Separate names with a comma.
As far fetched as it may sound right now, I believe that is definitely a possible outcome of the moves the Jets are making right now....
Brook, you're a glory whore I'm sorry to tell you. You merging all of these threads to makes it look like you were the author of such threads....
OK. Your post was to point out that the Packers have done an excellent job drafting because they hold on to their draft picks. My response is...
And what exactly has Zach done to deserve to be the number 2? He's played like hot garbage. At this point understand if Rodgers goes down? Our...
Meanwhile, you have absolutely no response to my post. Claiming the Packers GM holds on to his picks is a truly dumb statement and not at all...
Well, if you believe in all of those players so staunchly perhaps you could explain why a 4-13 team from the prior season went into Green Bay and...
It's a semi accurate comparison. I don't think Gutekunst is as bad as Macagnan. Macagnan was a legend of ineptitude but the comparison isn't as...
I posted this on Facebook and meant to post it here..... Brian Gutekunst is a bad GM. He sucks at his job and he's starting to realize it. He...
First of all, I don't care what QB it is. No 39 year old QB is worth a 1st rounder. NONE. Maybe with accelerator clauses you could secure ONE 1st...
If you didn't think this was pushing your chips to the center of the table you just haven't been watching. It would be one thing to rest on the...
Just call me dingbat but I'm just starting to understand the importance of the Lazard signing. After examining this closer I see everything as...
I don't believe that you're really conveying anything that wasn't already common knowledge? What I do know is the following: 1) I don't believe...
Does it matter that much? I really don't think it does. Joe Douglas has turned out to be an excellent GM and the fact is, everyone misses on...
The bottom line with this team right now: 1) Jets are NOT, nor will they ever be, a playoff team with their current QB room. Simply not good...
What I'm ultimately confident in saying is that I believe because the Jets have such a nice young footprint going, that adding EITHER Carr or AR...
But we're always going to talk about constructing a SB team and that will never stop. Hence the conversation we're having now....
The defense needs to do two things that they ultimately failed on over the season: 1) Get off the field on 3rd down. Jets defense had to be one...
Honestly, I think this is a brilliant response and one that's hard to argue with. Good post.
Now, that Derek Carr is visiting the Jets this weekend I ask you the same question I did with Rodgers. Does adding Carr make the Jets a SB...
That's not answering the question. The thread says the Jets trade for AR and and have another good draft. And a good draft of course means fixing...