Funny quote from Mangold: "I know it's the hot-button issue of the day. It's difficult to see a good beard go down. But obviously, he's a fighter. He'll get back up, and continue to work on his growth."
Awesome as someone with a similar beard let me add some insight. I sometimes do this when I feel I need a change of luck or fresh start. It's a mental thing and can really change your whole attitude/ outlook on things. Plus it will grow back in a week or 2 so you can reevaluate your situation again. I hope this means Fitz is looking for a clean slate after a rough strech.
Is that really you in your avatar? Please tell me it isn't. This isn't fucking Facebook, you mook. Go have sex with Charlie Sheen.
Hahaha. You're getting way too deep with the beard talk there boss. I have a similar beard to what Fitz had and I shave it and grow it back regularly without much thought. It does not change your whole attitude and outlook. Not at all. And it doesn't grow back in a week or two. Fitz had a good 4+ month beard going. Reevaluate your situation again? Wtf haha I am laughing right out loud at your post.
Wait, does that imply that you anally penetrate all the people you befriend on FB? Or is this just their spouses? Or are you running some sort of FB proctologist thing for friends? So how many friends do you have anyway? I'd think these would have to be a really 'special' group of people who just enjoy assing around. But there are some real advantages to this I figure. I am always meeting people and I don't know if they're full of shit, but I guess you find out right away, right? Still, I think I prefer finding out verbally instead of literally.
You really don't even exist, aside from a few half assed trollish posts. Looking at you... you're a doobie away from dying by lack of attention.
I usually like busting on you (well that didn't sound quite right), but yeah I agree...this dude is yelling for attention.
Here to talk jets not argue with 2 queers who don't even appear to be true fans, so blocked and blocked. Anyone else?
Idk what's funnier, watching this idiot give insight about shaving his beard or Geno fan boy chiming in to defend him lmfao It's like watching deaf people play musical chairs