Tough spot for a Jets fan. The division is not 100% over, and we're tied with a team for the WC that we can't beat in a tiebreaker. If NE wins, and we win, we could be in control with 1 game to go. If NE loses and we win, we could take the division if we win in week 17 and NE loses again (against Tennessee). I say root for NE... it's going to be funny doing that... but if they do we could be in control. (I know there are chances we wouldn't be, so you do not need to go through each one)
I was thinkging the same thing. Im not sure. I guess it depends what happens with the other wild card teams too. Good post.
Tough spot indeed. I say you have to cheer for the Patriots. :sad: Odds are they will be the Titans Week 17.
I'm not sure yet who I will root for in this one. I have to go over some more tiebreaker scenarios involving all AFC teams still alive for playoff spots. The key game may be the Jacksonville at Kansas City game.
Funny, I was just about to make this thread. I choose Jacksonville because: 1. I really want a home playoff game. 2. It's hard to root for New England. It would be tough to see New England losing back to back with the division on the line, but they are playing 2 tough road games. I don't know, if the Patriots win next week I won't be that upset though. Tough Call.
I'll probably root for NE, but whatever happens will happen. Whatever the result, there'll be a positive.
If Denver ends up 10-6, we'd like KC to end up 10-6 too.. They'll beat Denver in the division tiebreaker, which gets rid of Denver. Then KC's low conference record will lose most tiebreakers. So if DEN/KC/NYJ are tied at 10-6 say, we'd go.. even though Denver/NYJ tied they'd go..
Heh. As long as we beat the Dolphins, there will be a positive. I'm pretty sure I'll be rooting for the Pats. If we only had the gametimes for Week 17 in advance, we could actually figure out if the Pats will know if they HAVE to beat the Titans to win the division in Week 17. But we don't have that luxury.
I am going to root for the Jets when they play Miami. As far as the Patriots/Jaguars game, I just hope Jax looses. Put it at that.
What have you been watching? Titans are hot. I say- DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. Root for the Jets. After next week which ever way the Patriots game turned out you'll adjust your rooting to match. Either way you have to win and that's all that matters. Focus on next week and that's it.
Root for Jacksonville hard. The Titans are on fire right now and they have exactly the kind of mobile hard to bring down QB that ties Belichik's defenses in knots. If Jacksonville beats New England next week and the Jets beat Miami the odds are better than 50/50 the Jets win the division. In the kind of glut that looks likely to happen at 10-6 many of the scenarios have the Jets sitting it out. I am going to be rooting for Jacksonville hard next week and hoping that the Jets have a shot at the division title going into week 17.
I'm rooting for a complete slugfest in jags/pats. Who ever wins, so be it. The loser might be limping into their last game.
Root for neither. Hope that the Jets win, and just let the Pats and the Jaguars play the game and adjust your expectations accordingly.
Yeah, but we'd also have to consider Jacksonville and Cincinnati being 10-6. If Denver gets to 10-6 that means they would have defeated Cincinnati, who would be 10-6 or worse. I don't know. I think I have to root for the Chiefs to lose to the Chargers tonight and to beat the Jaguars in Week 17. I haven't figured out the Week 16 Oakland game ramifications yet. There may be a scenario there were the Chiefs can actually beat the Raiders and have it help the Jets, in some weird scenario where multiple teams are tied at 9-7 for the final playoff spot. Let me just emphasize again that that would be a weird one.