17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    This is why I wouldn't do a PSL. Not only that these people are idiots for locking themselves into such big contracts. I know I've had my tickets since 1991 and I'm sure I haven't spent that much on tickets. I'm just happy to be in the stadium in 2010 and to be able to sit near a couple of people who have sat near me since 1991 so it won't be too odd in 2010.

    I spoke to a guy at the gym earlier who did some work on the new stadium. He told me the uppers aren't as bad as everyone is making them out to be. Obviously they're not great but they're not THAT bad. We'll see next season. Does anyone by any chance know the height comparison of this stadium and Yankee Stadium?
  2. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Posted 9/9/09


    #2862 jets&rushfan, Sep 12, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2009
  3. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I went to wiki to see how many other arenas and stadiums have PSLs and was really surprised at how many do.


    #2863 Don, Sep 12, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2009
  4. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    nice job with the updates guys keep them coming. If you guys also can kepp us abreast as to what year they are up to, keep posting that as many of us are waiting on the call,,thanks in advance.
    ps I don't know what is considered "not that bad " or "not that high " but I was in the new place and it is very high .
    pss I worked on Yankee Stadium and cannot give you exact # s (maybe someone else can ) but the football stadium is higher than Yankee stadium
  5. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    yea go green by taking my $$$$$$$$
  6. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    If they had kept all PSL's under $5k and seats below $150 they would not have had the problems they will have next year.

    This is a make or break year for Woody, either go deep into the playoffs or dig deep in his pockets, a real bad year who knows what might happen?
  7. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    In case anyone missed this yesterday, I wonder how long before we see Jets Revise PSL Pricing Plan, will they let people opt out of UD agreements with the upfront deposits?


    Jets PSL scam should be last straw

    Last Updated: 8:54 AM, September 11, 2009

    Posted: 3:54 AM, September 11, 2009

    HOW To Cook Your Golden Goose: One day, closer to sooner than later, the sports world is going to run out of morons, those with money.

    Then what?

    It increasingly appears as if the Jets were party to a marketing fraud designed to sell their most expensive PSLs. David Findel, a big-talking New Jersey guy with previous ties to Jets players and administrators as a mortgage broker -- and an apparent relationship with Woody Johnson -- last October made a big splash for himself and the Jets. Findel was the "winner" of the Jets' PSL auction, from which he purchased -- claimed to have purchased -- the two best seats, for $400,000!


    Preposterous. Yet, the media -- print, TV and radio (stand and be counted, Craig Carton) -- fell for it. And the Jets played along with it. Why not? It made for the kind of publicity that might stoke PSL sales.

    Even when The Post soon after revealed that Findel had creditors on his tail, that he owed big money, the Jets allowed the public to believe that he's their out-front, No. 1 PSL owner. When one of Findel's creditors asked how he could spend $400 grand on seats (tickets not included) when he owed his firm a fortune, Findel, according to that creditor, said it was all just a publicity stunt.

    Two weeks ago, Findel, 44, suddenly closed his office, leaving 100 employees in the dark and on the street. This week, he was indicted, charged with $11 million (and counting) in bank fraud.

    Following the indictment, the Jets said they're no longer associated with him. They wouldn't say whether Findel had paid for his seats, but let's all take a wild guess.

    Yet, since October and right up to this week's indictment, if you wanted to consider buying Jets PSLs, the team would have allowed you to further consider that a wealthy businessman already had spent $400,000 for just two PSLs. So hurry, hurry, step right up, we'll sell your four at half the price!

    Recently it was revealed that the Redskins, who sell out their park (unlike the Jets and Giants they don't yet sell PSLs, thus they haven't had 20-year waiting lists vanish in a snap) nonetheless sold thousands of tickets to tickets brokers, presumably at a personal profit for both insiders and outsiders.

    But every team is now attached to at least one ticket scam. The NFL has become a clip joint.

    In the history of the world, there has never been a graph with a line on it that points straight up. Yet big time sports operate on the reverse premise: For every 10 fools who no longer can take it or spend it, another 10 will enter.

    That's true, but only to a point. And we've reached that point.

    This recession was supposed to have proven that greed kills. Yet, the sports world -- one that's supposed to imbue fair play, mutual respect and good faith in our kids -- is, more than ever, predicated on a con, a fix, a bait-and-switch.

    One moment, commissioner Roger Goodell is supporting PSL extortions as good investments -- an absurd position given that buyers have no way of even knowing how much the tickets will cost down the road -- the next moment, he's expressing his concern that so many teams are facing TV blackouts because ticket sales are way down.

    Still, he has the nerve to boast that most teams' ticket prices have held steady. He fails to mention that the sale of those tickets has grown crooked.

    This is a time when the NFL should have done something real, something genuine -- like cutting the cost of must-buy preseason game tickets, demanding the elimination of extortions that force fans who want to buy tickets to one or two games to purchase tickets to others.

    There's no good time for teams to lead with their greediest sides, but to do so during a calamitous economic period makes for particularly ugly and long-term senseless business, the kind that allows customers the opportunity to learn to live without you, to get out and stay out.

    Meantime, where are Goodell's expressions of regret for generations of Jets and Giants patrons -- tens of thousands of through-good-and-bad-times folks -- who are being displaced by PSLs? It's as if those who helped the NFL grow and thrive can now go to hell.

    But where does one go to be treated better?

    The Yankees are still not embarrassed that tickets to their first season in a new, taxpayer-funded stadium with fewer seats were so obscenely priced that a first-place team played to nearly 10,000 empty seats on beautiful weekends. They've attached a per ticket, per game, non-refundable "handling fee" -- $6 for the vast majority -- to postseason tickets.

    With a must-purchase of all potential home games, 11, just the handling fee for two upper deck seats will run you $132. That's not handling, that's stealing.

    But who's going to stop them? Bud Selig, who last year warned owners against ticket greed? As the Yankees made clear in invoices, this theft is sanctioned by MLB! Thus, the Yankees are able to both pass the buck and pocket it.

    NFL openers aren't even close to sellouts? No fooling? Must be the recession. Yeah, that's it, the recession.
    #2867 jets&rushfan, Sep 12, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2009
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    its really quite simple. go to high school games. sure its not the most talented players in the world.. but shit how can you beat going down the street to your local high school and paying 5 bucks to support some local kids and maybe find some friends in your own fuckin neighborhood.

    yeah sure sure its not the top notch game play that the nfl has.... but you know what these kids are all out there to play hard, to play the game and only play the game. there are no other motives. and then when the game is over you get in your car spend 15 minutes getting out of the field and are home in 20 minutes.

    its a much more fun experience than a professional football game in my eyes. shit i would rather go watch a pop warner game than a jets game at this point.
  9. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    at this point i wish there were some better college teams in the area. outside of the joke that is rutgers and the joke that is uconn there really isnt anything worth the time effort and energy.
  10. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    Do I feel sorry for good honest , hardworking fans who are getting "denied" their passion to see their teams live - due to PSL's , seat contracts etc.. - Absolutely. I think its a crime that one of the most profitable "industries" NFL football is resorting to these measures.

    On the flipside , do I feel sorry for people who sign up for contracts they can't afford - not entirely. Just look at the housing market crisis, the crash was precipitated by government requirements that practically forced lenders to offer loans to unqualified buyers. Was there corruption by lenders as well absolutely. But at the end of the day , if you can't afford that contract and many many people couldn't you have no sympathy from me. Why, well its simple, the people who worked hard and always paid their bills are now getting screwed over by all of the economic bailout - of those who were frivilous.

    These PSL 's fall into the same category. Its a contract , just like a house payment or a car payment . If you take one with funds you don't have - then its just foolish to sign up in the first place.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i completely and totally agree with you mehl. the tickets are just far too expensive for most people. the only way however for them to ever come down is for supply to be more than demand. we are almost there however i really dont ever see it going backwards.

    i also agree that if you sign a contract you are obligated to fulfill that contract. its really not the teams job to make sure you can pay its YOUR job as a buyer to make sure you can pay. however that often times is not the case. far too often people are in love with "THEIR" team. they want to support the team. they want to keep enjoying the games. they want to continue to do what they have always done.

    the problem is these tickets are rising much faster than most peoples pay. so you have people who may have been fine 10 or 20 years ago and right now they are in trouble (remember 227s tickets have gone up 10% year over year for the last 8 years)

    and its HARD so hard for them to give up the tickets.. so they go beyond their means for their passion.....

    and then the team that they feel as though they are a part of, that they have supported for their entire lives, that they have cried over, for and because of comes along and completely fucks their life to the extent that they cant even buy a home or car because of said team. its really a fuckin shame.

    so i completely agree that they are responsible and i really dont feel bad for them, but i like everyone on here and really want people to be sure that they arent going to give woody a burlap condom and then bend over. because for many even on this site that adrenaline kicks in and thought rational thought stops happening. well until that first bill comes in. and then its too late.

    i think it was 227 many moons ago that was thinking about psls. i know 17a was. and luckily for them they really put alot of time and energy into the whole process... they analyzed and rationalized and rerationalized and came to a decision they are really ok with.
  12. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    Alleycat - I agree with everything you stated here. I do feel bad for guys who want to be in the seats they have grown up in . Especially, if the case is they truly can't afford to pay PSL prices. And I can certainly see why'd they have contempt for Woody, the Jets management and everything related to the new stadium. It sounds like guys like 227 and 17a have made decisions based on what's best for their personal situations. I know these guys would probably prefer to be in better seat locations, but at least their still going ,and that's important - as I'd hate to see diehards like we have on this board walking away.

    This is one thread I've read religously for quite some time now. The information sharing about the seating process, locations available , what seniority year their own has been incredibly valauble . What I'm still having some trouble with is why some people need to attack those who bought or are buying PSL by calling them morons , idiots and repeatedly telling them its a bad move. Do I ever think it was a good investment to have Jet tickets no - never . Will that change by owing a PSL - no . For me its a cut and dry decision - I either pay to go and do something I love - or I give up the tickets and watch from home. Just like its a personal decision for anyone else who chooses one way or the other.
  13. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    I really would like someone who gets the call to ask the question if there are any sections in the PSL's that are not available.

    I still don't believe that they are not making adjustments for next year in case only 60 to 70% of the PSLs are sold. There is always a fall back plan in any business.
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    what was the plan in 1999 in vinny got hurt??
    what was the plan in 2003 & 2005 if chad got hurt?
  15. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Good point LOL

    I know if my ass could afford the $400 or $700 tickets and $10,000 plus PSLS they better at least wipe them down for you on the rainy/snowy days.
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The club seats you do get served like that. I wouldn't be surprised if they did do that.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    very true, i should always congratulate people on their purchase but i know that there are times when i dont just say hey nice seats and move on. i think there is also the point counterpoint that goes on as well. sometimes people want to justify why they got them, and we have seen that there are those that are justifying why they didnt get them. i dont think there is any harm to it most of the time.

    then again i can remember being quite annoyed that people would put so much money into jets tickets when there are so many more important things going on in this world. however they are more important to me not necessarily to the other guy! i think i am over that at this point. :)
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Damn... and here I passed on the PSLs.

    Had I known the fucking seats would be wiped down for me prior to my arrival, I would have gone for them.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Yeah for that money, they would have to service more then the seats.

    The Flight Crew should come up and give you a lap dance.
  20. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Excuse me, can I please order 4 shrimp cockails and three California rolls.

    The seatbacks have trays too

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