17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    they're going to ask for it soon, but will probably extend the deadline a couple weeks
  2. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I might be wrong but I think we authorized the Jets to charge our credit cards the second half once the lockout was settled.
  3. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Your math is correct; however, your numbers don't work out. Last year, we could sell any regular season game except thanksgiving and the bills for more than $200 per seat. Based upon actual sales, we made enough from selling the "big" games (we don't do night games) to pay for the preseason loss and part of our PSL as well.
  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Did you sell on Stubhub or through first person contact? With SH you have to worry about the 15% fee and selling early to avoid declining prices. Within a week of the game tickets can be had for much much cheaper

    Just looking at the Dophins game 3 months out, lowers start at $159 (this will keep going down as the game approaches) (https://www.stubhub.com/new-york-jets-tickets/jets-vs-dolphins-new-meadowlands-stadium-1068550/). After fees your net is $135, and this is for a high value game. That's not enough to offset your PSL cost, especially when you consider the garbage preseason games and other games you'd lose money on

    #12184 GordonGecko, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  5. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    When I had season tix ( last year ) it would cost me over $ 4200 ( $105 a seat ) a year. That was 10 games (2 preseason ) 4 seats. That does not include the parking pass money which was $50 (2 passes $25 each )and the tailgate money which was around $100 each game. I bought 3 games the other day (spent $1600 ), We are sitting in pretty good seats in the lower bowl--best part is NO PSL and there are oceans of tickets available online rite now! You can sit upstairs or downstairs as there are just so many tickets available to choose from all over the stadium. As I said we are now sitting in seats we will enjoy and I probably will go to 2 or 3 of the other games (probably without the kids and at nite) with guys I know that have tix and have asked me ( just last nite ) if I want any games but time will tell if I do that --- as of now I saved $2600 plus and am going to the games that I want to attend.
    227 I still owe you a beverage and will make it my business to seek you out at one of these games-----same goes for you 17A :beer:
  6. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    CBG you should be buying people more then just beers with the money that you have saved. Maybe a jersey or a Jets t-shirt would work lol.
  7. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    use craigslist!! the packers, texans and ravens games I sold 4 tickets lower level endzone for 1000 total with parking pass.

    Other games I went to or sold my other set of 4 for around 800. Never took a loss except for preseason. Thanksgiving and bills I sold ahead of time and bills I got face.

    Use craigslist and dont pay a fee!!
  8. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Come on and get this friggin' CBA finalized already. As much as I hate night games, the idea of playing the Cowboys on the anniversary of 9/11 with all of the pomp and circumstance is starting to get me pumped. I have goose bumps already thinking about a moment of silence with a huge flag covering the field, followed by an F-16 flyover. Tears will be in my eyes for sure remembering the pain with 75,000 of my brethren. Follow that up with Sanchez throwing for 3 TDs and Greene adding two more on the ground and a good night will be had by all. To top it off I'll be enjoying this in my new row 7 UD seats on the sidelines. Sign the stupid CBA already!!!! I'm sick of this crap...
  9. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    USA USA USA USA chants
    beer in hand
    many more already in my belly
    oh i am ready
  10. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Minimum $200/ticket for endzone? Sorry but I find that hard to believe
  11. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Actual sales figures from last season:
    1. Giants PS Game - FV
    2. Ravens $219
    3. Patriots $219
    4. Vikings $205
    5. Bungles $150
    6. Bills - $149

    Plus: we sold the parking passes separately for an average of $40 per game.

    As for the other poster using craigslist to sell, that is definitely a way to ensure profit, but you have to meet a stranger somewhere. Given my scheduled, I couldn't make it work.
  12. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    what do you think the rate will be for the xmas eve game vs the giants?
  13. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    It really will depend on what's going on in the season. If the Jets or Giants can clinch a playoff spot or a division that day tickets could definitely be well above face. If one or both the teams are garbage and there is not immediate playoff implications it could hover at or be below face.

    The Bengals game on Thanksgiving was going well below face, but that was the Bengals and did not have immediate playoff implications.

    I know that there is no night game on Christmas Eve, but can they still flex the game to a 4pm start? Because that could have an effect on the value of tickets as well.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Glad you made out well last season, but let's not lose sight of the fact that there are many variables that affect future ticket prices and past performance is no indication of future ticket prices.

    It's not a constant, because the biggest factor is how well the Jets are doing. Last year was filled with HUGE expectations. Dare I say, the ticket prices we saw last year may well be the highest we'll see in years if the Jets get off to a bad start.

    With playoff hopes, optimism turns to errational exhuberance. I know, I've been doing this since 1985. But the other side of the coin is a 3-8 season, bad weather, lousy kickoff times and, all of a sudden, your ticket price averages crash and burn faster than the Hindenberg.

    This is why, if someone is looking to cover their PSL payments (on top of ticket price), they really shouldn't be touching a PSL with a ten-foot pole. On the other hand, if you consider the PSL an off-handed casual expense or "investment" and can bear the expense without any noticable difference in disposable income or deterrant to saving for college expenses for your kids, etc., then the expense is worth it.

    Not trying to be a pessimist, but there is another side of the coin besides Ryan's "kick your ass" and "we're going to the Superbowl" hype. A few bad bounces and some scattered key injuries and right away that Giants-Jets game is a loser. It's already got one strike against it because of the Xmas Eve scheduling.
  15. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I completely agree. Nobody should buy a PSL seat b/c they are trying to get rich.
    I think the fan base breaks up in to three main groups.

    1. People who can go to every game. For them, I think it is reasonable to buy the best seats (including) PSL that they can reasonably afford. If you have been going to games for X years and can write the check for a $20K PSL, more power to you.

    2. People who can barely afford to go to game. For them, I honestly think they should not buy season tickets in any section. With SH and Ticket Exchange, they avoid paying for the pre-season games, they only pay for games they attend (if you wait until the last minute, you can often get a great deal), and they don't have any long term commitment. For low demand games (Bills, etc), they can often afford to sit in better seats than if they bough an UDEZ season ticket. The downside - they will get hosed if they try to buy playoff tickets.

    3. People like me who enjoy going to games, but recognize that they may not be able to go to all the games (I cannot easily go to night games) or who may have to bail after a couple of seasons (get transferred etc). For them, I genuinely think LLEZ and Mezz B seats are a better choice than most UD seats (Upper Prime in lower rows are a great value).
    - Like every STH in every section, you are going to get hosed on PS games - that is a wash.
    - If you need to sell, you have a better chance at selling at/near your break-even point than a crappy UD EZ or UDSL in the higher rows.
    - At $2500, you don't have a HUGE commitment and should be able to sell it and get most of your money back. In the meantime, you are sitting in significantly better seats.
    Bottom line: I see LLEZ/MezzB as low risk a high enjoyment option when compared to BAD (which pretty much is all that is left) UD seats. Good UD seats (low rows ) are a very good option if you can get them.
  16. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Just to give everyone a heads up I called up the Jets just now. I'm on the 50% plan. Everyone will be getting an email tomorrow but on Friday they will bill my credit card I used last time for the remaining balance. Tickets should be received by August 11th.
  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    how nice of them
  18. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    And Monday if you are on the 6month ACH payment plan. The last payment will come out 30 days later which would be the 31st of August.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I wanna see what our new hats look like. I still have my other two from way back.
  20. RMorin

    RMorin Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    The season ticket hats look like they will be all green with a Jets logo on the front and the stylized "NY" on the side. No clue on where the section goes. There is a mock up at the bottom of the Jets homepage right now. I would assume these would be the ones they send out if that is what they are advertising.

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