I don’t think he’s a very good coach, but the general media and Broncos ownership def owes him an apology. He was put through the ringer last season. Firing a first year coach before the season ends was unheard of. Russell Wilson is clearly a player who relied heavily on his superior athleticism to play NFL QB at a high level. He’s not the same level athlete in his mid 30s and thus not as effective a QB.
There is literally a Hackett thread one mouse scroll or finger swipe down. Holy fuck. https://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/nathaniel-hackett-o.99262/page-5#post-4350807
I think it has to do with the thread count. Just a guess tho and I personally don’t have a problem with you…
Just find a thread with the topic you want to talk about and discuss it. You start a thread with every thought that pops into your head. It reeks of being an attention whore. If you were trying to fit it, just jump into one of the seven threads discussing Hackett and the offense we’ve had open the past 5 weeks.
Stop making threads about every random thought that pops Into your head. Engage with the forum, have meaningful debates with others on your views. Stop trashing everything that you can, It's okay to be a Darksider, It's not cool to be a troll. There Is a difference. Just flow with things, stop forcing things. I think It's great you want to fit In but you don't have to try so hard, just be engaging, don't be a troll, and stop making a new thread every day about random thoughts you have. Easy.
I asked you privately to change course. Evidently you didn't get the message. Why are people so mean to you? Look at the tone of all your posts and your answer lies there. Lighten up man. Stop starting so many threads and perhaps keep your darksider tendencies under better control. If you choose to continue your present course, you will be permabanned and there will be no reprieve. Consider this your final warning.. MGMT.