Correct. A more interesting question: will Ferguson become the highest paid left tackle in the history of the NFL? ADDED: Actually, I'm not so sure about Mangold. Management might ask him to take one for the team this season before getting him next year. He is scheduled to make 3.3; that's not bad...
Mangold will be paid. I'm guessing we'll see a bunch of heavily front loaded long term deals for our young studs this off season.
I believe they will get Mangold extended. They have a lot of expensive young talent to re-sign in the upcoming year. Let's hope they can get things done.
I doubt it. He'll get a good contract, but he's not close to the best at his position at this point and I doubt the Jets will pay him as if he is. If there is an uncapped year next year look for the Jets to sign several of their players to heavily frontloaded deals, not in terms of bonus but in terms of 1st year salary. There are restrictions in place to prevent teams from doing this with free agents in the event of an uncapped year but I believe they do not apply to re-signing your own players. As an example: the Jets could sign Revis to a 6 year 90 million dollar contract with a first year salary of 30 million, a bonus of 30 million and 5 years at 6 million apiece. That would give him a cap number in 2011 (assuming we have a cap that year) of 11 million and the same moving forward. It would give Revis a 60 million dollar windfall next season and the ability to absolutely secure his future.
As Deon Sanders always says about Joshua Cribbs "Pay the Man" We need to lock up Mangold and Revis for a long time.
Tanny has always been ahead of the curve when there was a cap. I think he will figure a way to get our key players signed without it hurting us down the road. The Jets won't be able to spend much in FA this year as well. If there is no cap, there might be a window where teams might be able to pay players what they deserve, and have no penalties down the road. On the other hand, if there is a lock out in 2011, teams could really get burned if they front load contracts in 2010. What worries me more is the damned PSL's. Will Woody keep the check book open if the slow sales continue? How worried is he about a lock out in 2011? Combined with slow PSL sales? I don't think he is afraid to spend because if the Jets are a SB contender he makes a lot more money. But, the future of the NFL is very much up in the air now.
I'm fairly certain the restrictions only apply to players due free agency, regardless of which team they played for the previous season. That's great news for us, since every single player we'd like to negotiate with is locked up for 2010. As far as 2011, I'd be very surprised if we had a strict cap. If the cap returns at that point, I envision a gradually diminishing number of exemptions to help teams adjust to and get under the cap. Giving big contracts to Revis and Mangold would likely be covered for at least the beginning of those contracts. I agree wholeheartedly with you that it's the best move for this team right now.
So we are going to have: 1) Highest paid CB in the NFL 2) Highest paid C 3) Highest paid ILB-duo 4) Top 5 paid LT I hope we have the money...!
Faneca sucked all year until the he was voted PRO-Bowl then he was playing lights out. Maybe he just coasted the whole season and turned it up a notch for the playoff run, who knows but you can't be suckin most of the season dude.
I'm with Br4dw4y in terms of front-loading. If this is a capless year, you have to heavily invest now, and just cross your fingers that football doesn't wind up with a work stoppage. No way Mangold doesn't get paid as the best in the game. The flat truth is that he is.
If it's allowable, I'm sure Mike Tannenbaum will work some magic. Say what you want about Woody, but he's been willing to open up his pockets. Hopefully, that's the case this offseason. If we can't get UFAs, get me some big names released from other squads, and get our own studs under long-term control. Mangold should be locked up. Biggest deal in NFL history for a center? I don't care, he's worth it. Same with Revis.
Here we go. Here comes the team guy qualities of the Jets now, making sure the payroll is as high as possible so they can't add anyone part of the program.
But... I'll say it again... with the slow PSL sales, will Woody aprove an unlimited budget? With the threat of a lockout looming for 2011 to boot? How far will he extend himself financially, given these two very large considerations? How much of a riverboat gambler is Woody? Bet all the chips on no work stoppages? There has been NO movement with negotiations for a new CBA. None. They aren't even having meetings. How deep is Woody willing to dig into his pockets? Gamble on improved PSL sales? The guy is rich, but will he risk it all? How over financed is the franchise now with a new stadium? And poor PSL sales?