If you are agnostic or leaning to Seattle because you dislike the 49'ers/Harbaugh.....would you be more OK with the 49'ers advancing IF New England won in the earlier game ? I want to see Denver-Seattle (and would like to see Denver win it all) but my great fear is that New England and The HC of the NE PATS wins another SB in our place. The 1st line of defense is Denver, but I worry about them without Miller and Harris (they weren't that good with them). I think the 49'ers are more likely to beat either NE or Denver than Seattle, which has already made the jump this year. 49'ers entire year has been WIN the SB or write off the season. Thoughts ??
I don't know why Jets fans would have a strong feeling for or against either team in the NFC. This thread seems odd to me.
what makes you think Jets fans have some sort of dislike for San Francisco that they would change their preference for Harbaugh in the event of a Patriot win? that is the basis of your argument and I am curious what that is based on. I have yet to read anything overwhelming on this board of some dislike for Harbaugh and the Niners that would make this a meaningful inquiry. I think everybody here would root for any of the three teams against the Pats so no attitude about any of them or the NFC game has to change in the event that the Pats win.
Some may dislike Pete Carroll for sucking with the Jets and may hate the idea of him winning a Super Bowl in the Jets stadium.
I predicted the Seahawks over the Broncos in the preseason, I want to be right about it, hopefully the Hawks can win it all.
Look I cant stand Harbaugh as much as anyone else but lets all appreciate the facted he didnt take the Dolphins offer. It would have been a nightmare if that happened.
Because I think San Francisco is more likely to stop NE than a young Seattle team that is 'happy' to be there.
Because Harbaugh killed us as QB a few times....Pete Carroll is an ex - Jet who got a raw deal....and most people root for underdogs and SanFran has 5 championships.
Trust me, Seattle wont be 'happy' to be there. This team has been aiming for the trophy since they lost in Atlanta.
I just hope Denver shuts that door today so we don't have to hear 2 weeks of the media sucking off Belichick and Brady.
The only team I have any rooting interest in is New England. And that's a negative interest. I hope they lose! lose! lose! I don't care about the other teams. Go Broncos!
The Seahawks are the best team left of the 4 at this point. I'd much rather they beat the 49ers if the Patriots win the AFC title.
I give the Pats very little chance to win the Superbowl. The media is pushing this Brady vs Manning hype, but in reality the Pats right now are not even in the same class as the Bronco's. Experts picking the Pats is laughable - Bronco's most likely win this one without breaking a sweat. In the unlikely event the Pats win, either the Hawks or Niners are infinitely better than the Pats and the likelihood of beating either of them is even further diminished.