Separate names with a comma.
Merry Christmas to all....... and to all A GOOD NIGHT. See everyone on here again at draft time.
Don't worry folks. Rex has his lucky douchebag vest on. It is secretly going to lead us to the promised land -lol
hopefully this silences this boatload of critics - with a lot of time left to play
mentality of many of today's athletes
No, more like a deflated douchebag
Fuck the Browns... if we have to rely on them, we are in bigger trouble then this game is right now.
How is he responsible for dropped catches, missed kicks, bad throws. Really now.
a little heavy on the maybe's, maybe?
close this thread. it smells like Bison Chips
......a few shots of bourbon have maybe affected me. - A FEW ???
I pick "C." Evidently it is working.
zzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
GFY - I have an opinion and could care less what you have to say Mr Cross. Go preach to somebody else.
Rex will not upset us, perhaps the Buffalo Bills will, but this constant love affair with this asshole is simply unbelievable.
The man was never a good coach - fat or less fat.
It is a shame, the man is just a pure douchebag. He simply can't help it.
They weren't Rex's Jets, they were the NY Jets. And besides he had little to do with that team being assembled.
Can you please just go the fuck away? Go spill your Buffalo Chips over on your own message board.
Is this post really necessary? 10-5 and we still have to hear about what a good team is/isn't and after winning 5 straight, including NE, and...