
Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by promos, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. promos

    promos Member

    Aug 31, 2003
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    Ok let me clarify I am not a SOJ fan and don't post often. But, I have a question I would like to see discussed.

    We all know the oline sucks. But last nite I couldn't believe the mess that the Defense looked. A few plays it was like no one in the secondary knew where to line up.

    I love Rex and what he has brought to us. But, there are so many games that we just seem unprepared and undisciplined. NFL players make millions a year and should be plenty motivated to perfom. But it seems that the most consistent teams are the ones who have a hardcore coach. So I ask can we ever expect a players coach to consistently field a team that is prepared week in and week out?
  2. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    yes players coaches can certainly do so. last night we certainly sucked monkey balls, but Rex has posted as good a winning percentage as any coach in the jets history. He is still learning and we are going to get the hell over this fucking hump. We are this fucking close, last night was a big chance to make the leap, we obviously fell short through a fuckton of mistakes.

    If we eliminate the superboneheaded mistakes (like the forgetting how to line up) and mulligan 1 on 1 vs. DE's, we will be fine. We are still a good team, are we superbowl bound? after last nights performance its hard to believe we are. But the good news is we are still in the hunt, we have an easy schedule ahead of us, and its all about getting hot at the right time. the last two years we found a way to get hot at the perfect time. Hopefully we can pull it off for a third year in a row.

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