17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    GOOD POST bseagle----------YES it is a shame what they are doing to the fans but the bottomline is NO ONE CARE$ it$ all about the money,,,,,that said if I do not get offered seats I like or if I don;t get offered seats period it makes my decision easy--no psls here--> no way no how.
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    guys, back in the 50s 60s and 70s did they feel that money was ruining the game like i do today? i kinda felt it in the 80s and it became more of a reality in the 90s but the last few years has really really made me feel it is a world of complete and total greed.

    not just parts greed but complete and total! maybe its just with the jets,giants, yankees and mets all fleecing the new york public so badly these years. well them and the knicks and rangers which have been fleecing us for years :)
  3. Miznabie

    Miznabie New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Another tidbit, I was surfing myspace and I saw a huge banner on there that said "buy jets tickets now"...but it had a picture of Rex Ryan and had the same look at the artwork as the official Jets page. So, what the hell, I clicked on it, and it took me to the Jets main site! They are now selling season tickets through the website on a first come first serve basis. For season ticket holders, log in to your account and you can see what other season tickets are available.

    Worse, they are advertising on things like MYSPACE for Christs sake. That is terrible.

    So much for the wait list I was on for 12 years! haha
  4. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yeah, that does kind of suck. Was I 1998 on the waiting list? Trying to remember. I bought 2009 season tickets a couple months back. Essentially, my 11 years on the waiting list got me a month or two head start on the general population. Woohoo! What an investment!
  5. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    At least they are pushing season tickets, better than single games that can be bought by the Pats, Bills and Dolphins fans to fill the seats.

    Just think of how much you saved by being on the wait list for the last 10 or so years. I still can't believe that a game ticket was $25 bucks in 1994.

    The last 4 games this season leave alot to be desired for resale Jacksonville, Carolina, Atlanta, Cincinnati. The only thing that can save Woody next year is a home playoff and AFC Championship game.

    Wait the deals will come, there is a reason they locked in the UD's next years with an upfront deposit.

    I would really be interested if there are certain sections that are not being sold or people are just told they are not available. But there is really nothing to stop them from offering single season non PSL's next year in the PSL levels, afterall you would not own the seat 'forever' just for the year.

    Once you sign the contract good luck getting out, it's just like a CC bill or a car purchase and through an LLC so the Jets already have the money if you finance so they really don't give a damn.

    We shall see what happens.
    #2325 jets&rushfan, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    myspace man, seriously MY FUCKIN SPACE

    this toolbag has ruined this franchise. i am almost sick.
  7. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Phil Mushnick from the NY Post wrote this story over the weekend...and although most of it pertains to the NFL, and not the NY Jets directly, I thought it was very well written.

    THERE is no rise in unem ployment, no hard times, no worries. What reces sion? In fact, things have never been better. There's no better time for a big league team owner to continue to act on the conditioned notion that the only patrons worth having are the wealthy foolish. Everyone else can get lost, and stay there.

    And, as always, it sure helps if the commissioner of your sport actually serves as your CFO/agent/rubber stamp, a fellow happy to enable you to do anything in the pursuit of money.

    There's really no great difference between Bud Selig and Roger Goodell. Both have demonstrated, through countless look-away passes, that the "steal sign" is always on, no need to step out of the box to look down for signals.

    The Kansas City Chiefs this week announced that those wishing to purchase single-game tickets to the team's biggest-draw home games this season -- against the Cowboys and Steelers -- must be victims of an extortion. They must buy an equal number of same-priced tickets to one of the Chiefs' two preseason home "games," one against the Seahawks, the other against the Texans.

    None of the Chiefs' six other home games will be attached to such a fleecing.

    In other words, for two regular-season games the Chiefs are charging double. And that's cool with Commissioner Goodell. Yep, if there's any scalping to be done, the commissioners -- the Guardians of the Games -- now grant first crack to the team owners.

    But if Goodell claims that the PSL stickups that are driving generations of Giants and Jets fans out of their seats and out of the new, never-wanted-nor-needed, luxury box-lined stadium are "a good investment" -- pure nonsense -- why would he put the stop to a comparative petty larceny in Kansas City?

    In the Giants' case, the annual boost in ticket and parking costs is not enough, thus a 20-year ticket waitlist was wiped out in a few months. And the wait-listed were forced to reject an opportunity they had awaited for years. And that, too, meets with Goodell's approval.

    Sure, such "marketing strategies" -- ripoffs -- are nothing new. Why should a calamitous recession make anyone more sensitive to a customer base that's too devoted for its own good, but finally wising up. Economic Darwinism -- survival of the wealthiest -- can last only so long before such "marketing strategies" do what no business can afford to do to its customers: teach them -- force them -- to live without you.

    In the meantime, when Goodell wants to impress upon us the NFL's civil side he'll meet with Michael Vick, let him and us know that certain conduct will not be tolerated. But, even in the worst of times, if team owners want to make idiots of NFL customers, well, go baby, go.

    To that end, the Bud Selig brand of commissionership was on display Thursday, when the A's-Yankees, scheduled for 7 p.m., began a few minutes before 10 -- while it still was raining -- and ended near 1 a.m. -- while it was raining. Again, what was once out of the question as matter of common sense and common decency has become the standard. You buy a ticket -- 37 bucks or $375 -- and you now buy a chance, a good chance, to be mugged. And you simultaneously can teach your kids what big league sports are all about.

    How much easier would this have been to indulge if mid-range tickets this year hadn't been greed-bumped to roughly $250? Given that tickets to the new, fewer-seats Yankee Stadium were so obscenely priced that the club now can't come close to a sellout, there are fewer victims to tell that tale. Many diminishing returns!

    If or when the Yankees make the playoffs, ticket pricing will have to be reduced or the first sellout in Yankee Stadium will be the Army-Notre Dame game.

    I don't want to get personal here, but how well would the Selig and Goodell families, as paying customers, have suffered Thursday night's/Friday morning's Yankees game?

    Then again, the NFL, having invented its own TV network, now plays Thursday night games in addition to Sunday nights and Monday nights -- outdoors in cold climates in December. Only the NFL's worst teams are now allowed to play all their home games at what the NFL long ago established as the most patron-friendly, sensible and civil time -- 1 p.m. on Sundays.

    And now, on nearly every national MLB telecast -- showcase games scheduled for ESPN, Fox and TBS -- we see the best seats, first base around to third, in large part empty. How would Selig explain that to Goodell? Why are the best customers missing?

    Do unto others? OK. Goodell needs to be on that 7:30 a.m. flight to Los Angeles; it's imperative. And so the ticket agent, recognizing Goodell and his plight, says, "I'll sell you a seat, but you also have to buy a ticket, same price, to Tulsa, for, let's see, the night of Aug. 15th. Take it or leave it."

    "But I don't want to go to Tulsa."

    "Mr. Goodell, I'm a football fan from Kansas City, and I didn't want to go to that Aug. 15th exhibition game against the Texans."
  8. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    can someone read this and post the parts i need to read?
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I read it for you. There is nothing there that's interesting to you at all. Total Mushwick BS, has zero to do with the Jets and Giants PSL's which is what he should be writing about.
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i thought it was a good article on the douchebaggery of the leagues. not necessarily what jets fans want but a good artcle nonetheless. and its nice to hear that its not just happening to us.

    the kc thing is a shame, i would be PISSED if they pulled that shit on me.

    ps goodell is a corksucker and will be the downfall of this league.
    #2330 alleycat9, Jul 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  11. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    If you are a season ticket holder, they already do.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I like to skim read and articles like this make me crazy. But here's the gist of the article if my longer-than-usual skim is correct:

    "The Kansas City Chiefs this week announced that those wishing to purchase single-game tickets to the team's biggest-draw home games this season -- against the Cowboys and Steelers -- must be victims of an extortion. They must buy an equal number of same-priced tickets to one of the Chiefs' two preseason home "games," one against the Seahawks, the other against the Texans.

    None of the Chiefs' six other home games will be attached to such a fleecing."

    But you're right, if I'm reading between your lines. Its a poorly written article, one of those that make you hunt around for the main point. I hate having to skim-read articles like this because they're almost "unskimable." One sentence would have sufficed:

    "Roger Goodell condones teams screwing fans any way the teams want to do it."
  13. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    We all know what the Jets are going through to sell out for 2009 (see newyorkjets.com to get your tickets).

    Interestingly, I just heard from a friend who just recently got on the Giants waiting list that he was emailed by the Giants that select 2009 tickets will go on sale I believe tomorrow at 10am (not sure of date and time).

    Apparently, the Giants aren't sold out for 2009 yet, either. I doubt it's as bad as the Jets, but they're not done, either.
  14. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    I have never been a season ticket holder, but saw the same ad on nyjets.com and registered an account just to see what is available. Just crazy to see I could have two season tickets, lower level endzone for 1600 bucks. Just like that. My question is, is it worth it for those seats?
  15. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think it's worth it. The last couple of years have been a bit rough in the parking lots with delays getting out, some sketchy parking if you get there late, etc. But, to me, there's nothing like knowing you're going to all of the games, tailgating in the lot before the game, getting into it with a loud crowd during the game, even drinking some terrible $8 beers inside (probably $9 now), then sometimes tailgating after the game. It's a great time, and I'm sure you'll love the seats.

    Should be an interesting season with a new coach, a new QB, new defensive scheme, etc. And it's the last one in the old stadium, so you can be there with the Jets all year as they close it out.

    Lastly, the only positive about the PSL mess is that 2009 tickets seem nearly free by comparison. $1600 for two GOOD seats? Awesome! Compare that to two $5k PSLs for those same seats in the new stadium plus, what, $120 tickets? So you'd owe $12,400 for those same seats in 2010. You can't afford NOT to buy these seats :) (warning...very bad math....exercise caution and use at your own risk)

    Go for it!
  16. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I have not heard what date they are up to as of late------I might have to make the phone call and get info----
  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i have a question,are they selling 2009 seats al for the same price??? $80 a tix and $800 for a season?
  18. Cornfed

    Cornfed Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Here's what I see on ticketmaster:

    Section							Avg Per Game Price	Total Plan Price
    Lower Bowl Corners and Endzones	       		        US $80.00		US $800.00 			
    Mezzanine Level					        US $115.00		US $1150.00 			
    Upper Prime Sections 309 thru313 and 329 thru 333	US $80.00		US $800.00 			
    Upper Level Corners and Endzones			US $75.00		US $750.00 			
    Lower Bowl Front Row Club First 2 Rows			US $425.00		US $4250.00
    #2338 Cornfed, Jul 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  19. BADMOO

    BADMOO New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I let my tickets go. I'm tired of paying for the pre-season games and since I refuse to pay a PSL for 2010 I figured.. let em go...

    I will try to buy some tickets to one last game at the Meadowlands and then I'll watch for sales on eBay for future seasons.

    Suck It Woody
  20. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I did the same exact thing as the poster with the brother in law. I have been buying tickets, well my Dad for a long time but now me, off the same group of his friends since I was 7 years old. We bought them for 2009. I was called by my rep and I deferred my name until the 2010 season, if there are seats available (which there will be plenty of). I am hoping they cut PSL costs somewhat. If not, oh well. I'm out.

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