Nothing to be learned from yesterday's debacle...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Tony, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Man, yesterday was the proverbial "turd in a punchbowl". Everything that could have gone wrong did. The gameplans were awful. The execution was awful. The effort was awful.

    After a turd like that, the coaches should sit back and watch the game film once, put it away, and never look at it again. That's is the kind of game you just don't ever look back on. There is nothing to be learned from it. You just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and concentrate on the upcoming game.

    The one thing we did learn? Our Jets are not as far along as we had been led to believe. I still think we are on the verge of something special with this team. Yesterday did nothing to dissuade me from believing that. But that is just it: we are on the VERGE of something special. There is still work to be done to get us over that hump. I still believe that our OL needs some upgrading. I think Brian Winters is gonna work out just fine, and Colon can hold down the RG spot if he stays healthy, but I would like to see RT upgraded. I know many of you are sold on Howard. I am not. The whole line stunk it up yesterday something awful, which is a complete turnaround from how they dominated the second half last week. It's a good unit, but it needs some upgrading, and it has to happen this upcoming offseason.

    And although Powell and Ivory have been pretty good, I wouldn't mind seeing another RB taken on day 2 of the draft next year. I wan't a RB who can pick this team up and carry them, and we do not have that on the roster. WR simply must be the main focus. Kerley is a damn fine slot receiver, and I still hold out hope that Hill will become a reliable target. But that is really it. I have no more faith in Santonio Holmes. Cumberland either. I would have no issue with going TE in the first round. Cumberland is a good TE, but we can do better.

    And in free agency, the defense can be shored up. Pace needs to be replaced, and the secondary needs help. They need some veterans on the defense. We have the youth, now it just needs to be shored up with some veteran players in a few positions.

    The biggest thing that will help us next year is that Geno will have a full season under his belt, and it is usually sometime in the second season the game slows down for young QB's. If Geno is the player I think he is, then we will see a great improvement in his play next season.

    As I said, I think this team is on the verge of great things, and once these and a few other changes are made this offseason, then I think the Super Bowl window slams open and we become a real threat. But as much as we all wish we were there, we aren't yet, and yesterday proves that. I'm not being a pessimist or an optimist here, either, just a realist. I love what Izdik and Ryan have done this year. I just hope they can do it again this next offseason. If they do, we should have a lot of fun watching New York Jets football over the next several seasons.
  2. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I disagree with you on which tackle is shot! BRICK could have gotten Geno killed yesterday. He reminded me of a revolving door to the QB. BRICK has had a below average season this year and seems slow.

    I agree about GENO being much better next year! It will come with experience. He needs a ton of weapons on offense. I have not formed an opinion on WINTERS yet. He looked very Vlad-ish yesterday. I am unimpressed with HILL and doubt his tenacity. Who has ever seen him fight for a ball? Cumberland would not fight to get a first down last week or this week. IMO SUDFELD is a better prospect and should get increased playing time. Colon and Howard are pretty potent in the run game and why tamper with that? Howard has improved in the passing game too.

    Our running game is dependent on the OL to open holes. No back creates his own holes. Too bad Goodson was injured. We need speed on offense and lots of it. Powell looke d slower yesterday for lack of blocking! Ivory too.

    On defense we MUST get two OLBs with speed and pass rush ability. Landry is stop-gap and must be replaced. Allen is coming on with playing time. CRO is hurt but getting older. Milliner still has to prove himself. Wilson is what he is! Not much.

    We must get a punter who gets great hang time! Folk is automatic!

    IMO coaching leaves a bit to be desired. REX has to get the WHOLE team ready to come out to play! He did not adjust much at all yesterday. He kept an injured CRO on an island and you saw how that turned out. MM sometimes I wonder about his calls but the book is still open on him. 4 and 4 with a team devoid of offensive firepower and a raw QB is pretty good.

    I think the future looks bright. Talent will begin to arrive next year! Geno will have more experience and HOLMES and SANCHEZ will be gone!
  3. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    I disagree, there is plenty to be learned from that game, it was a shitfest from start to finish.
    I'll be honest with you, I'm not so in love with ANY player on this team that if they don't perform should have to earn their right to play for our team, and that includes Geno as well.
    This BS we had in TC 'QB competition' etc.... until the CS are honest with us, and the team and put the best players out there we're in a perpetual cyclone of shitty seasons.

    This 'verge' your on about isn't next season Tony. 'Verge' suggests we are 2 - 3 key players away from contesting for the prize next year. Unless the top tier teams all have cataclysmic meltdowns, this isn't happening.

    Our O line is spotty and I agree Howard is not the answer at RT and I think Winters is average right now, will he get better???
    Colon is ok and hopefully back next season, (at least). Mangold and Brick are solid as well, although Brick has had some nightmare moments. (I'd like to see us address LT in the draft)

    Totally agree about RB, its about time we had a stud HB. Its a shame that Goodson went out as he showed some really nice moves.

    Kerley is one of the best slot WRs in the league, no doubts there.
    Holmes back next year I would be fine with, largely as a mentor.
    Hill, I'm just not sure what his problem is. He looks and plays nervous and doesn't use his big frame and long arms. He has all the tools but doesn't use them.
    Ha ha, you don't like Cumberland??? He's been one of our best performers. I don't understand why you don't have any faith in him.

    I would take WR/HB/TE or OLB in the first 3 rounds. (We have 1st, 2nd and 2 X 3rd round picks)

    I want to see either a decent Vet QB come in or draft another and have an OPEN and FAIR QB competition, no more awarding jobs aka : Sanchez.

    I like what the CS are doing as well and think thus far Idzek is doing a good job, steady but unspectacular.
    Next season I think we build more through the draft, remain patient and 2015 look to finally compete for real.
    IMHO we are NOT on the verge of anything other than mediocrity. :jets:
  4. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Secondary is horrible starting with Landry, including Wilson and Milliner
  5. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Thats probably the bunch there, possibly Cro as well, but he's banged up so thats maybe unfair.
    Walls, Lankster and Trufant look to be good young talent.
    Antonio Allen and Jaiquawn Jarrett also look good. Bush has had flashes and I would like to see more of him.
    Landry has been very disappointing.
  6. b.reyes16

    b.reyes16 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2012
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    I dont understand Hill sometimes. He's very aggressive after the catch, but I wish he was more aggressive attacking the football in the air. His hands have been much better, but he needs to be more of a RZ threat with his size.
  7. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Trying to find better pictures, he rarely extends his arms and attacks the ball.
    and quite often bounce off his pads.
    Yet in training he does this...
  8. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    BRICK has regressed and is not solid at all! Its a given that we will improve our talent level in the skill positions. Also OLB and secondary. That will bring us to a different level and its not mediocrity. We now have Garrard and he is decent a vet QB as we will find when healthy, which he apparently is. But next season GENO will have weapons and experience. He could be a vastly improved QB. Cumberland should be called CHARMIN! He is soft and will not fight for an extra yard to get a first down. he did that vs NE and again: yesterday. Stats are for losers. its how they play the game on the field that counts. Because he has a few catches and TDs from well placed passes from a strong armed QB, it does not make him good. He still can't block worth a darn and will not fight for extra yardage. He has to go!
    #8 Kentucky Jet, Oct 28, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2013
  9. Mitch_Dumstein

    Aug 28, 2013
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    one game


    move on

    Bring on the Aints
  10. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    We're picking holes in our O line here, that saying "You're as strong as your weakest link..." rings true here.
    We all know that LT is probaly the most difficult position to play on the O line and we've been spoilt by the years of great play that Brick has provided. Having Vlad and now Bri play beside him won't have helped in the least.
    The biggest issues the O line have are consistency and confidence.

    How many snaps do you think DG will last in the current set-up? He has been an outstanding player for years but has virtually no mobility now which as Geno has shown is key for us keeping plays alive. Nice guy, good pro but really should retire.

    Make your mind up about Cumberland : " Because he has a few catches and TDs from well placed passes from a strong armed QB, it does not make him good....."
    Sounds good to me. You are selling him short on his blocking duties, again this pertains to O line problems as well.

    We aren't even mediocre yet. Atl , Jax and TB are bad teams, we are just better than them.
  11. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Nice post Tony. It's the reality of the situation.

    I see the Jets as set at only a few positions on offense at this point. I see Mangold as the center and the undisputed leader of that unit. D'Brick is one of those guys where if he just has to do his job he's a plus player but if he is getting stretched thin, well he's barely average at that point. Kerley is a good slot receiver.

    Everybody else on the offense is either young and learning, damaged goods or post-prime and in decline. Some of them are in a couple of the categories above.

    So that side of the team is likely to look very different in a year or two.

    The defense has more pieces in place and is more structurally sound. The Jets defense is built from the ball out and has good to potentially great players up the middle. That's where the core of the team is.

    11 draft picks next year. Maybe 4 starters likely to come out of that and a couple of strong role players. That's the team that is going to get the Jets back in the thick of things. This year is about watching some very talented young players either prove out or become part of the talent base for next year's competition.

    Our worst case scenario is that Geno can't settle down given the other talent issues on that side of the ball. In that case the phony competition at QB this year will lead to a very real one next season.
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    There is something to be learned, it's about preparation and not getting too high or too low. The game film itself can almost be thrown out but I hope they learned something.
  13. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    These players mentioned (Hill, Milliner, Landry, Wilson), just aren't very good. Borderline terrible. Hopefully Hill and Milliner will improve in time, the other two might not have time. We will see.
  14. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    We have good complimentary players at receiver. If we had a true number 1 receiver that would take pressure off Geno and it opens up opportunities for Kerley and Hill to make plays.
  15. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I do not agree that we are that close to a complete team. For that to happen you need to have a lot of things in place as it is only so much you can fix in between seasons. And ususally when you fix something, the other pieces start moving.

    Therefore our 2 1-rounds picks on CBs will cost us dearly, and will prevent us being a top team.

    The only facet of the team that is in shape for next year , in my opinion, is the DL and middle linebackers, as well as Oline (i know, but it is ok). Everywhere else we could need improvements costing picks (successful) and FAs. Hope for Geno to be good enough and possibly the running backs.
    That is just not good enough for a true contender.
    We have just not done a good enough job in the draft to be a few pieces away!
  16. Jets-N-Terps

    Jets-N-Terps Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    They may be on the verge of being decent, but they are far from being on the verge of a championship team. the secondary is atrocious. Milliner is looking like he wasn't nearly worth the 1st round pick spent on him, and Cromartie's hands on approach down the field is starting to get called more regularly.

    The offense is really bad - just awful. It's one thing to score against the pats with their best players out on defense, but against a good D with a very good line like the bengals?? The jets were exposed and couldn't do ANYTHING.
  17. gsulli5861

    gsulli5861 New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    Hard not to overreact but we shouldn't. Bengals have much more talent than the Jets. They have plenty of speed on offense and really the Jet's have very little speed. Next offense needs to be all about playmakers.
  18. klecko73

    klecko73 Guest

    We learned alot yesterday:

    #1 - Geno is still a rookie QB that will make rookie mistakes.
    #2 - There are simply not enough offensive skill weapons.
    #3 - The offensive line is experiencing growing pains w/ Winters at LG and the play of Brick and Mangold is suffering.
    #4 - The defense needs an outside speed pass rusher and a safety.
    #5 - The Jets are not one trade away from making the playoffs. This will put to rest all the media BS about making a trade.
    #6 - The Jets are going to have a crap load of salcap room and 12 DPs to continue to rebuild the roster.
    #7 - Those young players learned that being embarrassed isn't fun. Now we get to see how they respond this week.
  19. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    It was one game, it happens. Didnt the Jets dismantle the Colts at home and they ended up in the playoffs? Didnt the Giants dismantle the 49ers and Packers last season? both ended up in the playoffs.

    Its just one loss, they beat us up on all phases.
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    One game. Runaway games like this happen. One team gets up early and puts the other on its heels, then they try to catch up and things get worse. Before long you're in such a hole that no matter what you do, it turns to shit. The other team is having fun now, playing over-the-top aggressive with house money and nothing to lose. And so it piles on.

    We're not the team we thought we were but we're not as bad as the 40-point drubbing says we are.

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