Let's discuss Michael Turner

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by PennyandtheJets, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    He has been mentioned in numerous threads throughout the board so I thought maybe we should have one specifically for him since their are indications that the Jets will pursue a trade with the Chargers to acquire him.

    Michael Turner's age, height and weight
    He turns 25 on February 13th. He is 5-10 and weighs 237 pounds.

    What kind of stats did Michael Turner put up this year?
    During the regular season Turner compiled 80 carries for 502 yards. He averaged over 6 yards per carry and his longest run of the season was 73 yards.

    His receiving numbers were low becasue Ladainian Tomlinson is man, but when he did catch the ball he made plays catching 3 passes for 47 yards.

    Throughout his career he has only fumbled the ball one time in 157 carries. The one fumble was during his rookie season.

    What does Michael Truner bring to the table?
    He is a big, fast, hard running and smart. He was also given the chance to be a back up for three full seasons and got to learn from the games best Runningback. Alot of players are forced into starting roles, but Turner got the chance to learn. He also doesn't have alot of wear and tear which is always a plus when dealing with Runningbacks. Another great positive is that Brian Schottenheimer got to see Michael Turner up close and probably knows whether or not he has what it takes.

    What would it cost the Jets to get him?
    As of right now Michael Turner is a RFA and the Chargers will more then likely sign him to a first round tender which would force a team to give the Chargers a first round pick if they signed him. The Jets will probably look to trade one of their second rounders. MAYBE a player like Cedric Houston or a low round pick as well. If a trade was completed the Jets would re-sign Turner to a long term contract.

    The Jordan comparisons are unfair[b/]
    Lamont Jordan was in the same situation as Turner...backing up a Future Hall of famer. Alot of people expected huge things from Jordan when he arrived in Oakland. The reason why Jordan could not produce was because the Raiders have a horrible offensive line. Jordan has all the physical skills you look for in a back. The same can be said for Turner.

    What do you think of brining in Turner to be the Jets Runningback? If you do want him, why? If you don't want him explain why and tell us who you would want instead.

    Let the debate begin.
  2. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    You all the nails on the head. I don't think there is much of a reason NOT to bring him in. I do believe it will cost us a 2nd round pick too because SD will put the 1st round tender on him. I also believe that Lamont is getting a bad rap. His first season in Oakland was very successful. He battled injuries and a horrible OL in Oakland this year.
  3. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Regardless of how bad Jordan's line was, he hasn't been able to survive the NFL season, since he hadn't been a feature back in four years. Turner is coming up on four, and the reason his stats are so inflated is because teams are worn out by the time he gets into the game. You can argue all you want about him "learning," but it's not like quarterback. There's only so much you can learn from a runningback, then from there your instincts and physical assets have to take over. He's a physical runningback, but we're not giving up a first rounder for someone to split carries. The guy is three years into the league, if we're really going to give up that much for a runningback, draft someone fresh out of college with more potential because of the age difference.

    He's not worth a first rounder. Build up the offensive line, and add a back thats used to taking a lot of carries to go along with Leon in the late second/third round, and go on from there. That makes my point Murrell. LaMont has had the injury bug, because he wasn't used to taking the beating. It's his legs and his shoulders that keep getting beat up, because after three years of not taking twenty carries a game, and thirty hits in that game at fullspeed, your endurance starts to digress.
  4. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    To me its a no-brainer. We have two 2nd round picks. We can easily afford to give up one of them to get a franchise back. I dont want another old/washed up RB like Barlow. Heck we gave up a 4th round pick for him and a 2nd rounder would be too much for Turner? Are you kidding?
  5. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Find me a Rb with his potential that we could get with one of our 2nd round picks. Peterson & Lynch as of right now will be gone by our 1st round pick & Bush will most likely be gone by our high 2nd. Those are the only RBs that come close to Turners potential.

    He will come in as fresh as a rookie and already knowing our O. I think the only question aT this point is if we could get him for a 2nd.
  6. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Just a couple of guys that sat for a few years before getting a chance and became very good backs.

    Ahman Green
    Rudi Johnson
    Tiki Barber
    Larry Johnson
  7. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    You bring up a good point Vilma, look at Chester Taylor in Minnesota...After backing up Jamal Lewis for a few years in Baltimore, He kicked ass for most of his first year as a starter, then hit the wall towards the end of the season. I do however expect him to last longer next year once he is used to the rigors of a full season. Concurrently, I trust B-Schott's judgement, and would expect the same type of curve were to sign Turner. I would be happy with him or Portis next year, with Turner having more upside and Portis being more prove, we can't go wrong either way.
  8. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Problem is, that he's not as fresh as a rookie, and he won't be able to step right in, and take 300 carries right off the bat without getting hurt. He's just not used to it. Yes he's played football, and yes he conditions, but that's nothing like the beating you take week in and week out at a gametime speed, that same gametime speed that he's seen with approximatley less then four carries a game. My problem is not Michael Turner. I think he'd be an excellent acquisition, my problem is the price, for a product that is nowhere near proven to run efficiently and consistantly week in and week out.

    He doesn't know our offense, because Brian Schottenheimer did not run our offense in San Diego. He was merely the quarterbacks coach, and while they may have been good friends, that shows me nothing on the field in terms of a relationship. All the relation between Schottenheimer and Turner can do, is tell us how good Turner practiced against the second teamers. When's the last time you saw San Diego run that much motion in their offense? Never, because Cam Cameron has run the entire offense four out of his five years in San Diego. There are successful runningbacks in the NFL, that aren't anything particularly special as far as physical skills go. Turner is appealing to everyone because he has the prototypical runningback size with above average speed. Problem is, that today the NFL is filled with runningbacks who rely on their offensive line to open multiple holes, and then let the back pick the hole they want to run through. As long as you have a runningback with a sudden burst, all you need is an offensive line that can blast open holes. We need those picks, because we simply have too many holes to be throwing them away for a runningback that's never been a starting in this league, and averages four friggain touches a game.
  9. dbatesman

    dbatesman New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    1. People act like Lamont's poor season is based on circumstance (backing up Curtis) instead of reality (he's just not as good as people thought). Just because Turner is in a similar situation doesn't mean things will end up the same way.

    2. I agree we need to build up the offensive line--but whether we do or not, if we don't get a franchise RB, get ready for another season of being stacked at the line.

    3. I think you make a good point about Turner not taking a beating in a few years, and in fact this is the only good argument I've heard against trading for him.

    4. Most importantly: you said we should "add a back thats used to taking a lot of carries to go along with Leon in the late second/third round," as if franchise backs are a dime a dozen in the middle rounds of the draft. Who specifically are you talking about?

    I don't feel strongly one way or the other about Turner; I think he's probably superior to any back in this draft (except for Peterson and Lynch), but his age and lack of experience bother me. My ideal scenario is Michael Bush falling to us at #38. But if Mangini likes Turner, then that works too.
  10. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    you could add Priest Holmes to that list..
  11. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    And what's the parallel to these backs? Other then Larry Johnson (who the Chiefs drafted), none of these guys were worth a second round pick, much less even a friggain fifth. They were all career backups who had their time to shine, but Larry Johnson, Priest Holmes, Rudi Johnson, and Ahman Green all had great lines. It wasn't until recently when Tiki Barber found major success when his line drastically improved as run blockers.
  12. sunnygs97

    sunnygs97 New Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    OK I'm not going to lie here... I don't know a whole lot about Michael Turner, and that's why I'm going to ask a few questions.

    1. He seems pretty jacked... is he a power back or a speed back? I saw that he runs a 4.45 40-yard dash, but my gut tells me that his muscle makes him look like a bulldozing RB.

    2. How are his cuts, jukes, spins, etc?

    I still feel like I want Clinton Portis more than Michael Turner, only because I know that Portis has already established himself as being able to put together a Pro-Bowl season as the starting running back.
  13. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    It is not one or the other bro, we need a top notch Rb and we need some more OLine help. RB is a high priority, a first day pick will be used to fill the hole.

    Bottomline is if we could get Turner for a 2nd, you won't find a Rb in the 2nd with as much potential..
  14. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Assuming Michael Bush, Kenny Irons, and Gary Russell are all second-third rounders, you're correct. You'll find a back with more.

    Can't forget that Portis might be on the market as well. Portis > Turner. You just don't give up that high of a draftpick for an unproven commodity. I doubt Mangini would pull the trigger anyway, since I doubt him and Tannenbaum want to throw that cap money around at a bunch of players that haven't found starting jobs yet.
  15. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Michael Bush is debateable( right now I don't think he'll be available in the second anyway) but Kenny Irons doesn't even sniff Turners potential & Russell:lol: no need to even comment on that one.
  16. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    You stated that Brian Schottenheimer and Turner didn't have a relationship. I never said that they had ANY relationship. I simply stated that Brian had front row seats in practices and games.

    You also stated that a 1st rounder was too much. I never said I wanted to trade a first rounder for Turner. I said that the Chargers would sign him to a first round tender and then the Jets and Chargers would work out a trade.

    For those of you worried about his age...Why are you worried? He is going to be 25 which gives him 5 years with the Jets before he hits 30. I don't see how his age can be a problem.

    As for his lack of experience, yes you pose a great argument. Then again, what rookie coming out this year will have the experience of carrying a team 16 or more games during the course of an NFL season? None of them do...thats the answer. If you arent comfortable with Turner as our starter, you souldn't be comfortable with a rookie starting either.
  17. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I wasn't just specifically responding to you, so don't act like I was. You surely saw other posts within this thread implying that he would know the offense, and that it would take a higher pick to get him. Unless it's a third rounder or lower, I don't want him.

    I'd much rather a rookie runner, who coming out of college, has consistantly been able to show me durability for a year or two, then Turner who hasn't done it in three years. No rookie back has proven that he can take a sixteen schedule, but most rookie backs have proven that they can take a beating of two hundred fifty carries or more, regardless of the length of games. NFL scout's didn't like Turner coming out of college either, if you want to put him in the same place as these rookie runners are. His problem? He gets happy feet into the hole, and slows down. Sure he's great in the open field, but just because he's 230, doesn't mean he's great in between the tackles. I'm not saying that he's a whimp, but the term I'd use is "pussyfooting" into the holes. If nothings there, he'll back into it, instead of going head down and trying to create. There's a reason he shattered Northern Illinois rushing records, and came close to leading NCAAF in rushing, yet was a fifth round draft pick.
  18. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I wasn't acting as if you were specifically responding to me...I thought you were specifically responding to me. :rolleyes:
  19. Jonathan_Vilma

    Jonathan_Vilma Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    However there is no rebuttle for my last post?
  20. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    Keep in mind I am not against the Jets taking a rookie...I am just in favor of Michael Turner...If the Jets like a RB in the draft to be the franchise back so be it.

    The two guys that should be available at our pick are Irons and Bush...Do you like those two guys or someone else?

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