17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    PLEASE come here and let us know what they say as I am in the same situation.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I don't understand how deferring will help anything. Your ultimate goal is to try to get 2010 tickets, correct? Then go ahead and buy the 2009 tickets and enjoy them for one year and hope that somehow this gets you in the door for 2010.

    Like 17a says, this is all changing and everything is in a state of flux with these PSLs. For all we know, they may get desperate and have to throw some really weird options out there.

    I'd take the 2009 seats and go to the games. And now you're a season ticketholder (at least for the time being) and you can always hold out hope that maybe they will offer a "wait list" for STHs on available Uppers, for example. If people start bailing on their Uppers after 2010 for whatever reason (parking sucks, too high up, don't like their seats, etc.), maybe in a couple of years you can get in.

    But deferring will only guarantee one thing. You won't be in the stands for 2009 and you won't be any closer to getting 2010 tickets.
  3. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I know I have asked this a few times already---but cut me some slack-----------anyone know what uppers are being offered, or what is left----------and or what yr they are up to? thanks for any info / help
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    No need to cut you some slack CBG, good question. That's what this thread is all about.

    I'd help you if I could, but my information is old now. I got my seats on June 16th and whatever was available then is probably not what's available now. But I hope someone else chimes in for you... good luck.
  5. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Thanks 227---yes most of the news / info is old now and was posted or told to me before the Jets office took furlough--I am trying to get some current info as I am going to be called in 2 weeks or so-------thanks again anyone for any info
  6. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Update I got on Friday

    I tried to email my rep last week and the email got kicked back to me. A month ago I emailed my rep who said my call up date would be July 15th. When I didn't get that 2 week notice I wrote again and he said it would be July 20-22. I wrote and called last week and the girl said my rep was away. She also said that they are going back and calling people with longer seniority to be sure they didn't skip anyone on the waiting list and also to work on filling the stadium for 2009.

    A part of the convo where I almost pissed my pants was when I asked about seat availablity. She said there is limited seating in coaches club. I almost fell over laughing and that everything else is pretty open including upper decks.

    I have been following this thread and the thread on JI for a while. I have tried to post once or twice but it usually didn't go thru. This whole process has been shitty to go through and this delay has driven me nuts.

    I'm 28 I'll be 29 on Sunday. When I was a kid I got put on the waiting list and when I was 11 I got my season tickets. I've sat in the same seat for 18 soon to be 19 years with the same people around me. Woody is ruining the whole thing. Sorry just had to vent at the end but that is the info I have as of Friday.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You are doing your homework and that is good. You're in crunch time but don't let it frazzle you... I remember getting it all together within several days of the call.

    Do check the WebCam and try to get a handle on what sections best suit your parking needs, then work off that and be prepared to ask the rep about options in those areas.

    Above all, make him work for his money. You're a season ticketholder and deserve his undivided attention for as long as it takes. Don't accept the first "best available" seats he has... have a pen and paper handy and write them down as he offers them... then be prepared to ask him about other sections. Bounce back and forth. And then don't be afraid to go back to where he was originally... they're on computers and bouncing all over the sections... make him "work" for you BECAUSE YOU DESERVE AT LEAST THAT MUCH FROM THE NY JETS for the years that you bought tickets and were a loyal fan.

    I love the Jets as a football team but hate the Jets FO and Woody (in particular) for putting this kind of pressure and anxiety on their most loyal fans and ticketholders. It's been an unconscionable trip and could have and should have been avoided had someone put together a wiser, financially-smarter, more fan-friendly transition. Try to make the best of it.
  8. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    i have tickets for 2009 through my brother in law he is a season ticket holder.we paid for them back in may.

    why should i buy another set of tickets for 2009 and not be able to sell them? i may want to buy tickets in 2010 so im going to defer. and in 2010 i will be offered whatever is available. psl seats or psl free uppers. you never know?
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Okay, I thought your B-I-L dropped the season tickets that were in his name for 2009 (you had stated that he "bailed"), leaving you with nothing, since your name was never on the Jets' ticketholder base to begin with and you always got your tickets through him. All this means to me is that you are and have been squat to the NY Jets ticket office. Personna Non-Identia... they don't even fucking know who you are.

    But since you made it onto the Waitlist, I saw this Waitlist contact as a way for you to establish your OWN identity with the Jets and the hell with your wayward, "bailing" B-I-L. But I didn't know that this B-I-L kept his tickets for 2009 and intends to drag you along once again for the ride (with your blessings) as a "renter" ticketholder in absentia, in other words, as someone on the perifery and not "on the books" as per the NY Jets. You will still not be in their records.

    This is your choice. You can stick with your BIL and go along for the ride, or establish yourself and your own identity with the NY Jets FO ticket department as an established season ticketholder. That's all I was saying.

    Do what you will, but know that by deferring your 2009 tickets that you once so earnestly sought from the NY Jets, they may now look upon this unfavorably. Is it too late to tell you BIL to kiss off, that you've got your own tickets now and you'd rather buy them yourself and go sit in those seats? Tell him to find another asshole willing to buy the seats from him without any ownership rights like you've been doing all these past years, the very thing that got you into this quandry to begin with.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    And another thing. This Brother-In-Law (BIL) decides to "bail" after you've tried to converse with him on many occasions, expressing your interest in obtaining his tickets or half-ownership in his tickets? And he had up until January 20th of this year to turn his tickets over to you (seniority included), or half of them over to you (in your name), but chose not to?

    And this is the guy you want to continue having contol over your own Jets ticketholder destiny and are willing to give up your new Waitlist status over, something you went out on your own to establish?

    I'd sign up with the Jets for your very own, new Season Ticketholder Waitlist tickets no matter where TF they are in the stadium and tell your BIL to find another sucker to buy his last-season, worthless, "bailing" tickets. He sounds like a loser and you sound like a future Jets Season Ticketholder to me.
  11. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    HEY 227 thanks again. I am doing my homework and when I do speak to the Jets I will post everything that goes down. My decision is not that difficult, I know where I would like to sit and where I do not. The parking thing is a huge issue as I would want seats that are closer to where we tailgate,,,only problem is from what I have been told and read is that THEY cannot tell me where (assumming I get tickets in 2010) I will be allowed to park??? I mean psl's are not an option--that is not going to happen so if I do choose seats upstairs--> where am I allowed to park? I have been told by the Jet office that "that has yet to be determined" ,,,this truely is some crazy stuff we are going thru. You guys keep the info coming I will do the same and Happy B day 337.
  12. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I could be wrong here so please let me know if I am but most likely parking will be the current lots 13/17 and 18 as well as IZOD and Racetrack for non PSL. I've been tailgating 13B my whole life and hope to stay there. At this point if end zones are mostly what's left I should try for sec 346 or sec 347 right?
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I really believe they have been using this Upper Deck "yet to be determined" parking thing as one more intimidation to discourage people from taking the Uppers. I haven't heard of the Giants telling their fan base that. It's unconscionable of the Jets to have not nailed that down and even far more egregious if they are using it as a deterrant for the non-PSL seats.

    I chose to completely ignore the "yet to be determined" issue and other rumors about Upper Deckers being very far away from the stadium. They have to have parking for us (the Giants do!) and from the looks of the parking lot layout, it may not be that inconvenient, especially to the west of the stadium. You don't build a stadium like this and get approvals from the DOT for exits and entrances, etc, and NOT know EXACTLY where your parking is for all levels and how it will affect traffic. So, to me, this is all bullshit.

    In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the parking for the non-PSLs is quite convenient. It looks like (the further out you are from the stadium), the easier the exit from the entire area. So I chose to ignore this bullshit and chalk it off to more of Woody's arrogant push to get people to buy his PSLs. After all the PSLs are sold, we'll miraculously discover that they suddenly know exactly who is parking where.
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    besides i like to walk to the stadium through all the other tailgates and drink 2 more beers before i get in anyway.
  15. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Me too. I guess drinking beer is not thread hijacking, so neither is this:

    Do any jets fans realize that Michael Vick is going to Miami?? This makes Miami a new super bowl contender, and possibly a better team than the Patriots. Where does this leave the same old jets and their psl fiasco?? Can you say c-u-r-s-e-d.
  16. coorslightcans

    May 8, 2009
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    i just got off the phone with my rep and deferred until the 2010 season. he questioned as to why i wanted to this. i explained to him i already paid for the 2009 season in a package with my b-i-l. he assured me im back on the waiting list and should have no problems acquiring my own tickets in 2010 in the new stadium.
  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    of course they will assure you, assure they will fleece you with a PSL.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Makes absolutely no sense. I give up. PT Barnum was right.
  19. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Thanks dude. Smart way to go. I am going to do the exact same thing.

    Play the waiting game until they are forced to lower prices.
  20. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I am going to agree with 227 on some things and disagree on others.

    First, doing your homework in the best thing you can do. Go on the Jets official site and look at the views from various sections in the 3D seating view. Pick the views you like best and prioritize your seating choice by section. Remember that there are 4 equal spots for each view that you like - If you like the view from the uppers at the 10 yard line, you can get that view at either end of the stadium and on both sidelines.

    Since you are picking now and don't have current information, I would guess that the only sideline uppers available would be in or near the end zone and in high rows. Decide whether you want to sit higher and be on the sideline by the end zone or lower with an end zone view. If you can afford it and are willing to take a chance on PSLs, take a look at the view from the end zone mezzanines.

    I disagree with 227 when it comes to picking your seats based on where you want to park. I have parked on the complete opposite side of the stadium from where my current seats are since 1984 and it has had no impact on my ability to get in the stadium before the game (just leave with enough time to make kickoff - I have never missed a kick off), out of the stadium when the game ends ( I don't leave early - you just never know) , and out of the parking lot and on my way home. Once the new traffic patters are determined, some parking lot sections will be better than others for getting out.

    Since the parking is a mystery, pick the best seats and deal with the parking later.

    Remember, the key is to study the 3D view, prioritize your sections in order of preference ( I would go 20+ sections deep), and find out what seats are available in your preferred sections one by one with your rep.

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