pay it off if no one buys PSL this year or next. I have 4 in section 126 row 20 and 4 in section 124 row 7 aisle. Row 7 I always sell for double to cover cost for row 20 and anything extra is a profit. I would like to sell row 20 even at a 2000 loss just because it is a pain to deal with 8 tickets all year and Im 1 guy. I think 4 would be better and even if I just sell row 7 it will pay cover the loss and PSL payment easily in 12 years from profits just unloading to a broker. Now if the jets suck different story but they arent so hot now and still making money selling to a broker.... So im on the fence on what to do but I would like to get rid of 4 if not I try next year or hold on for a while and ride the long wave.
I've been in those sections... almost dead center End Zone. Row 7 isn't bad but very, very low. Row 20 is SLIGHTLY higher in elevation but very far back. And in both sets of seats, if someone stands up in front of you who is even 5'7", you're screwed. And, of course, when the ball is at the other end of the field, you might as well watch on the jumbotron. I highly doubt anyone is going to give you $2000 for your $2500 PSL in Row 20 EZ. So I would be recommending "riding the long wave," as you say, except that that is a diminishing return too. The more time that passes, the more money you sink into the money pit, from whence there is no refund. As the years march by and you get closer to the 15-year mark, the stadium PSL ownership is now a depreciating asset, like still having a car payment on an old junker. And this is all assuming "normalcy." By that I mean, winning and losing seasons slightly north and south of .500. Now if Champ's predictions just happen to come to pass, all hell breaks loose. So I am thinking your best option is to bail. And bail severely. I am talking an asking price of mayb $1700 (to get their attention) and then a willingness to accept about $1200-$1400 or so on the $2500 PSLs that are on Row 20. That might get some attention from a serious buyer with cash enough to bail you out.
im am so glad i never bought a PSL...or should i say pay for the psl... so lucky i told them to shove it and never signed a contract
ok, so i bit the bullet and upgraded to the $105 seats...got section 341 row 15...moved over two sections and down two rows hope it was worth the money...
Enjoy the season and if it doesnt work out and you dont like the seats you have nothing to lose and can relocate or drop out. Until the NYJETS win a Super Bowl seats will be plentiful through the ticket office and other agencies.
Good job... definitely worth the money. You must have caught them in a good mood. You're in Pepsi country now. Bunch of cantankerous oldtimers with a huge axe to grind.
Soda's no good for you. American Medical Association says you need to drink at least 2 alcoholic beverages per day for your health. Therefore, I'm damned healthy, but my wife fights me on this. She doesn't like to drink and reprehends me when I do and then I have to remind her she's jeopardizing her health by not imbibing. Poor thing should listen to her doctor.
It kind of pisses me off that a new STH calls up and gets seats in the same section as my currently upgraded seats, only 4 rows further up and I have had tickets for 32 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Joe Willie White Shoes....if it makes you feel better, I was a STH in the late 90's....how is the view from my seats? I also had the option of section 340 row 23 on the aisle next to 339...hope I made the right call?
This is the same shit that's been going on with this ticket office and we've been exposing it in this thread since Day One. But it hasn't done any good. The only thing that has worked with these fucks is to play hardball... this is what we've been talking about forever. You threaten to walk away and then they upgrade. Nothing else works. The poor PSL jerkoffs don't even have that option. What are they going to say?... "I'm walking away?" They'll say, "Fine, walk away." If we think we're fucked how about those guys. They're stuck for fucking life with no options.
Now you understand why I walked. It wasnt walking away from my team im still a diehard fan it was walking away from the skumbags who run the organization namely in the ticket office. 20+ years to be moved back a few rows. Wheres the loyalty to people like me who sat through all the shit years and paid the price without a payment plan. Theres guys out there who criticize me and others they can kiss my ass. I hope they get screwed in the end too!
your 2 sections over from mid field prime. are your seat #'s closer to 1 or 27? 1 is near 340 and 27 is near 342 going towards the end zone
i'm just off center, closer to 340...spoke with my rep today...said nothing available lower down or closer....340 row 23 on the aisle by 339 was available as my other choice.