17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 NICE JOB BUDDY! and 17A thanks again for the thread and info---and to answer your question AGAIN 17 A----> 342 row 20 / = ONE AND DONE!
    I am going to see what they offer me (e mails have gone to the Jets and back to me already today ) but I have not spoken to a human yet on the phone.
    All this said I am in no way bluffing----family is cool with it--tailgate buddies already know my feelings----I am 99.9 percent done! Unless they blow me away I am G-O-N-E gone gone gone! I will save a ton of ca$h and go to a few games each year and be at peace and very happy with it! All the BS is well documented and I won't rehash but rest assured I will tell you guys what I am told/ offered/ take / walk away from when all is said and done.
    We all knew this was going to get interesting real soon--- well here we go guys let this thread lite up once again.
    #11341 CBG, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    CBG, the way I look at it, the seats that I finally wound up with now are the ones I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN from the git-go. I am talking the phone call on June 16, 2009. All of us old timers, with the seniority we had, should have gotten decent uppers.

    But oh no. "Section 342, Row 16 is the best we've got. All the rest are gone already." It was bullshit. They were holding back row 10 and closer and filling up from the back. Real nice way to treat your loyal guys who were with the team through thick and thin, Walton and Kotite, and who sent in their money year after dreadful year without a hiccup... never late once.

    So this is what we should all do now. No more nice guy. Tell them you are gone, period, unless they upgrade you. And I am not talking about several rows. Bullshit on that. Tell them you want better than that and you deserve it. And then be prepared to walk.

    Hey, they are crapping in their drawers right now. They know they've got a hell of a lot of work to do to even KEEP the upper deckers they've got, much less sell it out. They're trying to fend off a mass exodus from the uppers so right now, they're willing to deal. Shoe's on the other foot now.
  3. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    im actually thinking of adding a 4th seat
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    great job 227 and 17a, you guys both deserve upgrades with all of the effort you have put in for yourselves and everyone else who reads this.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    What section?

    Congratulations 227! You're right, we long-timers deserved these seats from the start. Hell, with '79 seniority I was shocked that the best I could do was row 8 & 9 End Zone. I attended every f*cking Kotite game. Who else went to that season-ending game against the Saints back then?

    What yard-line are they giving you?
  6. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Good job! :up:
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I am sideline but close to the corner - 4 together. I would say the seats will probably line up with the goal line. But I don't care, I just wanted lower and closer. Prime will be more money but I don't care. Any 3rd Row seat anywhere is good and I don't have a PSL to pay off. If they jack things up and I get tired of going, I drop out. No big deal.

    I told Champ he probably has the best seats in the stadium, dollar for dollar, and I meant it. So now I'm pretty close to that.

    You are right about '79 seniority. It was attrocious what they did to you guys. I was concerned they'd all be gone by the time they got to me, so when they told me Row 16 was the best they could do, I naturally went for it.

    I think Champ lucked out. I think what happened was, he was one of the first and they started giving out the Row Ones. Then several days into it, somebody figured out, "Hey, we've got so many guys going for teh uppers, we'd better hold off on the good seats and dump the lousy ones. Hell, they'll take anything to get away from the PSLs."

    So by the time they called me that was the tune. Turns out the bastards held back Row 10 and under and filled up the 12-26 Rows. Then a year later they are peddling the Rows 1-10, which is how I wound up with Row 9 Aisles. But they filled the handicap in front of us, so the Row 9s still had a lot of people in front.

    I don't know what the hell is going on now, but all you guys should be calling and raising hell. Catch 'em while they are still reeling from all the threats of cancellations. There have to be thousands and thousands of "musical chairs" seats up for grabs right now. Even my Row 9s (Section 335, Row 9, Seats 1-4) have to be available right now. That's a huge upgrade for somebody back in Row 19.
  8. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I have some buddies who just gave up seats in 344..row 3.

    So those will be available in inventory.
  9. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I'm glad you're finally happy, maybe now you can actually enjoy the games, Jets and everything that goes with it. lol
  10. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Hell, I'd probably opt for row 3 over row 1 anyway, for the reason of viewing above the railings, although not having been in these seats I am not sure how the railings effect the view.

    Champ - has anyone told you how your seats are?

    Goal line isn't terrible though. Those seats seem cozy.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    christmas eve day... no beer. stupid giants fans!

    it was me, you, my buddy and about 8k others. there sure werent alot of people there that day.
  12. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    No kidding. I remember someone gave my younger brother tickets right on the 50 - and we had the entire row. We wore Santa hats.

    Here's the saddest commentary: My friend is a sports photographer who shot that game - then never had the film processed. Why bother?
  13. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Your seats are actually better than row 1. Remember row 1 has those ridiculous bars in front of you. I know a few people with row 1 upper deck seats that pissed and moaned all of last season. I may try to call the Jets and see if I can get a lower row.
  14. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    I too attended every or almost every home game from the K----e Error. It became almost hilarious many times because even when the Jets went up by 14 or more in the first half, the only real question was how many they would be trailing by when halftime came around. I especially remember the Eagles game when the crowd, announced at 50000 or so actually consisted of around 29700 Eagle fans and 300 Jet fans...

    The Jets jumped to an early lead -- Eagle fans looked worried an anxious -- however, we quickly assured them that their team would be ahead before the first half was over -- and of course K----e and the boys made us look like sages.

    My three favorite moments

    1) the Jets get off a perfect punt which rolls to a stop at the one yard line on the rain slicked horrible astroturf at Giants Dump Stadium. Not good enough for Alex Van Dyke though who dives on the ball and slides into the end zone with it for a touchback. When questioned, Van Dyke announces that the Jet ST coach (a former linebacker with no coaching experience that K----e had hired) never 'splained that rule to him.

    2) The Jets recover a fumble on the opponents 26 yard line with the game still within reason. Jet fans in unison start screaming for the Jets to "Kick the F---ng Field Goal on FIRST DOWN!!" -- Kotite instead sends out the offense and by third down they are well out of field goal range back around midfield and fail to score

    3) and the best --- Dolphins -Jets are somehow still in the game in the second half - 3rd down and 9 for the Fish and Marino completes a pass for 6 yards to the Jet 45 yardline --- 4th and three.... K----e sends out his punt return unit but suddenly notices that Marino is still on the field and the Fish are going for it. He calls timeout and calls the entire team to the sidelines to explain the big defensive play he has in mind to stop the Phins on fourth and get the ball back. The Jets head back on the field in a group and line up for the play -- This reporter notes to his fellow spectator and friend that the Boys have lined up in a 4-4-4 formation with 12 men on the field. The Phins snap the ball, Marino drops back and throws an out pattern which is knocked down by a defender. Jet players gather at midfield to dance and celebrate in unison --- still no flag--- but I see the back judge now with all 12 of them together in one spot dancin' and prancin' in glee is counting away and, of course the flag flies --- First down Miami and they roll into the endzone to begin the eventual demolition of the Jets.
    #11354 sg3, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Hilarious moments. You have a good memory, sG3.

    One of the final games of teh season is a Jets-Giants game and I believe it was a Giants home game, but I got tickets through a friend of mine. Can't recall the year.

    So I go, dressed in my Jets jacket, etc. And I wind up diagonally opposite where I normally sat (227)... and I am SURROUNDED by Giants fans.

    The game meant absolutely nothing to the Jets, because our season was all but over. But to the Giants, the game meant everything with playoffs on the line for them. Win and they're in... lose to us and they're out.

    So I'm sitting next to this elderly Giants couple IN THE WONDERFUL OLD STADIUM (ahem...) with OUTRAGEOUS VIEWS FROM EVERY SEAT (ahem... excuse me), and this couple is demurely rooting for their Giants like most elderly Giants fan of that era. She's impeccably dressed in a blue skirt with a red Giants jacket, and he's got on his Nordstrom's blue slacks with penny loafers and a beautiful cardigan sweater in red and blue. I mean, you've got to picture this. And I'm sitting next to them drinking my beer in my jeans and Jets stuff on.

    So I don't get too loud because I'm freaking surrounded. But the Jets manage to sneak ahead at the end and the wind up winning the game! So of course, I'm excited and looking around laughing, etc.

    So the old lady turns to me because I must have pissed her off now and she says to me, "How come your Jets did that?" And I'm like, "Excuse me?" And she says, "How come your Jets had to beat us like that? You knocked us out of the playoffs! They didn't have to do that, THAT WAS MEAN!"

    And i just looked at her and said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me, lady!"
  16. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    that was the game in wnich toon caught the winning TD pass in the corner of the EZ with little or no time remaining on the clock to knock the Giants out of the postseason.

    Wasn't a K----e Error game, though.... altnough a really good one

    1988 -- the Joe Walton Error, I believe

    3. 1988: The luck seemed to be changing in the Meadowlands. Thanks to a late TD catch from Al Toon, the Jets beat the Giants, 27-21 on the last day of the season. The Jets finished 8-7-1, while the Giants checked in at 10-6. But two years from their Super Bowl XXI win, it seemed like the Giants were declining, the Jets on the upswing. Not so -- the Jets went 4-12 in 1989, the Giants 12-4. A year later, the Giants were champions again.
  17. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    BTW 227

    nice relocation of your seats.... and I wouldn't move down from row 3 where you are in the UD prime under any reason.... rows one and two require you to deal with the horrible metal bars and force you to lean forward in one or almost stand up in two to see over or through them
  18. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 you are correct--those seats should have been yours last year. I also give you and many others credit for still going to games after the way you guys have been treated, it was all done so poorly and flat out wrong! As for myself I am just about done , guys that I go to games with are pushing me to Stay a ticket holder (no lie I am a big reason our tailgate still existed) and that is what I feel badly about. That said I never say never but in this case I am ohhhhh so done. The ticket office today told me that I am "a priority account" and that I will be called for relocation before the money is due but I really don't care to haggle with any reps because as you guys will see in your dealings and as 227 posted , it is like getting a root canal dealing with them---they are just not straight up with you from the get go. They were like this last year and it is the same crap now only difference is last year we were at a disadvantage now the Jet office is clearly over the barrel.
    I will post any news and I hope the rest of you post your dealings with the office---but man am I so happy I did not buy one of those u know whats and that I can walk away without looking back. Enjoy the weekend all and those of you that have tickets or are going to get tickets ENJOY THE GAMES!
  19. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    too bad really

    you could have been sitting in great seats in the LL for 2500 bucks financed over 15 years --- a pack of cigarettes a month money

    but I'm happy that you're happy that you are one and done and going to miss the continuation of the best 10 years in franchise history
  20. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Jets Upper Deck Season ticket inventory is now being sold on Ticketmaster, you don't have to go through the Jets to buy Upper Deck Season tickets anymore. I just pulled up two seats on the 40 in row 20.

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