This should be interesting. I do feel the number of carries he get will go down b/c of the new depth at the position. But we do have a new o-line. However they aren't Pro Bowl caliber. Will Mangini's offense benefit Martin and his running style? Or will it be more fit for a smash-mouth type runner? I personally don't think so. 2004 was his last great run. I hate to seem cold-hearted b/c i love this guy. But the reality is, he's in his 30s. And that's old in halfback years. He'll play more of a teacher role to the younger and inexperienced players which is what we really need.
Considering his age and our probable use of a "running back by committee" system, I don't think he will reach 1000 yards. However, I do feel he has the potential to have a decent YPC average.
The team would have drafted a RB higher if they thought that Curtis was not going to near 100%. Curtis is the ultimate warrior and will get over 1000 yrds this season especially since we will have a O-line to open holes for him. I think he has 2-3 years left in him. I will be there in Canton when he is elected.
IF he stays healthy, IF the OL gels early and has some success, IF we have any kind of passing game... Curtis has a lot of heart, and I am sure in my heart that he doesn't want to leave his pro career on the note he left it on last year. So providing any of the above fall in place, he could have a 1000-1200 this year. Nothing wowing, but he'll get the job done one more year.
If he hangs around for 2 more years it is possibe if we don't draft a superstar next year or land a big FA and also when the o-line finally gels.
He played most of last year with torn ligaments in his knee, behind a terrible offensive line. I wouldn't be surprised if he hit 1,000, it's not that difficult to do. -X-
Averaging 62 yds. a game is not that difficult, so health permiting, he should reach 1000 yds in 2006. However, RB's skills seem to diminish quickly at his age, so who knows?
In order for Martin to get 1000 yards he will need to get the bulk of the carries. I don't see that happening. We will have a RBBC pretty much all year unless Cedric Houston steps up and grabs the majority of touches. I could be wrong though. If Martin get his 20 carries a game I would say yes.
Curtis has gas in the tank. Even though I expect he'll be getting less carries as others have indicated, barring another injury I am willing to bet he breaks 1000 yards. 1000 yards in 16 games isn't that big of a deal.
I doubt it. This isn't the Herm show anymore...if Martin isn't producing, he won't be playing. I expect to see more of a runningback by committee situation in '06. The Jets have plenty of depth and variety to do it, and it may seem like the best solution since none of the backs seem to be capable of handling a large workload. As much as I like Martin, it's pretty clear his best days are behind him.
He won't get 1,000 yards this season because he'll have to give alotta' carries the Houston but he will be more effective when he's in there as part of a 1-2 punch. This will spell trouble for the other teams defenses.
No, he will not get nearly as many carries and will continue to struggle. I say a Washington/Houston duo will be able to excel in the backfield.
Other then John Riggins, I don't know of any running back that broke 1000 yards at the age of 33 and Martin turned 33 on May 1st.
I think a lot depends on how the coaching staff views Curtis towards contributing to the offense. As much as I would love to see Curtis bust out 1000+ yards, I think the RB situation will be tailored to each Rbs strength to best accomodate our offense. I am sure though that Curtis will be in great shape when he arrives, he aways does...