17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Stay What You Are

    Stay What You Are New Member

    Feb 12, 2009
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    That's really sad. The stadium should've been built for real football fans rather than yuppies.
  2. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    The way they told us if they were being truthful was tix holders with LD 50 yard seats would have 1st dibs at the UD seats then using his words they would "fan" out from there thru the entire lower deck. Then they would do the exact same procedure with the Mezz seat tix holders & finally the UD 77 season tix holders get there choice. Based on that around 3,000 accounts that have 77 seniority & based there being only like 700 front row seats in the UD means for sure I will be pushed backwards from my present front row seats in the UD
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Well, I specifically asked him if the deck you were in entered into the equation, and he just came back again with, "No, it goes by how close to the 50." As hard as I pushed him, he did not indicate that one deck has priority over another deck. My understanding from my rep right now is that no matter what deck you are in, it doesn't matter. I pushed him on this because I thought I was in 'Premium seats." At least, that's what I've supposedly been paying through the nose for over the many years, so I thought that entered into it. Not so, according to him.

    So, as an example, if you are in the Uppers on the 45 and somebody else in the Mezz is on the 40, you trump him. But if somebody from the Lowers is on the 50, he trumps both of you. This is assuming, of course, that all three have the same exact start date.

    For me and most others, this is not very critical and wil only account for a few seats or rows difference. BUT FOR YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS THE EXACT SAME START DATE BECAUSE OF THEIR COMPUTER GLITCH (Jan 1, 1977) THIS IS AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THING TO CLARIFY.

    I'm surprised this can of worms has not been explored ad nauseum by you 1977 people, because it can make a big difference (3,000 seats) one way or the other for you all as to how the second qualifier enters into it.

    If it's as my rep explained, then the closer you presently are to the 50, the better, and the section you're in has nothing to do with it.
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    the official answer to this will not be answered by a rep right now. they do not want to piss anymore people off and truthfully i think the jets themselves actually have no idea HOW they are gonna do it.

    they are set on phase 1 right now and phase 1 only b/c that is where the true money is.
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I explored it & they claimed that ALL the records were "lost" there words prior to 01/01/77 when there new computer system began. You could surmise that once they computerized everything they discarded the records but that is just my guess. I also asked them if they notated the computer with the actual start day & got a big fat no to that also. The thing that makes me scratch my head the 2 times we had a shot at the SB I won the lottery & would have had tix if we had played in it & each time because of I had tix prior 69 I had 2 balls in the lottery to others one. So when I questioned them on how they knew I was pre 69 & they had me the computer system as 77 they refused to reply to my question.

    Since U got a complete different reply on the selection process for the UD then I got I would have to think they are doing everything within there power to get U to secure a PSL
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You've nailed it. I'm thinking the same thing. My rep was very friendly but very general. I honestly don't think they know what exact qualifiers they're going to us when Phase II rolls around and it comes time to sort out who is in line in the 1977 category.

    I really didn't have much to talk about with my rep though. I knew it would be that way. He called me in the morning and I was our running errands, so he left word on my answering maching that he was going to be my rep. So I returned his call at 2pm and got his voice mail.

    Then, at 3, he returned my call and this time I picked up. So he says to me, "Can I help you?"

    And I said, "Well, I was just returning your call." I'm thinking, do we really have anything to talk about here? "Oh," he says, "Well I just wanted you to know who I was. I'm here o to help you with your seats." and I'm thinking, if you really want to help me, back off on these crazy numbers.

    Our conversation was general because we really had no basis for conversation. I did find it curious, though, that when I declined the Club PSLs, he asked "Is it the PSLs or the ticket price?"

    Something is going on up there. I think they're meeting HUGE resistance to the WAY overpriced Club Seats and now, for some reason, they're wanting to know which is the bigger obstacle, the PSL or the ticket price.

    I sense a slight crack in the armor....
  7. jetmetnet

    jetmetnet New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    looks like the season tickets holders from pre-77 era did not have the account numbers? if that's the case, how did the jets figure out the seniority before 77 (when deciding on "upgrading" seats for season tickets holders or for for any other reason)? there HAD to be some way. and if there was a way why the hell cudn't they incorporate it into the computer system. this all just sounds very stupidly mismanaged.
  8. jetmetnet

    jetmetnet New Member

    Aug 28, 2008
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    i have a feeling if they don't sell out the club seats (which they most definitely won't) they'll come up with some every-2nd-ticket-gets-50%off scheme.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yes, it does. In fact, the entire thing is one huge mismanagement, beginning with the very design of the building. It shouldn't surprise us that the arrogance and mismanagement will carry over to the seating process as well.

    They should evacuate all the workers from the stadium immediately and call in the United States Air Force... deliver a couple of well-placed air strikes on all that worthless concrete and steel and reduce it to rubble. Then have a fleet of dump trucks bring it down to the shore and dump it in the ocean off of Sandy Hook and Barnegat Light to stablize the shoreline and form jettys.

    Pave the parking lot where the new stadium stands and have the reps call all the ticketholders and tell them this has been one big mistake and to disregard.
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    if they lowered their tix prices i would possibly reconsider my stance on the psl.but im talking the $7,500 psl in the mezz. and the tix would have to be $200 or lower
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I've been thinking about that... about what will happen if they don't sell. Something will have to be done if that happens. Maybe they go back to the eBay auction again.

    But it's all still a very dangerous thing to enter into... the PSL I mean, regardless of whether or not you get a tempting discount. The reason is, they have you by the balls.

    So even if they come out and say, "We're reducing the PSLs by 50%," or "We're reducing the PSLs by $1,000 and we're also reducing the ticket prices by 30%," it's still a dangerous thing to get into because of what they'll have to do when the economy turns around and they know they can then gouge you.

    My Mezz tickets have doubled in the last 6-7 years, seriously. And no explanation, no justifying the increases. Some of the other sections had little or no increases at this time, but the Mezz went up drastically because they were supposedly "premium seats." This never happened under Leon Hess. Whatever the ticket prices were that had been established at the beginning (and the Mezz was always higher than the other sections) when price hikes came along they were the SAME PERCENTAGE of hikes across the board.

    No so with Woody. He went after the Mezz seats for all they were worth (and we paid up). So, this is the precedent, I'm telling you. And for what it's worth here, I am warning everyone that this is what the man is capable of and so even if there is some kind of incentive NOW to buy the PSLs and/or ticket prices, believe me, as sure as you are reading this, you will be paying through the fucking nose in the way of ticket prices once he has your PSL in his pocket. You are basically screwed, with no recourse, and totally at their mercy.

    And there will be none shown.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    But this would be a very dangerous trap, IMO, as per my above post.

    Everyone can say what they want about Leon Hess. He was a nice old gentleman in my book. He never gouged the ticketholders and modest price increases were dealt with across the board to all at the same percentage of increase, to keep all things relatively equal.

    Not so with what Woody has demonstrated over the last 7 years. Brutal increases in the Mezz... brutal. Sometimes 10% per year when the average cost of living increases were 2-3 %. So this is the color of the stripes on this tiger. Everyone should know going in what the man is like.

    It's like the story of the little boy who was startled to find a snake in his bed. "What's the matter?" asked the snake.

    "Well, you're a snake and you might bite me, so I can't let you sleep in my bed with me," the little boy said.

    "Oh, it's okay. I promise I won't bite you," the snake replied. So the little boy acquiessed and allowed the snake to sleep with him in his bed that night.

    During the night, the snake bit him. "Hey," the little boy said, "Why did you do that? You promised you wouldn't bite me," the boy admonished.

    "Well," the snake replied, "I AM a snake you know."

    Woody's the snake. Sleep with him if you must.
  13. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    ok just talk to nick again
    lots of interesting facts.
    there is NOT, I REPEAT NOT 3000 ACCOUNTS IN 1977.

    he informed me there is far less than 3000.

    and he never heard of the stadium being fitted for a dome for later on.

    sorry champ.
    #253 17a_tailgater, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i have more info just very busy at work . be back shortly.
    proceed to laugh at champ
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This thread is about to go to a whole new level.

    It'll be a classic, just wait...
  16. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    All I will say is...I'm not surprised.
  17. BADMOO

    BADMOO New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Wow I'm having a really tough time with all this.

    I'm in the lowers in the end zone right now. I love my seats, but with the current economy I sold every game this season.

    I'm wondering will it be worth anything to buy the PSL and then turn around and sell it at an inflated price? I don't want to even pay the PSL now, but I'm sure there are some fat cats who would be willing to pay anything just to have seats.
  18. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    That's the problem with this organization and a new stadium...While your thinking may be correct (but I'm sure there are some fat cats who would be willing to pay anything just to have seats)...how much will people be willing to pay after the new car smell of the stadium wears off? And that is the million dollar question. Do you gamble on paying the PSL, and hoping the Jets break their 40yr curse...or do you flip the scenario around, not renew your tickets, and take advantage of the guy who took your seats looking to sell at half price, because he can't stand watching the SOJ.
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well have ur guy speak to Mike my guy who passed along that info to us
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Of course, none of us can forsee the future.

    But I'm willing to bet that you will be able to buy any PSL anywhere in the stadium after March, 2011 (the date upon which you can sell your PSL), for face or even below face. How can that be, you ask?

    Because people get transferred. People lose their jobs, get divorced, need an operation or college money for their kids... situations change. There will also be those who bought into it with stars in their eyes. Looking at these wonderful seats in the Club Section... "hey, why not... we'll finance it."

    Then Woody jacks up the seat prices by 10%, like he's done in the past, and now the 4 seats aren't $16,000 anymore... they're $17,600 and climbing, and the wife is on the guy's back big time about the new kitchen she wants or the car is getting old, etc, and here he writing out a check for $17,600 to the NY Jets for hiw season tickets. Even situations like Joe Spimoni, the imaginary guy I used the other day, who owns the small bakery in Brooklyn. His partner wants out and he has to come up with some immediate cash if he wants to own the business outright. His wife is telling him he's nuts if he just doesn't get his PSL money back by selling them and getting out.

    So there are going to be PSLs to be had when the selling is permitted. And it might be a flood gate, initially, as everyone who fits into the above categories needs to get their money out. So sure, they'll ASK more than the original amount they paid, but if they need out badly enough, fuck it... I'll just take $12,000 for them and let me walk away... and walk away from the $17,600 that I'm obligated to pay every year also.

    I've said it before... PT Barnum was 100% on the money. Woody's only cashing in on that theory.
    #260 Section 227. Row 5, Feb 13, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009

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