Why not Vince?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Richiebsweet, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Richiebsweet

    Richiebsweet Active Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    The JETS are headed to Texas to see the Champ Vince Young in Texas and why not draft him with the fourth pick if he is available. The JETS have two first round picks and QB is a need. I am not or will ever be sold on Cutler because he has always been a loser in college and I can see that transfering over to the NFL. I don't care about combine numbers, I care about what I see done on the football field in game-time situations, and Vince is the best.

    Let's be real for a second. His throwing motion doesn't mean a thing. A few years back everyone was talking about David Carr's motion and now it's an afterthought because he can make the throws only when he has the time to stand up for more than two seconds. There have been plenty of players from the past like Kosar and now like Vince Young that just get the ball from point A to point B without difficulty.

    Vince has the size, speed, arm strength, and most importantly the skills to be a winner in the NFL just like college. He does not shy away from the big game, he shines in it. Sure he will need to sit and learn for a year to get reps under center and learn a pro-style offense but thats what all good QB's go through to have a break out year the next season. Chad is a Rhodes Scholar and Vince will learn much from Chad and translate that onto the field.

    Let's face it, this is Chad Pennington's last chance to shine as the JETS QB and I will be routing hard for him to have a healthy season and lead us to a Super Bowl win but he has never played a full 16 games. Drafting Vince Young and having him wait one year to learn the system and take over the following season would be great. As long as he still is on the board when our pick comes up its a no brainer in my opinion unless he is gone and Mario Williams is there.
  2. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Um.... because he'll be a really bad NFL QB?
  3. Hot Rod

    Hot Rod Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Somebody stop them before they get there and waste a trip! Young will not even be a decent QB in the NFL!!! It'll take Young more then a year just to learn how to take a snap under center!

    I know Cutler has had a losing career in college but it wasn't all his fault. He never had any talent around him like the other two. Also he did win the SEC Offensive player of the year. So I guess the SEC is just filled with a bunch of losers on Offense since he won the award! I would like to see how Young & Leinart would've done a Vanderbilt, with his supporting cast!!

    #3 Hot Rod, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2006
  4. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I am not so sure VY will be a bust. He has accomplished quite a bit and has some impressive physical tools. Any that feels certain he will be a bust is basing that on nothing.

    That said, he is not a good match for the NY Jets, and his arrival here could be the worst thing for his career and our team.

    1) He will take time to develope. This is hard to argue since he was not an under center QB and did a lot of improv on the field that will not have the same resluts against NFL defenses. Like all the scrambling QB's he will learn to be a pocket passer the easy way or the hard way (ala Ron Mexico).

    2) The overall NY market (fans, media, toy poodles ...)will not give him or the Jets FO the time he needs to develope. He better be under center in 2007 or Tangini will be burned at the stake.

    3) If we had a Kitna or a Dilfer or younger Vinny T then Young and the Jets would be a better match. Reality is that we don't have a clue what we have on the roster right now.

    Let VY go somewhere he makes sense and become another Randall Cunnningham.
  5. vilmas our future51

    vilmas our future51 New Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    im fine with drafting vince as long as he can start pretty soon and doesnt turn into a project for tangini like everyone says he will
  6. SigmaXJet

    SigmaXJet Active Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    because hes a 3 year project and you'd have to change your offense around him
  7. kingdavid88

    kingdavid88 New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    yea as good as VY can be the jets dont have the time to develope him. i ithnk i he has all the tools to be great, but then again we thought the same thing about micheal vick. VY is just a bigger faster stronger version who decided to have the best game of his life in the most important one
  8. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Vince Young will not fit in the offensive system the Jets will most likely run. Our new offensive coordinator Schottenheimer will likely implement a system similar to the one used in San Diego. This type of system is designed for a smart and efficient pocket passer, and Vince Young is the exact opposite of that. Personally, I would much rather have a team approach to winning games instead of an individual approach.
  9. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Since we have a new OC and the entire O needs to be rebuilt, what's the problem building it around a new QB who needs to develop?
  10. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    SD O was built around LT and Gates not a smart efficient pocket passer. SD may have had the most talented team in the NFL last year and they didn't make the playoffs.
  11. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    That's exactly my point. I don't think our new front office will take a player like Vince Young, who thrives under taking complete control over a game. Instead, we will focus on solidifying our OL, RB, etc, and use an efficient QB to get the job done. IMO, we need a QB who will use the talented players around him to win instead of trying to be the superstar himself.

    I think that Vince Young will be the Allen Iverson of the NFL. I will pass on that...
  12. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    SD system was built around a smart efficient QB, a great running game and a great TE and good WR and they under achieved terribly. We need a QB who is a weapon. Either they can break a game open from a scramble play or they must have a great arm and release to get the ball down the field. The efficient QB is a recipe for high level mediocrity unless you have an absolutely dominating D which we are not close to having.
    #12 winstonbiggs, Apr 19, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2006
  13. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I agree that they underachieved, but that does not mean it wasn't a recipe for success. I disagree that you need a "weapon" at QB or you will be stuck in mediocrity. Just look at the last two Super Bowl winning QB's, Big Ben and Brady. These guys are efficient QB's and they both achieved success far greater than mediocrity.
  14. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Big Ben won because he was the weapon not because he is an efficient QB. He beat Manning and Hasselback two extremely efficient QBs. Rothlisberger while not a running QB makes plays in scramble situations when plays have broken down. In the SB he had a QB rating in the 30's but made the two big plays in the game on plays that broke down. Hasselback was far more efficient and his inability to make the big play was the difference. Now granted if the officiating had been reasonable Seattle probably wins that game but Pitt was in that game even though all their weapons were taken away precisely because of Rothlisberger was a dangerous weapon who made things happen when everything was falling apart around him.

    Brady is more than just an efficient game manager he is a big time play maker and the biggest offensive weapon on the Patriots.
  15. parafly

    parafly New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I understand your viewpoint, but my stance is still the same. Take a smart and efficient QB, a couple of playmakers at the skill positions, and solid role players at the other positions, and you have yourself a winner. I just honestly can't see our new FO taking a player like Vince Young. IMO, Leinart or Cutler would be a much better fit into the philosophy that I think our coaching staff has.
  16. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I think you're probably right and I also think we may regret it terribly. I might take a shot with Cutler and hope he is Carson Palmer light
  17. JetGuru

    JetGuru New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Vince Young will become the Michael Jordan of the NFL, an amazing athlete that will redefine the position.

    If we pass on him, then it's "same old Jets" ... :sad:
  18. Hot Rod

    Hot Rod Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    There have been plenty of QBs to come into the NFL with his style of play and none of them have came close to redefining the position and neither will Young. If the Jets draft him, all I see is the first pre-season game he comes up to the line of scrimmage and lines up under the GUARD!!! He doesn't even know how to take a snap from the center!! If we draft him then it will be the "same old Jets" :lol:
  19. borna'horn

    borna'horn New Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    -There has never been someone like Vince Young coming out of college. You cannot compare him to anyone.

    -Part of the reason for his short release is that he is so strong he can use a shorter motion. The result is he is able to get passes to the receivers more quickly than most QBs. Bottom line is his pass efficiency is up with the best of them, so his throwing motion is not a problem. He obviously must be doing something right.

    -It is true that Vince took the vast majority of snaps from the shotgun, but people make it sound like he doesn't even know how to take snaps from under center. He did it in every game in college, including the Rose Bowl. Its just that it was in two back I-formation sets and not passing plays.

    -He will not be a project. He can and will start next year for someone. By his second year, he will be leading someone into the playoffs.

    -The one downside of Vince Young is that he will be your team. Just like Jordan and the Bulls, the entire image of Young's new team will be defined by him. If he goes down, the team goes down.

    -The flip side of course is that he most likely gets you W's and mega publicity. If given a choice between winning with Michael Jordan or losing with a complete team, I will take winning with Michael Jordan every time.

    -There are no guarantees in sports, but if you have followed Vince Young's career, it is hard to see him failing at any level. He is ready to hit the field and the playbook and do whatever it takes to win. He has an unquestioned work ethic and desire to win. No matter what any "expert" projects for his success in the NFL, the fact remains that Young will be the best athlete on the field whenever he is in the game.
  20. 3lixer.

    3lixer. Active Member

    Mar 12, 2006
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    VY took snaps under center his entire 4 years of high school. Plus I used to QB in HS & Juco. Taking snaps under center and getting your footwork good isn't that hard. He is gonna be a stud in the NFL. Fuck all the haters. His accuracy is good, his armstrength is good plus he can make shit happen.

    He's a taller, more accurate michael vick aka a taller marcus vick with his head screwed on

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