17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i am only saying this because you continue to kill the people who have had enough.

    some would say i would rather have 50,000 suckers who still dont realize that woody is fucking them with a burlap condom.

    no harm or malice but many people are done with the fact that they are loyal and it gets them nothing but fucked.

    its like having a wife who fucks all your friends for money. i know i sure as hell wouldnt take her back.
  2. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    314 you cannot go off on people who gave up their 2009 seats-------some maybe but not all.People had different reasons and to each his own. After all there is a good chance that I am not going to go in 2010, I mean I am still awaiting the call and I know that there will be tickets available when I pick-that said I do not want upper endzone seats and I hate the shit that the Jets pulled with the PSL'S and with the latest 20 percent off crap for newbies--so if I bail in 2010 I am not a real fan???? If that is the case I guess all these years of being there rain or shine, snow or sleet-Kotite or Herm meant zilch? As I said to each his own
  3. AirStrike

    AirStrike Member

    Aug 7, 2009
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    Saying people who gave up their 2009 aren't real fans is over the top. There are many people out there who just can't afford them anymore, and it more than likely is tearing them up inside that they wont be able to watch the Jets up close and personal this season.
  4. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    I can certainly see 314's point on this . I'd bet a large portion of those who bailed on 2009 , we're more casual or even fans of other teams . Now that the economy is so poor they either can't afford to go to something they don't really love or the market to sell to others for profit is gone.

    This dosen't mean there aren't dieheard fans who fit this same scenario, but most diehards would find a way to scrape up the dough for the tickets. And I certainly sympathize with those who can't afford and had no choice but to bail.

    As far as PSL's go , it sucks but there's not many choices, after all its entertainment and capitialism . Its analagous of being a country club member or having tickets to a theatre house or opera . If those organizations up their prices you can either shell over the cash or not go/quit , it doesn't make it fair or any more palatable to those who have gone forever , but you still own the decision to go or not.
  5. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Everyone has a reason to give up their tickets. There are some who were casual fans. I know of several people who gave up their tickets all diehards who've been there rain or shine for years. Some have been out of work for almost a year. At that point how do you come up with that kind of cash? There were also some people who have later seniority who got borderline nasty calls from the ticket office basically saying you're going to have to buy a PSL when you get your call so scrape up your money. One person even had a ticket rep say "well you have to adjust to the new stadium or you shouldn't go." Things like this pissed a lot of fans off who said why should I shell over another $3k to Woody.

    I understand how 314 feels because there were some casuals but we also lost some diehards. Only half of season ticket holders have been called and know what will happen to them for 2010. The other half still have this on their mind. If you're like me going since 1991 when you were 11 years old in the same seats with the same people around you and you might be getting booted out for 2010 and you still don't know it's pretty difficult. I am excited to see our new QB for 2009 but I also think this is the last time the real fans can be here which makes it difficult for me. I feel like NFL should be changed to No Fun League because it seems like with all this PSL BS they're taking the fun out of going to the games. The blue collar fans built this game for the white collars to ruin it.
  6. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    So They are half season plans.
    #2466 Royal Tee, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    The 2009 tickets are the same price as last year so did all these fans lose their jobs? Sorry, I don't understand long time fans giving up THIS YEARS tickets. And if they are casual, its their business, but as a hard core fan I am glad they are giving them up. I am not criticizing anyone for what they do in 2010.
  8. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Behold, the self righteous.
  9. notajduhe

    notajduhe Member

    May 3, 2004
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    I have not given up my seats for 2009, and am in 313 for 2010, but I understand completely why perople would give up tickets. The only way to send a message to ownership that what is happening is not acceptable is to make them eat empty seats.

    As long as you put your fanny in your seat you make the status quo acceptable. You want to know why teams like the raiders can let an old fool like Al Davis make absurd draft picks, its because it doesn't cost Al a dime to act like a senile moron. You want to know why Matt Millen was allowed to stay GM for a decade while his team was awful, its because Lions fans kept coming to games. Want to know why teams keep charging PSL's ? Its because fans pay for them. Stop the madness and see what happens. The Yankees learned this first hand. Let the Jets be the next to learn. They built a stadium which they proudly tell people like me (1977 seniority) has 27,000 hideous upper deck seats, and that I'd be better off in the corner of the lower end zone then on the 50 in the upper deck. They want thousands of dollars for giving me the right to buy tickets I've been buying for decades. To all of you who have given up your tickets, I applaud you for having more courage than I have ! If and when Woody and the Jets make going to games a fan friendly activity I hope you come back.
  10. Hofstra Jet

    Hofstra Jet Active Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    read on JI that they have resumed calls for 2010. I hope thats true.
  11. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I guess your right, put up or shutup, but its not gonna change a thing, PSL's is something all teams do, not just the Jets. I just don't see what 2009 has to do with PSL's and I think we are gonna have a great year, but you are right, people are sticking to their guns and not just talking. I just love going to the games and can't relate.
  12. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    For example, I had an extra pair in 329 that I hung onto because I waited ten years to get them, also because I thought they would come in handy at some point. Once I realized the deal with the new stadium and that I probably won't be able to keep even the seats we use in 128, I got rid of them. I'd been taking the hit on the pre-season games and a lot of regular season games for years and didn't see the purpose to do it for one more year and give up the tickets anyway. So I got rid of them for 2009 and reduced my bath on the pre-season, didn't have to bother finding buyers for the extra pair for the season. I think a lot of people held on to tickets for similar reasons and they are the ones who are giving them up now.

    Also, a lot of people have lost their jobs, or like me have taken a hit on commissions or income and are cutting out a lot of expenses like Jet tickets they don't use.
    #2472 Italian Seafood, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  13. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    smartest thing i ever did was not sign the PSL contract.man oh man i am so glad i dont have that PSL over my head.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The way I see it, most of us who got into the Upper Deck are sticking to our guns by refusing to pay the PSLs. We're sending a message to Woody that it's unaffordable, unacceptable and/or both.

    I made the decision in January that if I could not get into the Upper Deck I was NOT going to pay for the PSL. After 25 years of going to the stadium, I would not have gone anymore had I not gotten into a PSL-free zone, period. I even transferred my tickets over to my son's name, knowing that that was going to be the last time I'd be able to do that, since I knew I'd have no cockamamie "Successor Rights" after I selected my Uppers and basically told them to shove their PSLs. Had I not gotten into the Uppers, the transfer would have been moot, because I wouldn't be going anyway.

    As far as people giving up their season tickets for 2009, I don't blame a lot of guys who realized that Seniority was going to be the only criteria for 2010 seats and when they realized they'd be shut out anyway, they said "Fuck You, Woody" and walked. GOOD FOR THEM! I'm glad they did! But that's got nothing to do with being loyal fans or not rooting for the team. I'm sure most of them will still be sitting home and watching the games on HDTV.

    Woody Johnson made a TERRIBLE call when he decided to go the greed route with all of this. It all could have been so much different and handled so much smarter on their part... like guaranteeing seat prices over a period of time, for one thing. I hope he chokes on his unsold seats and becomes the laughing stock of the NFL. "Shared Stadium" my ass. I'd be laughable if it weren't so God Damn pathetic.
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    What did he do differently then every other team when they got a new stadium except make 27,000 seats PSL free. I am sorry, I don't get the hate. I think its awesome that I don't have to pay a PSL and I love the way he fired Mangini right after the season. Hey, I said it a million times, the current place is fine, but in the end, he's doing what every other f'ing owner has done, building a new place to bring in more profit and asking the fans to pay for it. Its a sports issue, not a Woody issue. Again, how can you bitch, you did not have to a PSL, how many other NFL fans can say that who moved into a new place..... BOTTOM LINE!!!!
    #2475 sec314, Aug 10, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2009
  16. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i dont hate the psl i hate the ticket prices.
    and not having other rights with a PSL.
  17. HCUBED

    HCUBED Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    Those sales reps are going to have to become used car salesmen "What do I have to do today to get you into this PSL seat ?"

  18. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    314 I have to ASK THE QUESTION is by any chance your last name Johnson?:drunk:
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    We see things differently. First of all, this is a "shared stadium," remember? It was sold to the public as a cost-saving measure. "We're going to be able to keep the costs down his way." As a taxpayor (forget about also being a Jets fan for the moment), I object vigorously to being sold THAT bill of goods and millions of my tax dollars being spent on highway improvements, rail heads, etc., when the "savings" from this joint venture is being used to line Woody's and Mara's pockets. What did he do differently than any other team? Side with the Giants and build this fucking monstrosity of a 5-star POS. Fucked us good, that's what he did. The stadium is being paid for twice, because both teams are collecting PSLs, not one team. Where is the money going? No accountability whatsoever.

    Additionally, I don't care what "other teams" or owners do. I expected more of Woody Johnson. He could have done it differently... challenged the Giants as in, "Hey, wait a minute, there are other alternatives than to make the fans buy the whole fucking building and pay for it in 5 years." If your teenager goes out and gets stoned every Friday night, what are you going to say to your wife?... "Well, everybody else does it!" Screw that. And the only reason Woody made the Upper Deck PSL free is becasue he had to. It's such a POS view it's pathetic. The Giants could get away with their paltry PSLs up there because they had a much longer waitlist than we did. If that weren't the case for the Jets, Woody would have been right there charging for those nosebleeds too.

    Furthermore, if the entire cost of this new fucking monstrosity has to be born by the ticketholders (and I don't understand why that is, but whatever...) why couldn't Woody have taken another route and made it more affordable (alternative financing, longer payout, guaranteed ticket pricing so you're not leaving your fans twisting in the wind, etc. And that being the case, (PSL holders are paying for the new building), why are they not shareholders in it? After all, they fucking bought it, why shouldn't they own it?

    I predict the era of "building a new place and asking the fans to pay for it" is going to come to a screeching halt. No other business in this country expects patrons to pay for a new facitlity.You wouldn't erect a new pizzeria and expect people to pay for the building for you... you'd be laughed out of town. And then to not have a piece of the action is downright stupid on the part of the PSL owners. No other "rights." No concerts, no other venues, no nothing... just 10 games a year, 2 of which are totally fucking worthless in today's NFL.

    No, I do understand your love of Woody for allowing you to stay in your beloved Uppers with no PSLs attached, but what about the other 55,000 fans who didn't have the seniority you do and are either getting PSL screwed or are out the door come January? What about them?

    Screw Woody Johnson. Hating on him? Oh yeah, that's me (and proud of it).
  20. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    couldnt disagree more. Except for the Club seats, all PSL's will be sold by opening day 2010. Unfortunately, owners will always charge fans as much as the market can bear.

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