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lucky there
Fucking ivory GO DOWN!
Why aren't the Jets running the playclock down to 1 before snapping it. It's stupid not to at this point
great return if he doesn't slip
they also didn't see the hold on Mo Wilk
ok. nice long drive here for a FG prob ends it.
3rd and 6. Bet your life Oakland converts BET YOUR LIFE
Oakland fans turning this stadium into a dirty ghetto
somebody please rip mcgloins head off
Just give Oakland 7 already. put it on the board we all know it's happening
great defense...dumbfucks
These fucktards cannot tackle 3rd and 8 for Oakland here comes a god assisted 70 yard td
Reece needs some hot sauce
how about we try NO LONG TD'S THIS TIME
Love Folk.
Kerley has to catch that
1st and 10...stupid playcall
We have to watch out for the refs here they want to get Oakland back in the game
Why is raider homer faggot Gannon in the booth?
You fucking kidding me with this shit FUCK GOD